MD & DO How to be able to focus on studying for a long time

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Mar 23, 2017
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M2 going through perhaps the toughest block of preclinical curriculum thus far (Head&Neck/Neuro). I do not think I have ADHD/ADD or any disorders that impact focus and attention. However, recently I have noticed that I struggle with staying engaged with really tough subject matter for extended periods of time. Like if I listen to 2 dense lectures or watch a few B&B videos full of new concepts, my brain kinda starts to check out for the rest of the day. I'd become unable to focus my attention on the content for longer than like 10 minutes even if I take breaks. If I still had like 3 more lectures or 200 Anki cards I want to get through I would be barely able to do any of it. I honestly don't understand how my classmates study for the entire day and get so much done including research and other stuff. This block has been really fast-paced so I am falling behind more than usual. Was wondering if anyone has ever felt the same and if you have any way around it.

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leaving phone at home. Go to a place in library where everybody would see what you’re browsing on the web.

Most of the people studying all day without breaks are probably on adderall or vyvanse tbh
M2 going through perhaps the toughest block of preclinical curriculum thus far (Head&Neck/Neuro). I do not think I have ADHD/ADD or any disorders that impact focus and attention. However, recently I have noticed that I struggle with staying engaged with really tough subject matter for extended periods of time. Like if I listen to 2 dense lectures or watch a few B&B videos full of new concepts, my brain kinda starts to check out for the rest of the day. I'd become unable to focus my attention on the content for longer than like 10 minutes even if I take breaks. If I still had like 3 more lectures or 200 Anki cards I want to get through I would be barely able to do any of it. I honestly don't understand how my classmates study for the entire day and get so much done including research and other stuff. This block has been really fast-paced so I am falling behind more than usual. Was wondering if anyone has ever felt the same and if you have any way around it.
Space repetition drives learning. You have to take breaks!
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You need significant breaks between lectures—exercise, eat a meal, whatever.
It’s really a grind. Even for high performers, the time was probably amongst the most miserable times of their life. Just figure it out. Everyone has to. It’s the last time in your life you’re going to be expected to do this so frequently with stakes this high.

The secret to it is that there’s no secret. Yes, stimulants I have heard helped some people. One of my friends said they basically put you in this different world where all the material seems fascinating and you literally feel there’s nothing to do but study. It sounds great and if you really think you have some adhd you can consider it, but chances are you don’t have clinically significant adhd if you’ve made it this far and that you’re only feeling deficient relevant to your peers.

We all have different strengths in this world. Unfortunately in medical school everyone is kind of put in this box where we are all held to the same standards. Once you’re out of school, find yours and play to them.
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I have heard helped some people. One of my friends said they basically put you in this different world where all the material seems fascinating and you literally feel there’s nothing to do but study.
This is probably true but as somebody who used to be prescribed, there’s still no free lunch. In other words, adderall/vyvanse crash is usually so bad that productivity declines the day or two (sometimes even three or four depending on the dose and dose rate) after taking really eat into the gains that one makes while on the meds.

Not to mention the lack of sleep. Most psych NPs/PAs who write stimulant scripts like candy will end up pairing it with a benzo or seroquel. Then one basically becomes a poly-drug addict. If one doesn’t have adhd, better to stay away or get it only from MD or DO psychiatrist
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For everyone saying stimulants, they work like that maybe once or twice, then it's more like coffee. I gave it a go when I was diagnosed with ADHD after college. First time I took too much. Was basically high for several hours, didn't eat, got way too hungry, and felt awful. No studying done. Second time was like a dream. Studied for hours and never got bored. Third time was nothing like the second and more just a muted version of day 1. Nowadays I can basically get in one miracle study day on Adderall and then tolerance kicks in and it's basically just coffee that doesn't have you running to the bathroom every hour.

Also totally agree with @voxveritatisetlucis on the NPs. They dole it out like candy and their PE overlords have them doing 5 minute monthly appointments for prescription renewal. My record is 2 minutes and 34 seconds on Zoom before the psych NP was pushing me off the call. Super dangerous if you ask me. If I hadn't been prescribed from an MD at first I'd think this was a very casual drug and probably not think twice about abusing it.