Medical Leave of Absence after M1

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Jun 11, 2010
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My first year of medical school has been very hard and I have lost 6 family and friends since starting medical school. I have not been dealing with my feelings well and am about to get my second professional concern note for crying and being upset. If I get three it will end up on my MSPE. I was thinking about taking a leave of absence to deal with the loss after my M1 year. I am in the middle of my class around 52-48th percentile. What are the consequences of doing this? I don't want anything competitive (maybe IM or neurology since I ended up really liking those blocks).

Any advice would be great. I acknowledge I need to deal with my emotions and would like to get ahold of them before continuing with medical school.

Very, very sorry to hear about this. LOAs are for exactly what you've gone through.

Take the time off, go grieve and heal, then come back stronger.

This will NOT be held against you by PDs

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