Non-Trad’s First Post

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Feb 22, 2024
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Hi everyone,

First off, I just want to say that I am thrilled to be posting here. I’ve viewed these forums for years, and have always found them interesting and informative.

I am a 40-year old lawyer who has decided to make a career change. I was recently accepted to medical school and am quite honored to have been considered. Honestly I thought my age would have perhaps been a problem for the admissions committee.

Today is a big day for me and I’m going out with my wife and daughter to celebrate tonight. This is certainly going to be a big change; I’ve been extremely successful as a lawyer and am a partner at my firm. That said, we only get this one life to live and I’d like to follow my dreams.

Any insights from any of you about being an older non-trad are quite welcome. Anyway, I just wanted to share a bit of my joy with you all here. My wife baked me a cake tonight that reads “MD” with a big heart around it.

I’d love to chat with any of you fellow non-trads.

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Brother, congratulations - This must have been a crazy journey for you. Hope you guys have a wonderful celebration.
My wife got me Panera mac n' cheese as a congratulations on my recent acceptance, still waiting on the cake... :cryi:

I am just about to turn 29 after a 8 year career in diagnostic laboratory science. While I am certainly still under the larger part of the bell curve as far as age goes, the advice I would give to you is certainly universal to all - to take care of yourself like you are someone you are responsible for caring for. Your mental health, your physical health, and spiritual&emotional health. All of those are going to be contributing factors to your success and progression in medical school. I'm sure you have some great established habits currently as a father and husband, but there is going to be a lot of exciting change happening.

Congratulations again, after your MD you may have to consider becoming an astronaut!
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Brother, congratulations - This must have been a crazy journey for you. Hope you guys have a wonderful celebration.
My wife got me Panera mac n' cheese as a congratulations on my recent acceptance, still waiting on the cake... :cryi:

I am just about to turn 29 after a 8 year career in diagnostic laboratory science. While I am certainly still under the larger part of the bell curve as far as age goes, the advice I would give to you is certainly universal to all - to take care of yourself like you are someone you are responsible for caring for. Your mental health, your physical health, and spiritual&emotional health. All of those are going to be contributing factors to your success and progression in medical school. I'm sure you have some great established habits currently as a father and husband, but there is going to be a lot of exciting change happening.

Congratulations again, after your MD you may have to consider becoming an astronaut!
Thank you so much for such a kind reply. The people in this forum are so darn positive! Congratulations on your MD as well my friend (and your Mac and cheese - that stuff is great at Panera).
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Hi everyone,

First off, I just want to say that I am thrilled to be posting here. I’ve viewed these forums for years, and have always found them interesting and informative.

I am a 40-year old lawyer who has decided to make a career change. I was recently accepted to medical school and am quite honored to have been considered. Honestly I thought my age would have perhaps been a problem for the admissions committee.

Today is a big day for me and I’m going out with my wife and daughter to celebrate tonight. This is certainly going to be a big change; I’ve been extremely successful as a lawyer and am a partner at my firm. That said, we only get this one life to live and I’d like to follow my dreams.

Any insights from any of you about being an older non-trad are quite welcome. Anyway, I just wanted to share a bit of my joy with you all here. My wife baked me a cake tonight that reads “MD” with a big heart around it.

I’d love to chat with any of you fellow non-trads.
That awesome man congratulations! I am 37 and just decided to go for it a few months ago and will apply next year and it is always motivating to hear stories like yours. Thank you for sharing and congratulations again.
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