Pharmacy PA MPJE_ Advice how to study?

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I recently bought Musheno's study materials (about 200 pages long). I learn by taking notes and reviewing them, but unfortunately it's taking along time to get through his materials and my exam is in 2 weeks. I'm panicking that I won't have enough time to finish his book. I have my law class notes from 2017 (he was also my professor) and was not sure if I'll be safe just studying those and taking his practice exam online. I'm not sure if anyone studied old notes and passed the PA MPJE. I will greatly appreciate any tips/ advice. Thank you.
(Licensed in PA though more a decade ago). You have to get the federal part of the exam right. Make sure you know your DEA Pharmacists Manual and the PA differences for e-prescribing and CS handling. I'd probably brush up on recordkeeping and manufacturing vs. compounding (PA has odd laws with respect to this). I did not find it an unusually difficult exam comparatively to other states.

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