WAMC - rural, 506mcat, 2.99sgpa 3.35cgpa 3.49masters gpa

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7+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2016
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Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!
Have already applied to my in-state DOs via TMDSAS as well as one MD school I did research and shadowed at.

  1. GPA: 2.99 science gpa from my undergrad (super sad but I literally never took high school science classes lol lol) 3.35cgpa. 3.49 SMP GPA, with strong upward trend.
  2. unfortunately the 506 is a retake from a 495->498->506 which I'm aware is a red flag. 506 breakdown is 125/130/124/127
  3. State of residence Texas
  4. Ethnicity and/or race ORM
  5. Undergraduate institution private school in TX - think TCU/SMU/Rice/Baylor
  6. Clinical experience (volunteer and non-volunteer) Candy striper from age 14-21, worked as an EMR, worked as a medical receptionist, volunteered at Covid vaccine drive throughs, volunteered at free medical clinic, volunteered with rodeo medical team. Helped local diabetes foundation fundraise for a 5K that would benefit the foundation and ran in the 5k several years to raise money.
  7. Research Did research for two months at a lab affiliated with a TX med school, did research with prof from my undergrad until covid shut the lab down. No publications but a lot of poster presentations.
  8. Shadowing experience and specialties represented I've shadowed a OBGYN, Family Med, GI, General Surgery, Ortho, Pulm, Sleep medicine, OMF, you name it I've shadowed it lol. I did a shadowing externship where we went all around a teaching hospital and shadowed physicians. I've shadowed at least 5 DOs and 9 MDs I'd say.
  9. Non-clinical volunteering- help teach elderly technology, helped 4-H kids show livestock, lots of food/clothing drives, cleaned a DV shelter with my sorority, led library storytime etc
  10. Other extracurricular activities Young Life Leader, Risk Management Committee Head for my sorority, AMWA, BSM, Christian Prehealth Fellowship, MedLife member etc. Published author in several magazines but not sure if that counts for anything ha.
  11. Relevant honors or awards RodeoHouston Scholar, Myra Miller Christian Leadership Award, won a business ethics competition and got a scholarship for it
  12. Anything else I'm ORM but from a very rural HPSA area, my hometown doesn't have a physician. I would love to apply to schools with a rural med focus but am happy going absolutely anywhere that will accept me lol. I want to come back and be a small town doctor someday! I feel like I have a strong story - I was homeschooled in a very rural area and not educated past the sixth grade, really struggled in college and worked hard to overcome that. My most recent 30 science hours are a 3.6 and I have a strong upward trend. So far I've added DMU, Arkansas (ARCOM, NYITCOM-AR), AT Still KCOM, KYCOM, WVCOM since they have a rural focus or my stats align with them. My masters GPA will be closer to 3.5 by the time I graduate, and it is all first-year med school courses such as histo, path and neuroanatomy. I have worked all through college and worked during my masters program as well.

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Please edit your post to match the below template (with an hour breakdown):

I suggest adding these schools to your application:
PCOM Georgia and South Georgia
LECOM (all schools)
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I suggest adding these schools to your application:
PCOM Georgia and South Georgia
LECOM (all schools)
thank you so much!
Please edit your post to match the below template (with an hour breakdown):

just did!! thank you!