Medical What schools should I apply to?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Hello, I just want to ask a question about what schools I should look off based upon my stats. I have a great cGPA (3.983) and I would say my extracicrular activities are good as well. The problem comes from my MCAT (502).
I guess my question surrounds, should I look at schools based off my MCAT or GPA, as my GPA is great and my MCAT limits down my school choices. Or do I need to weight them both?

Ill give an example, I am really interested in Thomas Jefferson, my GPA fits, but my MCAT is too low. Should I remove this school or keep it in hopes that they will view my app?

Your MCAT. This will screen you out of nearly every MD school.

Apply broadly to DO.

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On an app, everything is a continuum but only to a point. You can be a little weak in certain areas if you make up for it by being stronger in others, but you need to meet some minimum level in all areas.

Have to be honest, that MCAT is just poison, as it's going to be a standard deviation below every MD school. Standardized testing is going to be a major part of your med school and beyond, and no matter how smart you may be in coursework, you need to show that you can excel in high-stakes testing situations. You can fire apps to your state schools depending on residence, but you need to focus on DO or repeating MCAT.
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