Recent content by kpax18

  1. kpax18

    COMLEX II Finished!

    just the viscero-somatic stuff should suffice the bare minimum i think
  2. kpax18

    Dr. Will on Big Brother TV fyi
  3. kpax18

    COMLEX II Finished!

    anyone thinks the nbome released practice bookelt helped at all?
  4. kpax18

    USMLE World Scores and Step II Scores

    just out of curiosity, is it "better" to do UW in tutor mode where you can look over the questions and answers carefully, or do them in 46q block where you can get a real sense of timing and efficiency..
  5. kpax18

    USMLEworld subject representation?

    you can also chk the beginning part when you create the test and see how many qs are in each section. yes, ob and peds are big ones
  6. kpax18

    USMLE World Scores and Step II Scores

    haha, nice i suppose the same can be applied to comlex, 2.3(UW %) + 302 :p :D (not really working the same way) i guess that equation makes things just a little bit reassuring...
  7. kpax18

    USMLE World Scores and Step II Scores

    heh, thats an interesting equation, where did you get that?
  8. kpax18

    USMLE World Scores and Step II Scores

    anymore COMLEX scores with UW correlation are much appreciated :)
  9. kpax18

    Step2-CK: Major Sections

    any difference b/w the first aid step 2 and first aid step 2 ck? thx
  10. kpax18

    first aid

    I have the previous edition of FA, any major differences to the new one? anyone thinks it worth it to get the new edition when i already have the previous edition?
  11. kpax18

    Comlex Faq

    does the comlex 2 written also include the biostats? thx
  12. kpax18

    D.O. usmle ?

    i didnt kno one can take usmle step 2 w/o passing the usmle step 1 :confused:
  13. kpax18

    step 2 score for fp residency

    thanks for the replies on a slight different topic, when apply via ERAS and reporting board scores, will the residencies see the # of attempts for the boards? say if you failed it once...
  14. kpax18

    anyone know of open spots?..

    I heard negative things about chino valley, and that they only matched somewhere around 1 - 2 resident this yr, may want to give more considerations and do some research b4 you go there.
  15. kpax18

    step 2 score for fp residency

    anyone know whether the fp res look at step 2 scores? if so, how important is it, vs step 1 score ? or does it depend on the residency. i'm taking my step 2 in mid august, i think the results will be there in time for the residency application thanks