1/2/22 ABPMR LA-PMR web is down

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Logging in it says I did not participate in the last quarter of 2021. It says results pending. I did all the questions.
What's up?

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The website is definitely messed up. It says “Your primary certification has lapsed…you are currently not board certified”. Bummer.

Yet, their 12/14 email said “Well done! On January 1 of next year, you'll start your first five-year continuing certification cycle”.

What’s going on up there in Rochester?
Logging in it says I did not participate in the last quarter of 2021. It says results pending. I did all the questions.
What's up?

Looking this up just now, it says:
" LA-PM&R Under Construction"
The ABPMR discovered an error within the LA-PM&R platform that we are working to fix as soon as possible. To prevent further issues for users, LA-PM&R is temporarily shut down for all users. We will communicate when it is ready for you to use again! Please check your inbox for an email with more information.
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