2022-2023 Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM)

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Just received this:

Thank you for your interest in the Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM), on the campus of Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE)! Your application has been received from AACOMAS and is currently under review. You will be notified by email once our review is complete and your status has changed, which may not occur for another month or so since we are still early in the admission cycle. In the meantime, please make sure all required letters of recommendation and ALL MCAT scores are submitted to AACOMAS.
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Anyone know how they choose people for secondaries? Is it just based on stats?
Just received this:

Thank you for your interest in the Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM), on the campus of Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE)! Your application has been received from AACOMAS and is currently under review. You will be notified by email once our review is complete and your status has changed, which may not occur for another month or so since we are still early in the admission cycle. In the meantime, please make sure all required letters of recommendation and ALL MCAT scores are submitted to AACOMAS.
Submitted my primary which was verified 2 days ago and haven’t received this message yet, anyone know around when I can expect to receive it?
Submitted my primary which was verified 2 days ago and haven’t received this message yet, anyone know around when I can expect to receive it?

Oh I got this over a month after submitting don't worry yet lol
Oh I got this over a month after submitting don't worry yet lol
I just got this same email today. I submitted my application over 3 weeks ago. I actually thought I didn't hear from them because they were waiting on my letter from the DO I shadowed, but that hasn't been submitted yet.
I just got this same email today. I submitted my application over 3 weeks ago. I actually thought I didn't hear from them because they were waiting on my letter from the DO I shadowed, but that hasn't been submitted yet.
also got the same email today
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Do any current students care to provide some perspective on their experience at this school?
You're probably as good as anyone to ask, but as far as accreditation goes, why is ARCOM listed as "Accreditation with Heighten Monitoring"? Is that just because its a fairly new school (est. 2017) or is are there issues with the curriculum and/or school that are warranting the heightened monitoring?
Were they able to completely fill their most recent class?
brain-numb rn, but didn't aacomas open 5/15. I submitted 5/24 then. Or was it June?
Nah it opened 5/5 lmfao I had to check 😂 but schools didn’t receive apps till 6/15 so seems like they’re about a month and a half for secondaries so I cannot wait :)
anyone else receive a secondary? or was it just one person?
Just got a secondary invite. The email said that they will send me their secondary email in less than 24 hours.
Patiently waiting for mine. Same prompts as last cycle?
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Emailed admissions, they said I wasn’t screened out and my application is currently in review, they just take their time, primary submitted mid July
Emailed admissions, they said I wasn’t screened out and my application is currently in review, they just take their time, primary submitted mid July

Good to hear. I’ll wait to reach out then
Just curious do you guys all have a letter from a DO? I believe this is the only school that requires it right?
Just curious do you guys all have a letter from a DO? I believe this is the only school that requires it right?
I do. I shadowed an AR-based DO and he wrote me one. Yes I think they're the only ones who require one specifically from a DO. Other schools just require one from a physician in general.
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no one that submitted primary mid july got a secondary yet right?
no one that submitted primary mid july got a secondary yet right?
I submitted mine in June and have not received a secondary yet. When I emailed admissions last Tuesday, they said they had not sent one to anyone. They gave an estimate of "a week or so" from then.
1 - Preferred Name: *

2 - Have you previously applied to ARCOM? *
No Yes
3 - Are there any disciplinary actions pending or expected to be brought against you? *
4 - Have you ever been under the care of a healthcare provider for drug or alcohol use? *
5 - List any significant volunteer, community service and/or mission experiences you have had that is not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide the organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, as well as a brief desctiption of your duties. *

Please explain
6 - Please tell us about any healthcare experiences you have had that are not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, and a breif descripton of your duties. *

Please explain
7 - How do you plan to fulfill the ARCOM Mission in your practice as a physician? *

Please explain
8 - What challenges do you expect to personally face most in the next 10 years as a healthcare professional? *

Please explain
9 - How do you expect to overcome these challenges? *

Please explain
10 - Describe an experience where you interacted with a person or people from a different background than you (ability, religion, gender, race, age, socioeconomic status, citizenship/ nationality, sexual orientation). *

Please explain
11 - How did that interaction impact your mindset of the role of a physician? *

Please explain
12 - If you are in a difficult basice science class and feel you are not fully grasping the information given in lecture, how would you alter your study habits or techniques to better understand the material and complete the course successfully? *

Please explain
13 - What is a recent book you read that impacted the way you think about today's world? *

Please type book name
14 - Please explain how this book impacted the way you think about today's world. *

Please explain
15 - How did you hear about ARCOM? *
AACOM ACHE Website AOA College advisor Current ACHE/ARCOM student Family (non-ACHE-student) Friend (non-ACHE-student) Media (TV/Radio/Print material) My primary care physician (D.O.) My primary care physician (M.D.) Other healthcare professional Professional organization Recruitment event/materials at my school Social Media
Select all that apply
Please type your name. *
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Oh wow. Thanks for posting. Does it specify a character limit? Do all questions have to be answered?
Oh wow. Thanks for posting. Does it specify a character limit? Do all questions have to be answered?
It doesnt. They all have a red asterisk so you have to put something in them. For the first two I just put that all my volunteer and healthcare experience is already in my primary app.
Last edited:
1 - Preferred Name: *

2 - Have you previously applied to ARCOM? *
No Yes
3 - Are there any disciplinary actions pending or expected to be brought against you? *
4 - Have you ever been under the care of a healthcare provider for drug or alcohol use? *
5 - List any significant volunteer, community service and/or mission experiences you have had that is not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide the organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, as well as a brief desctiption of your duties. *

Please explain
6 - Please tell us about any healthcare experiences you have had that are not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, and a breif descripton of your duties. *

Please explain
7 - How do you plan to fulfill the ARCOM Mission in your practice as a physician? *

Please explain
8 - What challenges do you expect to personally face most in the next 10 years as a healthcare professional? *

Please explain
9 - How do you expect to overcome these challenges? *

Please explain
10 - Describe an experience where you interacted with a person or people from a different background than you (ability, religion, gender, race, age, socioeconomic status, citizenship/ nationality, sexual orientation). *

Please explain
11 - How did that interaction impact your mindset of the role of a physician? *

Please explain
12 - If you are in a difficult basice science class and feel you are not fully grasping the information given in lecture, how would you alter your study habits or techniques to better understand the material and complete the course successfully? *

Please explain
13 - What is a recent book you read that impacted the way you think about today's world? *

Please type book name
14 - Please explain how this book impacted the way you think about today's world. *

Please explain
15 - How did you hear about ARCOM? *
AACOM ACHE Website AOA College advisor Current ACHE/ARCOM student Family (non-ACHE-student) Friend (non-ACHE-student) Media (TV/Radio/Print material) My primary care physician (D.O.) My primary care physician (M.D.) Other healthcare professional Professional organization Recruitment event/materials at my school Social Media
Select all that apply
Please type your name. *

Bye what are these prompts Omg