2022-2023 Liberty University (LUCOM)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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anyone know how strict they are with the LOR requirement? I do not have a pastor or employer LOR.
I unfortantely do not have those. I just have two shadowing docs, and 2 science LOR.
Didn't you do volunteering (clinical or non-clinical)? You could contact a volunteer supervisor or whoever you answered to in that role. Alternatively, call LUCOM admission and ask if the letters you have are enough.
Didn't you do volunteering (clinical or non-clinical)? You could contact a volunteer supervisor or whoever you answered to in that role. Alternatively, call LUCOM admission and ask if the letters you have are enough.
i do have a ton of volunteering but i don't think supervisors know me well enough to write a strong LOR. I emailed admissions a week ago. no reply yet
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submitted 6/10 still have yet to hear from them
I never even got a complete email from them or anything. Did anyone get any complete email?
I have not received anything from this school, but I was verified in May
Just received an email saying LUCOM got my application from AACOMAS, but it mentions that I would be notified of the secondary application process within 30-45 days. Weren't their secondary application questions included with the AACOMAS primary application, or are they talking about the interview in that email?
Just received an email saying LUCOM got my application from AACOMAS, but it mentions that I would be notified of the secondary application process within 30-45 days. Weren't their secondary application questions included with the AACOMAS primary application, or are they talking about the interview in that email?
I do not think there are secondary questions.
Just received an email saying LUCOM got my application from AACOMAS, but it mentions that I would be notified of the secondary application process within 30-45 days. Weren't their secondary application questions included with the AACOMAS primary application, or are they talking about the interview in that email?
When did you submit your primary ?
II received this morning! Submitted 5/17, verified 5/18. 3.58, 509, Christian undergrad. Very excited!
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Did you receive a confirmation email after scheduling or submitting the secondary?
I was confused about how LUCOM did it at first. No specific email was sent after completing the secondary or after scheduling an interview. I called admissions to make sure there wasn't something I was missing. You should be all set if you turn in the secondary and schedule the interview!
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They have a secondary? I thought it was just submitting the primary app in AACOMAS
I was confused about how LUCOM did it at first. No specific email was sent after completing the secondary or after scheduling an interview. I called admissions to make sure there wasn't something I was missing. You should be all set if you turn in the secondary and schedule the interview!
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I called admissions to see if they had gotten my application and they said they have it and it is being reviewed. I said ok thank you and I was about to hang up but then he said "one more thing- you will be hearing from us". Idk if that's a good sign or if its just like you'll hear from us with an II or R lol. We will see I guess. This is one of my top picks so hoping for the best.
II for August. Is anyone else interviewing during that time?
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Congrats. MCAT/GPA? In or OOS? When did you submit secondary ?
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Application Received 7/13, Secondary Received and submitted 7/14, Interviewing 8/8 :)
3.95/504, public school undergrad
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Verified on 7/13, praying that I receive secondary/II from LUCOM - easily my top school by far!
Best of luck to everyone, God bless
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Does anyone know how many interviews LUCOM conducts/approximate odds of acceptance from interview?
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Verified on 7/13, praying that I receive secondary/II from LUCOM - easily my top school by far!
Best of luck to everyone, God bless
Same here bud but I was finished early June like the first week. Have yet to hear from LUCOM
Wow. So the secondary was never submitted and they straightaway called you for an interview.
Wow. So the secondary was never submitted and they straightaway called you for an interview.
The secondary and interview are one in the same for this school. They just ask you a few questions in the secondary then let you pick an interview date
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Looks like the same tuition rate for IS and OOS. MCAT average of 508 looks impressive.