2022-2023 Western University of Health Sciences (Lebanon, Oregon)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Secondary Questions:
*Every text-entry box is 500 words*

1. What experience observing a DO solidified your desire/ambition to become an osteopathic physician? (This could be a formal shadowing experience (one-on-one with a physician), scribing, observing your own physician, friend, or family member who is a DO).

2. If you have not had the opportunity to shadow/observe a DO why is it important to you to become an osteopathic physician?

3. If you have not had an opportunity shadow/observe a physician, please explain the extenuating circumstances that prevented you from doing so.

4. Are you providing a letter of recommendation from a physician (Yes/No)?

5. What was your most memorable community service activity and how did your activity benefit the community?

6. How does the COMP Northwest Mission statement align with your values?

7. Why do you want to attend COMP Northwest?

8. What does diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to you and why are they important?

9. Have you participated in research (Yes/No)? If yes, briefly describe your role and what skills you gained from participation in the research. Please provide us with the link to the publication or abstract if possible.

10. Briefly discuss any extenuating circumstances which you feel are pertinent to your application (poor grades, course withdrawals, lapse in your education, etc.).

Interview feedback:

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Received confirmation/receipt of my primary today, OOS
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Is anyone else having issues accessing the portal for both schools? I request a pin and it never comes through to my email
still no secondary - verified 5/31
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For the physician shadowing entries portion, would scribing work? It’s a “one on one activity with a physician” and my experience scribing for doctors was much more significant for me and more 1:1 interaction with doctors than my actual shadowing experience
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For the physician shadowing entries portion, would scribing work? It’s a “one on one activity with a physician” and my experience scribing for doctors was much more significant for me and more 1:1 interaction with doctors than my actual shadowing experience
In the first question it says scribing counts. So I would assume so, because I do not have shadowing with a DO, but I have scribed for multiple DO’s and have a letter from one.
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Do two separate admissions teams read apps at the Ponoma and Lebanon campuses?
I still haven't received anything from here or the CA one. Are there people that haven't received secondaries?
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I just submitted my secondary for COMP, and now I can't access the portal to COMP-NW. Is it one application for both schools???? I had written the "why us" answers differently for each school.
might as well apply pamona too. The sec questions are the exact same
Pamona only accepts 10% OOS, and my MCAT is quite below their average, it'd be throwing money away.
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At what point do I reach out and ask if I got a silent R
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Anybody else gotten a secondary since July 8th?
Hi everyone! I'm about to start 2nd year. Feel free to DM me or ask questions here. I'd be more than happy to answer what I can. Good luck everyone!
Just got an email from here and Pomona that they received my application. It says they will send me a secondary based on meeting their requirements.
2. If you have not had the opportunity to shadow/observe a DO why is it important to you to become an osteopathic physician?
3. If you have not had an opportunity shadow/observe a physician, please explain the extenuating circumstances that prevented you from doing so.

Just wanted to confirm but for these two questions if you did shadow DOs/ physicians do you leave them blank?
I'll be leaving those blank or putting an N/A in them.
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Anyone else waiting on a secondary still? Or is it just me?
Just received update email from them saying my application is still under review for interviews (8/12)
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Also still waiting for a secondary...
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Also still waiting for a secondary...
For those still waiting for a secondary, I emailed to see if there was an issue/ if I had missed the email with the secondary (I was verified 6/23) and they said there was a note on my file that they needed something from me. I would email admissions if you've been waiting a long time.
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For those still waiting for a secondary, I emailed to see if there was an issue/ if I had missed the email with the secondary (I was verified 6/23) and they said there was a note on my file that they needed something from me. I would email admissions if you've been waiting a long time.
Thank you so much for letting us know. I will for sure reach out to the admissions team!
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completion date and LizzyM?
In state completed 7/14, not a big fan of basing everything off stats I had a high gpa above average mcat but have 7 II’s and 2 A’s so far I think due to secondary writing/editing and good meaningful experiences in healthcare and in the community.
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Complete ('received') 8/8, OOS II 8/26.
Unremarkable stats, extensive volunteer/clinical experience. (PM if you're really burning for specifics.)

(Edit: I'm excited and apparently barely coherent.)
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Received Jul 7, submitted Jul 14, complete Jul 22. OOS (though from their preferred region), but grew up on the Oregon Coast. 514/g3.86/S3.83.

Im stoked because COMP-NW is my top choice DO school.
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Received Jul 7, submitted Jul 14. OOS (though from their preferred region), but grew up on the Oregon Coast. 514/g3.86/S3.83.

Im stoked because COMP-NW is my top choice DO school.
when were you complete?
Hi everyone! I'm about to start 2nd year. Feel free to DM me or ask questions here. I'd be more than happy to answer what I can. Good luck everyone!

What do you like about COMP-NW? Do you like Lebanon? Whats the local hospital like (wife is a nurse)? How is cost of living? I know you're pretty early, but do you feel your clinical exposure is good? Is there rock climbing anywhere close lol?
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For those of you who have received the secondary, how long did it take after submitting your app via AACOMAS?
For those of you who have received the secondary, how long did it take after submitting your app via AACOMAS?
Submitted AACOMAS May 31, AACOMAS verified Jun 1, COMP-NW AACOMAS confirmation Jul 6, secondary received Jul 7.