Question AMA posts

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Hollow Knight

Praise the sun
Oct 12, 2023
Reaction score
Hello, sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this. I assume I'm talking to mods here.

I am a med student adcom member. I'm happy to do an "Ask Me Anything" style post; are there any rules to this? I don't want to dox myself, but I think it might be helpful to have one more voice who sees how premeds' applications are ranked and interviews candidates to answer general questions.

Also, I don't want to just spam the site. If you guys think this won't add anything to what the legends like goro, gyngyn, etc have already said, I won't post this. Just wondering if you guys would be interested in this and if you needed to verify me or anything first, or if I should just go ahead and make a post in pre-allo.

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While we wait for moderators, suggestions from an admissions director:

1) no identifying information. Stay generic with your observations. Never point anyone out with what they do well or not.

2) never discuss file deliberations or how people voted. You can post attention to patterns, but you cannot comment on process (offers coming out tomorrow!)

3) never profit while you are serving. Withdraw from any premed services you might do as a side gig. If your director or dean find out, you will be off the committee.

4) understand you don't know everything about the process. This is intentional at many schools.

If you want to pass thoughts through me, let me know. Maybe an article where we can maintain your anonymity better, fielding solicited questions, might be more interesting as an article. We already have Goro’s article... it would be neat from a student perspective, noting my points above.
Thanks Mr.Smile12! Yeah I'd be happy to do an article. Are you talking about the Q and A session with Goro?

Yeah, with trying to maintain anonymity, I would have to be giving out super vague stuff here. But I'd be happy to answer some questions or something and let you/a mod be like "OK cool" or "ehh, that's too much/specific."

And like you said.... I'm only at one school, and I'm not even privy to every single process at my school.

Edit: and of course, I'm happy to do nothing of this sort; you guys won't offend me. I'm not sure I'll be saying anything that hasn't been said. My first thought at the first adcom meeting was like "Yeah, SDN was right."
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