Any private equity lobby on reimbursement?

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15+ Year Member
Oct 26, 2008
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Just wondering. Since PE really likes anesthesiology practices, and we have obvious problems in anesthesiology, such as low medicaid/medicare reimbursement rates compared to other specialties, have they or big anesthesia companies ever try to lobby on increased reimbursements for medicaid/medicare? We like to say its the ASA's job on these forums, but the truth is ASA is tiny. Their funding is also tiny. Feels to me PE can benefit a lot if anesthesiology medicaid/medicare reimbursements are similar to other specialties, and not paid at like 1/3rd or whatever they say it is?

Anyone aware of any such movements? Just curious

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PE has bought into or created some companies that do the billing. If your rates are crappy then sub the billing out to them. I am sure their cut is enormous though.
What is the typical billing rate? Is there an industry standard or does everyone negotiate that on their own as well?