anyone get their step 2 CS results back yet?

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i wonder when mine will come back since i took it last month.

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August 3rd, no result.

Rumor has it that the first batch of scores will be released tomorrow but I'm not holding my breath.
I took it August 31. When I called last month to find out when I would get my score, someone at NBME told me mid-November, so hopefully it should be coming soon.

The time lag between testing and getting your score makes it tough for people to retake the test if they don't pass.
August 26th. Also heard that the first batch of results will be released Nov 15th (tomorrow), but like BellKicker, I'm very skeptical.
july 17-- no results. i wouldn't worry 1 month out....
has anyone who took the exam in October in Philly get their CS results back yet?
prominence said:
has anyone who took the exam in October in Philly get their CS results back yet?

I took my step 2 CS in philly on September 2nd, 2004 and received my results 2 weeks ago (December 11th) or thereabouts.

I took my CS in Philly on July 28th and still have not received any results. However, our Dean told us that she had the results and passed them on to me.
Took them the second week of September. Got my results the end of November.
took it in philly on 9/1, got my score in the mail sometime in the last couple of weeks (been out of town on interviews)
Took my test in Philly on 7/28, just got my results today, 12/24.
P/F grades only? Is this correct?
We have been told it is pass/fail and that the test is designed so 95% will pass.

Do your results give you any feedback besides pass/fail?
you know what sucks?

Prior to taking the test they ask "are there any questions before we get started?"

I asked if we are supposed to write an HPI note or just put pertinent positives/negatives, differential etc...

I also explained that depending on what study material you used, it suggested totally different approaches to documenting the encounter. The guy said, "uh...use your best judgement."

They are gonna flunk 5% of medical students and they don't even have a clear-cut plan to approach the stupid $1000 test! This really pisses me off!
wooo said:
you know what sucks?

Prior to taking the test they ask "are there any questions before we get started?"

I asked if we are supposed to write an HPI note or just put pertinent positives/negatives, differential etc...

I also explained that depending on what study material you used, it suggested totally different approaches to documenting the encounter. The guy said, "uh...use your best judgement."

They are gonna flunk 5% of medical students and they don't even have a clear-cut plan to approach the stupid $1000 test! This really pisses me off!

Did you find out the answer? Do they expect an abreviated H&P?
tennik said:
We have been told it is pass/fail and that the test is designed so 95% will pass.

Do your results give you any feedback besides pass/fail?

No. For this $1000 test, they offer you no feedback whatsoever. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Only P/F for the 3 sections. However, if you do fail, they supposedly give you feedback.
No answers...just "use your best judgement."
I read online that they don't give you feedback even if you fail, but that could be outdated info.
prominence said:
has anyone who took the exam in October in Philly get their CS results back yet?

Those who took the CS test in Philadelphia in the early part of October should receive their score by mid January, as per ECFMG. I took mine on Oct 8th and have a feeling that I will get it some time this upcoming week.