Medical Applying to a school that has both MD and DO programs

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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Help! I can't find any good resources on the internet but some schools ( so far I've seen michigan state and nova southeastern university) have both MD and DO schools. Can I/should I apply to both programs if its a school I am interested in?? Or do the admissions committees communicate and that looks bad

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This question has been asked and answered extensively on the main forums so I suggest you use the search function to get a full discussion. But the answer is yes, apply to both
Help! I can't find any good resources on the internet but some schools ( so far I've seen michigan state and nova southeastern university) have both MD and DO schools. Can I/should I apply to both programs if its a school I am interested in?? Or do the admissions committees communicate and that looks bad

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Rowan in NJ is another with both DO and MD.

Yes, apply to both.
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I think the best answer is: apply to both if you'd be willing to go to both. Do not apply to schools where, if it's the only place you get in, you don't want to go. Lots of threads about that also.
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