Medical Dad passed away from lymphatic cancer, struggling to cope, should I withdraw from two non-science classes?

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Sep 30, 2008
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I'm a non-science major, and this semester I'm taking two humanities courses, Physics II, and Organic Chemistry II. However, my dad was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer and passed away a month ago, and it's just been incredibly difficult to cope. My mom has also basically just shut down from the grief, and I only recently convinced her to see a psychiatrist so she can get help. With everything that's been going on, I'm struggling a lot with my two humanities courses, but still doing well in my science classes as I had already taken O-chem and physics in high school and so I know most of the material (expecting an A/A- for Physics and O-Chem).

I am considering withdrawing from those two humanities courses (I would probably end up getting C's or D's in them), but that would mean I would have 3 W's on my transcript (have one from my freshman year for a humanities class that I didn't like). I could just take a leave of absence and have the entire semester wiped clean, but I really don't want to waste all my work for O-chem and physics this semester.

I've done well in all my science courses so far (I have A's in General Chemistry I and II, Principles of Biology I and II, Physics I, and an A- in Organic Chemistry I. Overall GPA is 3.84) so I think I'm in a good spot, but I'm really scared this semester is going to tank my application in the future with the withdrawals. What do you guys think? Are medical schools going to judge me harshly for needing to withdraw from those two humanities courses? Should I just withdraw entirely from the semester?
So sorry you are going through this.

Situations like yours are why withdrawals exist as an option. Do what you need to take care of yourself and your mom without sacrificing your academic standing--withdraw from the classes that you're doing poorly in. Personally, I don't think that 3 W's rises to the level where anyone is going to bat an eye at it, but even if it did and you were asked you have a very reasonable explanation. Regardless, a C and D would definitely catch their eye more and isn't something you can explain away.

If you're doing well enough to complete your science classes go for it.

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