General Does doula experience count as shadow or clinical or neither?

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Sep 4, 2006
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I am currently training to be a doula. I took a 50 hour training course and recently attended my first birth as a doula. For those who do not know, a doula is a non-medical support person that assists the mother and partner through labor and delivery. During the birth I attended, I stayed with my client for 14 hours providing physical comfort measures (massage, pressure, hot/cold packs, etc.), emotional support (affirmations, breathing techniques, guidance) and just general support (getting water/meals, communicating with hospital staff/family). During the delivery, one of the nurses even invited me to assist my client in pushing the baby out. I also was there for the entire labor/delivery and got to watch the hospital staff do their jobs. Also, I'd like to add that I was on call for about 400 hours, although not sure if this is worth mentioning. My question is whether or not this would be considered clinical experience or shadowing, or perhaps neither since I was not working for the hospital during this experience, but rather independently hired by my client/the mother.
You interacted with a patient, in a clinical environment, and assisted in her care. It was Employment-Medical/Clinical. It seems there was some shadowing involved as well.

Being "on call" was part of your employment, and you're right, it's not worth mentioning, but you can if you like, so long as you distinguish what the hours were.

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