Dublin c/o 2028

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Sep 27, 2023
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Thought I’d make a new specific thread for Dublin applicants as I’ve seen a few interviews being sent out. Mine is January 5th in NYC!

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I also applied through VMCAS and have not heard back. I've seen a few people get interview invitations, but it's looking like mostly from Midwest and east coast for NYC interviews. I think I saw one person got an interview for west coast in San Francisco. I know there's supposedly no pattern (or at least it changes every year) so I don't think anyone should loose hope yet.
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I also applied through VMCAS and have not heard back. I've seen a few people get interview invitations, but it's looking like mostly from Midwest and east coast for NYC interviews. I think I saw one person got an interview for west coast in San Francisco. I know there's supposedly no pattern (or at least it changes every year) so I don't think anyone should loose hope yet.
I applied through VMCAS and haven't heard!
I applied through VMCAS but know in previous cycles that they sent out interviews into Feb. They also extend acceptances in December-January for some applicants that they do not even interview. No news is still good news right now!!!
I applied through VMCAS but know in previous cycles that they sent out interviews into Feb. They also extend acceptances in December-January for some applicants that they do not even interview. No news is still good news right now!!!
I am a current UCD student. They can get back to people super late. No news is definitely good news. Also, things are a bit crazy right now, as we are going into finals and the admins are pretty crazed. Also, the person who usually handles a lot of the admissions stuff is out on leave. Hang in there, and best of luck. I know that it is a super stressful process.
I was notified on November 21st for an interview held in San Francisco. Good luck to everyone!
I am a current UCD student. They can get back to people super late. No news is definitely good news. Also, things are a bit crazy right now, as we are going into finals and the admins are pretty crazed. Also, the person who usually handles a lot of the admissions stuff is out on leave. Hang in there, and best of luck. I know that it is a super stressful process.
Hi! Could you provide any insight as to the interview? The email says 20-25 min and that seems so short I'm freaking out! Thank you!
Hi! Could you provide any insight as to the interview? The email says 20-25 min and that seems so short I'm freaking out! Thank you!
It is a lovely, laid back interview. They really just want to know who you are and why you want to study at UCD. Mine was on Zoom, as it was during COVID. My only point of comparison (I only applied to 2 schools) was a high stress MMI. The UCD interview was a lot more fun!! The people who fly out to conduct the interviews are really wonderful. I would enjoy it and use it as a time to get a better sense of the school and the people.
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I got a UCD interview invite this morning for January 10th in San Francisco! WA, VMCAS applicant
I am a current UCD student. They can get back to people super late. No news is definitely good news. Also, things are a bit crazy right now, as we are going into finals and the admins are pretty crazed. Also, the person who usually handles a lot of the admissions stuff is out on leave. Hang in there, and best of luck. I know that it is a super stressful process.
Would you recommend uploading ACT and GRE scores to our applications?
It is a lovely, laid back interview. They really just want to know who you are and why you want to study at UCD. Mine was on Zoom, as it was during COVID. My only point of comparison (I only applied to 2 schools) was a high stress MMI. The UCD interview was a lot more fun!! The people who fly out to conduct the interviews are really wonderful. I would enjoy it and use it as a time to get a better sense of the school and the people.
Thank you soooo much!
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Hello! Question for current UCD students. What's the percentage of students getting accepted without an interview?
Hello! Question for current UCD students. What's the percentage of students getting accepted without an interview?
Not sure of the exact percentage, but it is quite low based on my discussions with my classmates.
Thank you, I see! Any idea what makes them qualified for skipping interviews?
Usually people who receive an acceptance with no interview are just applicants they feel 100% certain about admitting. Through looking at old forums I see maybe 2-3 people say they received an offer with no interview.
Usually people who receive an acceptance with no interview are just applicants they feel 100% certain about admitting. Through looking at old forums I see maybe 2-3 people say they received an offer with no interview.
OK, Thank you so much!
Thank you, I see! Any idea what makes them qualified for skipping interviews?
I was accepted without an interview last cycle. If you have any questions about stats or anything, you can message me!
I still have not heard and i am getting really nervous!!
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Does anyone know if rejections have started going out?
Third time applying but first time applying to UCD! I am located in the south and have not heard anything yet.
Hi everyone! Still waiting to hear from UCD...I'm wondering how long in advance would they send out interview invite? I will be traveling internationally during winter break so I need to plan my travel accordingly.
Hey y'all! Just booked my flights for San Francisco Jan. 8th! Does anybody have any information on interview format or how best to prepare? Getting a lil anxious since all my other interviews have been over Zoom.
Hi everyone! Still waiting to hear from UCD...I'm wondering how long in advance would they send out interview invite? I will be traveling internationally during winter break so I need to plan my travel accordingly.
They sent mine exactly 1 month beforehand.
Hey y'all! Just booked my flights for San Francisco Jan. 8th! Does anybody have any information on interview format or how best to prepare? Getting a lil anxious since all my other interviews have been over Zoom.
It is very low key. The only thing that I would say is look at the website and come up with some reasons why you want to go there. They will most likely ask you that. Other than that, it is really just a conversation. The people heading out to interview are very kind wonderful people. Try to enjoy it and use it as a time to get information from them about the program and what you can expect if you come here.
Hi everyone! Still waiting to hear from UCD...I'm wondering how long in advance would they send out interview invite? I will be traveling internationally during winter break so I need to plan my travel accordingly.
Not sure how late they send out the invites, but I believe that the interviews are the end of the 1st week in Jan through the start of the 2nd week. I am pretty sure that they only fly to the US once.
For those of you that have interview invites - has anyone had a lower GPA? I have plenty of experience/research but am nervous about my GPA holding me from getting an interview
Not sure how late they send out the invites, but I believe that the interviews are the end of the 1st week in Jan through the start of the 2nd week. I am pretty sure that they only fly to the US once.
Do you remember how long it took for you to hear a decision from them post- interview? panicked about the possibility of having to move abroad under short notice if that makes sense
Do you remember how long it took for you to hear a decision from them post- interview? panicked about the possibility of having to move abroad under short notice if that makes sense
I believe that it was 2 or 3 weeks.
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It is very low key. The only thing that I would say is look at the website and come up with some reasons why you want to go there. They will most likely ask you that. Other than that, it is really just a conversation. The people heading out to interview are very kind wonderful people. Try to enjoy it and use it as a time to get information from them about the program and what you can expect if you come here.
Ok thank you! I will definitely do that!
What email address did you guys receive an interview invite from? I'm west coast (CA) and haven't heard anything yet. My portal says "complete, submitted" and I haven't seen any email from "ucd.ie" so I'm a bit anxious
What email address did you guys receive an interview invite from? I'm west coast (CA) and haven't heard anything yet. My portal says "complete, submitted" and I haven't seen any email from "ucd.ie" so I'm a bit anxious
First year grad entry here! Ireland is very laid back about things. They send things out when they feel like it. The type A personality dies off in ya very fast once you’re over here haha. Right now the office is busy with finals and such. I wouldn’t start to worry just yet. Last year they kinda did things in batches. There were still interview invites being sent out when I received my offer a few weeks post interview!
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First year grad entry here! Ireland is very laid back about things. They send things out when they feel like it. The type A personality dies off in ya very fast once you’re over here haha. Right now the office is busy with finals and such. I wouldn’t start to worry just yet. Last year they kinda did things in batches. There were still interview invites being sent out when I received my offer a few weeks post interview!
Thank you for the reassurance! lol
Hi there,

I have an interview with UC Dublin on the 4th and was hoping to get some extra insight into the program from vets/students who attended UCD. I’ve gone over the website and curriculum thoroughly but want something extra to make me stand out from the other applicants if possible.

I would like to become an equine vet and have spoken with some interns from UCD already but didn’t get any details that would make me seem super well prepared and having done my research.

Hi there,

I have an interview with UC Dublin on the 4th and was hoping to get some extra insight into the program from vets/students who attended UCD. I’ve gone over the website and curriculum thoroughly but want something extra to make me stand out from the other applicants if possible.

I would like to become an equine vet and have spoken with some interns from UCD already but didn’t get any details that would make me seem super well prepared and having done my research.

I would be happy to give you any insight I can. I am a 2nd year Grad Entry. What would you like to know?
Happy New Year to everyone! Will anyone be attending the reception in SF on January 8th? If so, what's the dress code like, and do you know if dinner/snacks will be provided? Thank you all!!

Also, I live in SF, so if anyone has questions about the city or needs any recs (food, going out, best areas to stay), feel free to let me know! Best of luck with everything!
I would be happy to give you any insight I can. I am a 2nd year Grad Entry. What would you like to know?
Thank you so so much. I plan on becoming an equine vet. I know they have a very good equine program so anything that is related to the equine aspect of the program. Also, anything you think may be helpful for my interview would be great
Happy New Year to everyone! Will anyone be attending the reception in SF on January 8th? If so, what's the dress code like, and do you know if dinner/snacks will be provided? Thank you all!!

Also, I live in SF, so if anyone has questions about the city or needs any recs (food, going out, best areas to stay), feel free to let me know! Best of luck with everything!
Hi there! I will also be in San Francisco! :) For the reception I am planning on wearing trousers, a blouse and booties (hope that helps). I would assume that some sort of light food would be offered, but I am not entirely sure. Good luck to you!
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I'm flying to San Francisco on Monday for the reception and my interview on Wednesday. I have my clothes all planned for both events but I'm wondering if I should bring a folder or portfolio of my application materials and additional accomplishments to give the interviewers. Would this be helpful to them (and help my case), or would it be annoying/overbearing? I would really appreciate an opinion from others who have interviewed and/or current students. Thanks!
I would recommend against it. They are super casual and laid back. It would feel a bit too type-A for them (rub them the wrong way). If you end up coming here it is a big adjustment to the laid back style.

Good luck on your interview. Enjoy the experience and use it as an opportunity to get a better sense of the program and the faculty. They are great people!!
Hey guys!! Just knew about this thread! I also will be interviewing in NYC, but Jan 8th! Good luck to everyone's interview!! And if anyone already interviewed, would love some advice on the interview process!! (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)