Halfway Review of Illinois New Certificate Program

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Aug 10, 2022
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Friendly neighborhood Illinois shill here to review Illinois new Certifiate of Veterinary Science program. We're halfway through, but I'm sure people would be curious to hear about it.

In Fall 2022, UIUC started a new Graduate Academic Program focused in Veterinary Sciences. Its a 4 course sequence for a total of 12 credit hours. I've called it baby vet school since we kinda follow the Illinois vet med sequence. We started with Anatomy and Physiology then built towards basic pathology in our second class. The final two courses are Science of Health Homeostasis and Science of Health Evaluation. Ask me about those in a few months. It is all online and has been built from the ground up to be online.

Truely I can't say enough good things about this program. Since its all online we have people from all over the country and a couple people from outside the US. It's been incredibly helpful to hear everyone's stories and all the different routes people are taking to vet school. In the fall we had small group Pods where we met weekly and discussed the topic of the week, or in the second class our one case we worked. The Pods were the last part worked out and honestly my favorite part of the program so far.

The other stand out part to me is how we get the material. Our longest lecture was 20 minutes! Most were around 10-15 minutes, but that means it's basically wall to wall information and pretty dense. However because they're so short, it's fairly easy to watch over them a couple times. We also have full transcripts to read, which is also super helpful.

Lastly, homework, exams, and quizzes were all amazing. We had 2 exams in each class, but we got to do a group retake for each which really helped me learn the material and do well on the exams. Quizzes were weekly, but open book and had 2 attempts. I only missed 4 quiz questions the second course, the questions aren't easy but they give you everything you need. Homework was also so to the point and helpful. We had (usually) two questions every week and had to give a 2 sentence answer for one and a more detailed answer for the other. I really loved the challenge of only having two sentences to explain a dense concept.

Overall Thoughts
I cant tell you if this has helped anyone get into vet school yet, but I really feel like it will. Between having the Veterinary Medicine courses on your transcript to the ability to have faculty help us through the application process it really seems like a good path to vet school if you've been struggling. Now this is speculation on my part, but Illinois may start pulling from this pool for applicants. It costs a lot of time and effort to get this up and running so I wouldn't be shocked if it grows into a Colorado like pre-vet program in a handful of years. It seems like a really good way to vet applicants and see if they can handle the material. But that's pure speculation on my part.

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Do you have a link where we can review more? I'm interested to know more about cost, timeline, application process, etc. :)

I have no clue how the 3 week courses over summer will work tbh. It seems super intense to me.
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I have no clue how the 3 week courses over summer will work tbh. It seems super intense to me.
Nice! Thanks! This is really awesome
Nice! Thanks! This is really awesome
I'm also doing the masters which is about a year longer, but only ~1k more. For me that means a little more work in immunology, disease control, and in the fall one health. Along with the Capstone project and Biostats course.
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This seems really interesting! Do you know if the certificate is eligible for federal financial aid, or is it all out of pocket?
This seems really interesting! Do you know if the certificate is eligible for federal financial aid, or is it all out of pocket?
As of right now it's all out of pocket. Which sucks and is a real barrier. It has been brought up in discussions though, so I wouldn't be shocked if they're trying to add in financial aid. It would probably go to the masters first though.
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I would love to hear an update about the second half of the program! I just accepted my seat for fall and I'm honestly SO excited for it
I'm back to give a full review of Illinois Integrative Animal Health Sciences Post-Bac program! I think they may have changed the title, but that's what it says on my diploma (spoiler but they did send us all the fancy paper). I can only talk about what the full academic year was like, I have no clue what's going on with the summer session. Sounds like a lot though.

TL;DR: I loved it and think the design is a great way to ramp up to vet school. There's no data on how it affected acceptances, but the first of our cohort to apply with the certificate will happen this year. I can pretty confidently say it will help immensely.

Longer review: I'm going to break this up a little bit and I came up with the titles to amuse myself.

Structure and Function: The general goal was to present us with more of the didactic learning in the first half, switching to Problem/Case based in the second half. The third course (513) was all about homeostasis and the little things that can push health one way or the other. In the last course (514) it was basically all case based in our small groups. I think this was the best way to do it. That is not to say more case based would be a bad idea, more that I think the responsibility matched better at that pace. I really think the homework and quizzes in 507 and 509 worked really well for those courses. Especially the homework as we would revisit topics. I personally reviewed a topic from like week 4 in our last week and could feel the growth.

Big group and Small group: We had a lot more big group work in 513 than any other course. We could see the differences in how the groups thought as we went over their concept maps for each topic. I found this nice since the varying ideas reinforced the entire concept for the week. It also almost mirrored how we were approaching cases. We may be looking at one system (like the GI tract) or a more specific part (like the GI mucosa) but it still affects the whole. The concept maps were also so so helpful. I found those way more helpful than any traditional notes I've taken. Maybe they match my thinking style better, but they are going to become my go to for notes from now on. I know that there will be a focus on more big group stuff going forward in the first couple classes as well. I know a lot of folks suggested this. I was a little more indifferent to it, but I know many people will benefit.

Crazy cases: This was by far the best part of the certificate for me. By this point I was already in my new job at UIUC, and ER instantly changed how I approached cases. Well, maybe not instantly but ER definitely helped to narrow my approach. Because we did go by body system I could carry the lesson of 'Remember what service your on' with me. We probably dont need a neuro exam on a diarrhea case ya know. It really really helped with our final case since I had (more or less) seen the situation play out in ER. It also felt a lot like a tabletop role-playing game to me, especially when I got to take the lead on going over the case. Having managed a couple D&D games before, I feel like I could help my group embrace that part of things without worrying about the exact specifics of how. The best part was having a safe space to suggest the wrong thing as well, and learning not to jump to CBC/Chem/Xrays. Getting to look over blood work with a clinician like focus also gave me a good idea of what to look for when I'm helping to run a blood gas at work (like the time I saw a lactate at 21, an ER record!) and give the doctors a heads up when things are weird.

Odds and Ends: I really don't want to downplay the support we've gotten from the professor and mentors we've worked with. I truly feel they all want us to succeed and are willing to help however they can. I'm extra lucky in having the option of in-person meetings and encouraging them to stop by the Chaos Room (one is actually planning on it too). We had the option for monthly meetings with our pod leaders, and I've met with a couple outside of that. I got to talk through some of the complex feelings I have about applying, especially given my more unique situation when I go to apply as UIUC is my in-city option. I already have a huge roster of clinicians and professors willing to write me strong letters of recommendation that will focus on my unique strengths and goals. I'm sure at least one will bring up the fact I've beaten UIUC into paying for the second half of my MVS as a way to show my determination. But another can talk about how I look at cases and break them down while helping my podmates think through issues. I really had the space to grow and learn and they were a huge part of it.

Closing thoughts: If you're a pre-vet considering this, I'd really recommend it. I think we all had a great experience with everything even with the difficulty of being the first cohort. If you're only planning on taking one gap year this is going to be some amazing prep. If you think you might take more than one year, I'd even more highly suggest the MVS. While the main focus is livestock systems, population health is incredibly important in all species. The courses also overlap with Immunology, business, biosecurity, and new course options are being added all the time. I think this will be a very strong program moving forward, and will be wonderful prep for vet school!

If you read through all of this, congrats. I really love this program and it was the perfect way to get back into school after graduating during the pandemic. I'm happy to answer questions on thread or in DMs!
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I would love to hear an update about the second half of the program! I just accepted my seat for fall and I'm honestly SO excited for it
Ask and ye shall receive.
