Has anyone ever mentioned

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Mar 7, 2006
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That we might want to consider starting a student doctor dating service, not that I'm in love with someone on this site, I was just wondering if it ever crossesd anyone else's mind here.

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It would be a good idea. Pre-meds are a bit too idiosyncratic to date non-pre-meds, so may as well accept that, get jiggy, and make future pre-meds.

dapmp91 said:
That we might want to consider starting a student doctor dating service, not that I'm in love with someone on this site, I was just wondering if it ever crossesd anyone else's mind here.
Members don't see this ad :)
i prefer my meat not to rot around on a chair next to a computer all the time :p
If we do make one, Ill be lurking the pharm forums :)
dapmp91 said:
That we might want to consider starting a student doctor dating service, not that I'm in love with someone on this site, I was just wondering if it ever crossesd anyone else's mind here.

You just broke my heart
dapmp91 said:
That we might want to consider starting a student doctor dating service, not that I'm in love with someone on this site, I was just wondering if it ever crossesd anyone else's mind here.
What about long-distance relationships? What about moving apart when you are accepted to School A and she/he is accepted to School B? There's always myspace.
are you talking internet dating? eew like u never meet them you just talk to them like creepy old mustached men who live in iowa and prey on the well cultivated minds of beautiful premed girls? hahahha i'm a bit biased toward my gender
taylormade44 said:
myspace is ******ed

I agree; I like the networking idea though. It's nice to be able to have a link with people you went to high school/college with, and yet not actually have to stay in regular contact with them. Still, I much prefer Facebook for this. My Space allows too much customization; it means that every web page has its own wacky, custom look with no real sense of unification from one person's site to another.
That, and it'll randomly start blaring some terrible pop song when I enter someone's page that interferes with my already-playing Zeppelin.
taylormade44 said:
myspace is ******ed

So true...finally someone who agrees with me about myspace!
Members don't see this ad :)
EBI831 said:
are you talking internet dating? eew like u never meet them you just talk to them like creepy old mustached men who live in iowa and prey on the well cultivated minds of beautiful premed girls? hahahha i'm a bit biased toward my gender

Hey... I take offense to that.
well then there will be new meanings attached to "what are my chances?" and "can i get in?" threads :)
"I always knew that after I became a doctor, I would dump whoever I was with and find someone better. That's the dream of becoming a doctor."
- Ben, to Elaine, in "The Abstinence"
Vizious said:
well then there will be new meanings attached to "what are my chances?" and "can i get in?" threads :)

:laugh: Would certainly spice up the pre-med picture thread too.
Not a bad idea, but for a few problems:

-It seems like the vast majority of the people posting here are guys and it can become quite the sausage festival;

-Many of these guys are single, while the majority of the girls here are unavailable, so to speak;

-Most of us simply live too far from one another; and

-Too many premeds study way too much and wouldn't know the first thing about how to pick up a girl, even if a girl was completely coming on to them and all they had to do was smile and nod along to take her home for a nightcap. Personally, even though I'm sure ad-coms would really hate to hear this, I don't care about getting a 4.0 in school if that means I would have no life, especially if getting a 3.8 means I would be much happier (speaking in hypthetical terms, obviously).

For a site like this to work, people first need to realize that grades are not always the most important thing in the world (wait, wait for hell to freeze over right about... NOW!). Next, this would really need to be geared more broadly, like a medical profession type of site and not just for MD/DO students. The nursing students are really hot, for instance. PA's, pharma/biotech industry people, etc. wouldn't be excluded either.

I would not be the least bit surprised if some of you guys banded together and actually started something like this up. Speaking as a single guy and being pretty observant (as well as an active participant at times), I know just how far single guys would go just for the chance to hook up for one night. Good luck! Remember me when you're rich and famous.

probably wouldn't be a bad idea since my finding is that being a premed means you need to date someone who understands what that means.

The idea to include some other health/science related professions would also be a good idea. I for one vote to include engineers :D
Caristra said:
probably wouldn't be a bad idea since my finding is that being a premed means you need to date someone who understands what that means.

The idea to include some other health/science related professions would also be a good idea. I for one vote to include engineers :D
The market is already saturated.

another one too but the url isn't able to be posted here for some reason.
Actually, there are quite a few people who have dated each other off of this site, specifically becuase of the lounge and chat. A couple of them turned into long-term relationships, marriage, there is an SDN baby, while others have just been short-term kind of things.
Oh my God. I never thought anyone would actually do it, just seemed fun in theory. Those sites are hysterical! I especially like the one with the red heart theme :laugh:
What yo man got to do wit me?? :confused:

defrunner said:
Not a bad idea, but for a few problems:

-It seems like the vast majority of the people posting here are guys and it can become quite the sausage festival;

-Many of these guys are single, while the majority of the girls here are unavailable, so to speak;

-Most of us simply live too far from one another; and

-Too many premeds study way too much and wouldn't know the first thing about how to pick up a girl, even if a girl was completely coming on to them and all they had to do was smile and nod along to take her home for a nightcap. Personally, even though I'm sure ad-coms would really hate to hear this, I don't care about getting a 4.0 in school if that means I would have no life, especially if getting a 3.8 means I would be much happier (speaking in hypthetical terms, obviously).

For a site like this to work, people first need to realize that grades are not always the most important thing in the world (wait, wait for hell to freeze over right about... NOW!). Next, this would really need to be geared more broadly, like a medical profession type of site and not just for MD/DO students. The nursing students are really hot, for instance. PA's, pharma/biotech industry people, etc. wouldn't be excluded either.

I would not be the least bit surprised if some of you guys banded together and actually started something like this up. Speaking as a single guy and being pretty observant (as well as an active participant at times), I know just how far single guys would go just for the chance to hook up for one night. Good luck! Remember me when you're rich and famous.

Schaden Freud said:
What yo man got to do wit me?? :confused:

Hahaha well said. Go for it buddy!

I'm steering clear of this issue myself; had a few accidents at some parties in my younger days (i.e. freshman year of college, just before all the girls became available en masse) where I had a few too many beers and didn't quite realize the guy standing next to the lady I was hitting on was kind of "with" her. People are very understanding, though.

But man, I was fooled!
Severus said:
Actually, there are quite a few people who have dated each other off of this site, specifically becuase of the lounge and chat. A couple of them turned into long-term relationships, marriage, there is an SDN baby, while others have just been short-term kind of things.
Man i feel sorry for that kid who is the SDN Baby. What's going to happen to his ego when his parents tell him they hooked up online, and that's how he was born.
2badr said:
So true...finally someone who agrees with me about myspace!
Finally? There's lots of us who don't like myspace...lots and lots.
defrunner said:
Not a bad idea, but for a few problems:

-It seems like the vast majority of the people posting here are guys and it can become quite the sausage festival;

-Many of these guys are single, while the majority of the girls here are unavailable, so to speak;

-Most of us simply live too far from one another; and

-Too many premeds study way too much and wouldn't know the first thing about how to pick up a girl, even if a girl was completely coming on to them and all they had to do was smile and nod along to take her home for a nightcap. Personally, even though I'm sure ad-coms would really hate to hear this, I don't care about getting a 4.0 in school if that means I would have no life, especially if getting a 3.8 means I would be much happier (speaking in hypthetical terms, obviously).

For a site like this to work, people first need to realize that grades are not always the most important thing in the world (wait, wait for hell to freeze over right about... NOW!). Next, this would really need to be geared more broadly, like a medical profession type of site and not just for MD/DO students. The nursing students are really hot, for instance. PA's, pharma/biotech industry people, etc. wouldn't be excluded either.

I would not be the least bit surprised if some of you guys banded together and actually started something like this up. Speaking as a single guy and being pretty observant (as well as an active participant at times), I know just how far single guys would go just for the chance to hook up for one night. Good luck! Remember me when you're rich and famous.


I think this is a great idea :thumbup: and I definitely think I can put it under my extracurriculars on my apps and can mention it to the adcoms that I started a student medical doctor related dating service, i'll be everybody's hero :love:
Dr. Pepper here....I enjoy long talks in the refrigerator and I know 23 ways of saying I love you. I also come handy with crazy straws. Who wants a drink?
/disgusting personal ad
-Dr. P.
Ok I have a great idea, since there are way less females than males this is what we do. We come up with a site, where all the males can turn in a personal profile, height, weight, picture, personal statement, MDapps profile. Then the guys will complete a list of girls they want their profile sent too. They will look in the Medical Student Arrangement Reference (MSAR) and pick a number of girls they think they would have a good shot at getting based on who they have dated before. Then the girls will receive all of these personal profiles and send out additional information requests which may include more indepth information about the guy's personal lives and hobbies, the information required on these will be determined by each female individually. Once the males have submitted all of their additional or one might call them "Secondary" profiles, they begin to receive offers for short 5-10 minute interviews with the girls friends and family. After this stage is complete the females will choose a few guys and actually go on a first date.
DoctorPardi said:
Ok I have a great idea, since there are way less females than males this is what we do. We come up with a site, where all the males can turn in a personal profile, height, weight, picture, personal statement, MDapps profile. Then the guys will complete a list of girls they want their profile sent too. They will look in the Medical Student Arrangement Reference (MSAR) and pick a number of girls they think they would have a good shot at getting based on who they have dated before. Then the girls will receive all of these personal profiles and send out additional information requests which may include more indepth information about the guy's personal lives and hobbies, the information required on these will be determined by each female individually. Once the males have submitted all of their additional or one might call them "Secondary" profiles, they begin to receive offers for short 5-10 minute interviews with the girls friends and family. After this stage is complete the females will choose a few guys and actually go on a first date.

I love it to death. :)
I think I'd rather have a computer algorithm that calculates the guys picks with the girls picks and gives them their best choice.
Oh ya, and screw you myspace haters. "Stop drinking the haterade with a triple shot of bitterness." Quote compliments of Anastasis.
MirrorTodd said:
I think I'd rather have a computer algorithm that calculates the guys picks with the girls picks and gives them their best choice.

This is a good system, but works best when there is a smaller sample. Once the guys have gone on several dates with several girls, they can use this system to make more final decisions on who they want to stick with for the rest of their lives.
dapmp91 said:
That we might want to consider starting a student doctor dating service, not that I'm in love with someone on this site, I was just wondering if it ever crossesd anyone else's mind here.
It's been brought up before and polled on in an official poll somewhere around sdn. I think users ultimately voted it down, by a fair margin if I remember right. You'll have to run a search for it.

I wonder how viable it would be...this may be a good business idea, I'll keep it in mind. I think online dating is much more efficient than regular dating, but it's frustrating having to sift through so many avg and below avg people. There doesn't seem to be a solid elite/elitist site out there.
Shredder said:
It's been brought up before and polled on in an official poll somewhere around sdn. I think users ultimately voted it down, by a fair margin if I remember right. You'll have to run a search for it.

I wonder how viable it would be...this may be a good business idea, I'll keep it in mind.

Seriously, there is a singles forum. Here it is.
I know, just found it the other day. However it's expressly stated not to be a place for hookups. More for issues singles face--seems like lots of commiseration, to name one issue.

I wonder if SDN will eventually include some hookup area, given the seeming recurrence of requests for it. It would take away from other aspects of the site though, and I guess that's why proposals seem to be shot down consistently.

Good links Brett, you're always on top of things. Those sites looks a little cheesy though, nothing like top notch dating sites. The trouble with any form of elitist dating is that it's hard to round up enough users in any given area to form a critical mass. Network externalities or something. Ebay and Amazon can succeed because distance isn't an issue, but it's huge in dating. I think elitist dating sites--if they're based on a for-profit model--may have to charge a high premium to users if they want to be viable. Probably lots more than the 20 or so per month most sites charge. Dunno, this is technical but interesting I think. I'm not sure what the costs are of maintaining a high quality online dating service. Up-front costs or operating costs. Ah, business is great.

Actually Brett those sites seem pretty bogus, checked them out much? I wonder if there's opportunity in the niche dating market.
Honestly, I wonder how viable it would be to make a pre-med version of myspace. A site associated with SDN on some level which caters to students and doctors who want to network or stay in touch with people.

A requirement could be a medical school, undergrad, or hospital email address. That way spammers would be kept to a minimum and it would be more likely to remain pre-med only. Some of the ideas for the site could be a lot of the same things you see on facebook or myspace. A quality friend's list program, with searchability features that have several fields available would be awesome.

In addition to things like friends lists, and search there could be a place for pre-meds to search for shadowing/volunteering experiences in their areas. This would require the site to be pretty popular, but nation wide organization with "real time" lists of oppurtunities would be interested in listing positions on a site like this. Of course, there would be a good advertising crowd for this group, kaplan, TPR and others, also amazon.com and google ad sense/yahoo version of this.

Also like myspace and facebook there could be a dating element, which will exist in any type of community, but I think this site would need to be slightly more professional than myspace or facebook. Consider that this brand of site could also fill other niche groups like pre-engineer, pre-law and more.

Alright so I don't know what compelled me to write this, but I wonder if it might be a promising web site.
DoctorPardi said:
Honestly, I wonder how viable it would be to make a pre-med version of myspace. A site associated with SDN on some level which caters to students and doctors who want to network or stay in touch with people.

A requirement could be a medical school, undergrad, or hospital email address. That way spammers would be kept to a minimum and it would be more likely to remain pre-med only. Some of the ideas for the site could be a lot of the same things you see on facebook or myspace. A quality friend's list program, with searchability features that have several fields available would be awesome.

In addition to things like friends lists, and search there could be a place for pre-meds to search for shadowing/volunteering experiences in their areas. This would require the site to be pretty popular, but nation wide organization with "real time" lists of oppurtunities would be interested in listing positions on a site like this. Of course, there would be a good advertising crowd for this group, kaplan, TPR and others, also amazon.com and google ad sense/yahoo version of this.

Also like myspace and facebook there could be a dating element, which will exist in any type of community, but I think this site would need to be slightly more professional than myspace or facebook. Consider that this brand of site could also fill other niche groups like pre-engineer, pre-law and more.

Alright so I don't know what compelled me to write this, but I wonder if it might be a promising web site.

This has potential. You should talk to Lee.
great with hands

take me jackie
Better with hands

Got ya beat! ;)
masterMood said:
Man i feel sorry for that kid who is the SDN Baby. What's going to happen to his ego when his parents tell him they hooked up online, and that's how he was born.

that would be amazing if the baby's initials were SDN lol
DoctorPardi said:
Ok I have a great idea, since there are way less females than males this is what we do. We come up with a site, where all the males can turn in a personal profile, height, weight, picture, personal statement, MDapps profile. Then the guys will complete a list of girls they want their profile sent too. They will look in the Medical Student Arrangement Reference (MSAR) and pick a number of girls they think they would have a good shot at getting based on who they have dated before. Then the girls will receive all of these personal profiles and send out additional information requests which may include more indepth information about the guy's personal lives and hobbies, the information required on these will be determined by each female individually. Once the males have submitted all of their additional or one might call them "Secondary" profiles, they begin to receive offers for short 5-10 minute interviews with the girls friends and family. After this stage is complete the females will choose a few guys and actually go on a first date.

hahahaha...omg, that's hysterical! :laugh: It just might work! ;) Oh, and I am a girl, BTW... I never noticed SDN is comprised of mostly males... :confused:
I did consider a myspace style set-up at one point. However, myspace is kinda lame.

But I think this is a great idea. We're in the middle of a massive database project which could integrate very well with this idea.

Let me talk with our programmer and see what we can put together initially. We can then add more features as it takes-off.

While he puts together the system, should we create a subforum to post profiles?
Lee Burnett said:
I did consider a myspace style set-up at one point. However, myspace is kinda lame.

But I think this is a great idea. We're in the middle of a massive database project which could integrate very well with this idea.

Let me talk with our programmer and see what we can put together initially. We can then add more features as it takes-off.

While he puts together the system, should we create a subforum to post profiles?

I am confused by your question. Do you mean do we want to post preliminary profiles in a subforum while we wait for the actual site to launch?

Also I don't think there could be a better name for a site of this nature than "studentdoctor", so will this additional site be a part of studentdoctor.net? Or will it be a separate sister site? My thoughts are that, if the other site uses SDN to promote itself but has a separate domain then it has a greater potential to take off. In the same way facebook isn't a part of another site, this site could be separate but very much related to SDN.

Anyway, just my crazy ideas :)
Big moneymaking idea--force ppl to donate to use it. Not only moneymaking, but I think this proposition could have other merits as well.

strawberryfield, I think most websites, and especially forums, that aren't exclusively geared toward males or females tend to bias toward male user bases. I think this is true of personals/dating as well.
Shredder said:
Big moneymaking idea--force ppl to donate to use it

I don't think it could ever really take off like that. I think it would have to be a free site, that is for profit. It would use advertising money from test prep companies, universities advertising and obviously google adsense and the like. Again that's just my vision of what it would be like, what Lee and the programmer decide may have very little to do with my opinions :laugh: .
It would integrate and contribute better to SDN by meshing it with the donation system here though. Free dating sites are rarely, if ever, of worth. There have to be reasons why quality online dating arenas always use subscription fees instead of traffic-based revenue streams. One issue is that a low/free cost of membership makes a site much more prone to clutter and short term or one time users.

SDN has a small forum for donors and angels to exclusively post in. At present, that's not much of a benefit to donating, but a similar model with personals could be very different.

I wonder though if this would create awkwardness among SDN dynamics. Just a thought.
Shredder said:
It would integrate and contribute better to SDN by meshing it with the donation system here though. Free dating sites are rarely, if ever, of worth. There have to be reasons why quality online dating arenas always use subscription fees instead of traffic-based revenue streams. One issue is that a low/free cost of membership makes a site much more prone to clutter and short term or one time users.

SDN has a small forum for donors and angels to exclusively post in. At present, that's not much of a benefit to donating, but a similar model with personals could be very different.

I wonder though if this would create awkwardness among SDN dynamics. Just a thought.

Well, I am less thinking of a dating site and more of something along the lines of facebook. I mean personals could certainly be a part of this site, but not the only reason to use it.