Medical How are physical education courses viewed in the context of a rigorous courseload?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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As I try to sprinkle in electives into an already-difficult schedule to obtain a solid credit-hour amount, I came to wonder how taking physical education courses would be looked upon. I'm considering adding kayaking (2 cred hours) to my planned schedule of organic chem, physics, english, statistics to reach 16 hours total. I think it could be a fun talking point in interviews, but I'm wondering if I should bother taking it. Thanks

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Only take it if you seriously want to. Nobody is going to ask you about your kayaking course in an interview, so if it would be an added stressor and detract from your other courses then avoid.

In general the whole idea of course rigor is overblown by premed advisors. Nobody will care if you took 14 vs 16 hours, just how you did in the courses and your final GPA
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