How frequently to see post inpatient follow-ups

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7+ Year Member
Aug 24, 2014
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Building an outpatient clinic and have been seeing a lot of inpatient follow-ups. Most are really stable and don't have any ongoing issues so I tell them to follow-up as needed. Basically just a check in after they have gone home. Others are seeing multiple specialists, most if not all who take precedence over me, and I don't necessarily feel as though I am adding anything to their care. Only few seems to have ongoing issues that I feel as though I can help with such as spasticity, cognition, etc. My question for those who see inpatient follow-ups, how often/frequently are seeing them? For those who are doing well, are you typically just doing as needed if there are no concerns? Wanting to build the clinic but also don't think it's great practice to just see people on a reoccurring bases just because they were in the inpatient unit especially if I don't feel there is anything for me to do or address. Thanks.

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Exactly. And a lot of them no show or cancel.

I think you are better off seeing the people who need your services or you have something to do.
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I always fall back to what I learned in residency.

An attending I had would only schedule the follow up if their was something PMR related they were working on when they left inpatient. Example, new spasticity issues and still making adjustments to medications, or may need to be evaluated for botox/phenol etc. Another common issue would be needing NCS/EMG. Its not covered and not a good environment to do in the hospital and typically its too close to initial injury to get any good data.

Most patient issues had to due with dialing in BP, Blood sugars, fluid balance, etc. which are all issues PCP is better at handling. That being said some people didnt have PCPs or other issues so he would always tell them they could make appointment if needed. Typically they will have a follow up visit with PCP/surgeon/cardiologist etc within 1 week of leaving IPR and that person will take over.
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