How long does your school typically take to release VSLO applications?

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MD school, took 2-3 days for them to write up the evals and letter of good standing and send it off.
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DO school, about 1 business day

MD school, took 2-3 days for them to write up the evals and letter of good standing and send it off.

When you guys go back to the elective date ranges on the main program page, do the ranges you applied for disappear? I want to make sure that the date ranges disappear because I already applied to them, not because someone else already took those slots.
The dates I applied for did disappear from the main program page!
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Ditto^^ it disappeared for me. Also, my school released my app in <24 hours, but it was in mid-February so mine was probably one of the only apps on their radar
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MD school.

0-1 days before released.

Dates disappear from the choice drop-down because you applied for them (not because they’re already full).
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Thanks guys! I had a heart attack when I saw the dates gone!!