Medical How should I list scholarship (MD)?

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Sep 4, 2006
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So I was awarded with a $1000 scholarship at my university. This is a pretty common scholarship that many people get, so would it be worth including it on my application under Scholarships/Awards? I have only gotten it once so far, but I anticipate getting it twice more by the time I apply.
Listing this recognition (assuming it is merit-based and related to the college years, rather than HS) is not going to add to your candidacy. Nor will it hurt you. If you decide to mention it, along with the criteria and relative selectivity, consider grouping it with other awards and honors.

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Listing this recognition (assuming it is merit-based and related to the college years, rather than HS) is not going to add to your candidacy. Nor will it hurt you. If you decide to mention it, along with the criteria and relative selectivity, consider grouping it with other awards and honors.
+1. Never hurts but don’t overplay this.
What if I don't have any other awards/honors aside from Dean's List?
Then you will be in good company along with many other med school applicants.

IMO there's little point to including Deans List, when your transcript speaks for itself, unless you want to demonstrate/comment on a steep upward grade trend after a mediocre term or year(s). But if you're going to use a space to mention the scholarship, you might as well include Deans List.
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