Medical How to go about asking school to math funds?

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SDN Chief Administrator
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15+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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when asking med schools to match financial aid offers, are you expected to tell the school you are asking to match to let them know what the other school is/print out a pdf of the other financial aid offer? Or how would it work?
Bottom line, there is no non-awkward way to do this.

I would simply let them know that you are interested in attending but have to strongly consider the financial aid package from another school that you are very excited about as well. If there is anything they could do to close the gap in cost it would make it much more feasible for you to attend.

Something generic like that. See how they respond. If they need some sort of proof, they'll let you know. If it's a flat no-go, they'll let you know that too.

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Agree with the above. Don't just send them your paperwork that shows your financial aid package and be like "beat this."

Need to be kinda subtle here. As @GoSpursGo said, just say that you are very excited about the opportunity to attend their school and need to consider the financial aspects as well.
You need to understand that not every medical school operates their scholarship funds the same way, and unless you know current students, you probably won't know for sure. It's just as important to know the people you will work with in the financial aid office as it is the amount you get.
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