MCAT How to Self-Study for the MCAT

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Self-Studying for the MCAT

  • More and more people each year study for the MCAT without taking a formal review course. As a little bit of reading around the SDN forums will show you, many of them do quite fine using a combination of home-study materials. We're quite proud to be a significant part of the prep material cocktail that the majority of self-studiers at SDN use and succeed with. Just a little bit of reading will find hundreds of posts raving that our materials are the best for self-studying physics, general chemistry and organic chemistry and that our biology passages are a big part of a successful preparation plan for the biological sciences section. You'll even find a few threads here and there explaining what a pleasant surprise our verbal reasoning materials proved to be in terms of providing additional passages to people who had exhausted the limited amount of verbal reasoning passages on the open market. So given that we are such a significant part of self-studying, it seemed like a great idea to put down a few suggestions and a schedule for studying on your own.

Assessing your Needs
An effective plan starts with honestly assessing what YOU need. Not all of us come from the same educational background, have the same intuition and logic, and pick up concepts at the same rate. Knowing yourself is the first step to establishing the perfect study plan. Counting on a diagnostic exam to determine your strengths and weaknesses is crazy, yet many people do this. For an exam to be truly diagnostic of all of the concepts, equations, and terms on the two science sections of the MCAT would require well over a thousand questions. The other problem with diagnostic exams is that we often miss questions on material we know (and know well) because of the style of the question, not the content. The result is that diagnostic feedback based on one or two questions in a subject area is misleading. Lucky guessing or low question difficulty could give you a false sense of understanding in a trouble spot as much as a careless error or high question difficulty could give you a false sense of need in a strong subject. The bottom line is that you need to assess your abilities, because you know yourself better than anyone. No matter what the one question involving a titration curve on a commercial diagnostic exam tells you about your understanding of titrations (either you know it 100% or 0%), you know best whether or not you know that subject well.

So rather than starting with an exam, start with either the table of contents in the review books or the list of topics from the Official MCAT Guideline released by AAMC. Go through the lists for each subject topic-by-topic and identify areas that have traditionally bothered you, decide how much content review you need (most students overestimate this), consider how good you are at multiple-choice exams, and figure out how well you learn from doing practice exams. From there you can layout a personalized schedule.

Setting a Realistic Schedule
The next step after assessing what you need is setting a realistic schedule based on the amount of time you need to review the material and the amount of time you need to complete and then thoroughly review enough practice exams to feel comfortable with the test. From that point, consider how much time you have to study (in terms of hours per day) and start designing a schedule. It is important that you set this schedule first, and then decide on an exam date. Too many people pick an exam date ambitiously or they pick it based on what other people have done, only to discover they need to postpone the MCAT because they aren't on pace to be ready for the date they chose. Some people can prepare as quickly as four to six week weeks (they start with a solid knowledge base and they don't have many other things going on besides studying for the MCAT), but for the majority of us we need three to four months (especially if we have other things going on in life).

The Importance of Doing Passages
As you learned in school, reviewing lecture notes and doing problems in the textbook is not enough to get a good grade on a midterm or final exam. Going through a previous exam written by your professor pays dividends beyond any other resource. The exact same thing is true with the MCAT, only ten-fold. The MCAT writers specialize in presenting material you know, in a seemingly unfamiliar setting. Success on the MCAT requires the application of concepts, the ability to visualize what is going on in a new situation, and being skillful at the process of elimination when working through their questions. It's unlike school in that showing your work is detrimental (wastes precious time) and multiple concepts are presented simultaneously. The exam at its core is not difficult (the material is completely comprehendible), but the speed with which you must process questions and the sheer volume of material can be overwhelming.

This is why you must do practice passages to get used to the thinking required for success on the MCAT. It's the only way to be truly prepared for any MCAT you might get. Reading text may build confidence in your knowledge base, but information alone doesn't help that much on the MCAT. Doing thousands of free-standing multiple-choice questions will grill you on the subject matter, but again, it's not the simulation you need. It can even be damaging in that it builds a false sense of security that comes crashing down when you sit for an MCAT that looks nothing like what you were studying. You have to practice with passages and passage-based questions. Processing passages to ascertain the main idea (purpose) and filtering out critical data from minutiae and then answering the corresponding questions is the only way to prepare for a test where 81.9% of the questions are based on a passage. Establish a schedule that allows you to average 6-10 passages a day during the first half and 12-16 passages a day in the second half (once you are done with your content review).

The Phases of Practicing
If you have seen Berkeley Review materials before, you'll notice that we strongly suggest doing the homework passages in each chapter in multiple phases. The amount of work that went into designing the passages to fit into the corresponding phase is surprisingly significant (almost as much work as writing the passage, questions, and answers). The first phase of our homework is aimed at reviewing the material and trying some of the strategies we present without the pressures of time. It's like learning a new dance, where you go through everything slowly to build the right habits and get into the flow. The second phase of our homework is aimed at developing speed and faith in your intuition. You'll be pressed for time, and hopefully develop better focus and trust your ability to find a best answer without a 100% analysis. There is great utility in learning to let go of perfection. Often we are compelled to reread answer choices we are not completely sure of before picking a choice. This is a killer in terms of finishing on time. It takes a while to get used to doing this, but if you find that two answers are definitely false, one is correct, and the last leaves you uncertain, then you need to make a choice and move on. You need to pick the correct statement and let go of the anxiety you might feel from not fully comprehending that last answer choice. The third phase of our homework is aimed at perfecting your approach and working with passages that mix many subjects together. You won't know what topic questions will be based on when you take the MCAT, so you'll find that we mix random questions from other sections into the phase three passages.

Daily Planner
Our daily planner is simply a model schedule in Excel for you to plug into. It has a day-by-day listing of what to do, but feel free to modify it. Not everyone works the same, so you should customize it to fit your style and needs. If there are topics you know really well, then skip the reading and jump right into passages. For many of you, there will be topics that are best learned by jumping into questions. Reading can often times be passive, as we get into a mindset where we accept everything that is in print without questioning. When you work with passages and questions, the learning is active. Getting ready for all sections of this exam requires thinking, and that's exactly what your preparation should emphasize.

  • More will be added to this diatribe over the course of the week, based on feedback and questions.

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  • Berkeley Review 12-week Syllbus.xls
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  • Berkeley Review 16-week Syllabus.xls
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Choosing a proper date, setting up a proper schedule is important but how would you recommend we adjust for a test taken in a computer screen?
Solid advice from BerkReviewTeach. I agree with the setting a schedule and i can't stress enough the importance of doing practice passages. Practice makes perfect.
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Thank you for this! :thumbup: Great post and very helpful!
When I called in to TBR office the other day, the person I spoke to said that on average students spend about 50 hours a week studying. That's about 7 hours a day if you study every day...and if you take a day off, then that comes out to a little over 8 hours a day.

I'm actually very excited about preparing for the MCAT's but this does seem like an aweful lot. Does this sound about right?
When I called in to TBR office the other day, the person I spoke to said that on average students spend about 50 hours a week studying. That's about 7 hours a day if you study every day...and if you take a day off, then that comes out to a little over 8 hours a day.

I'm actually very excited about preparing for the MCAT's but this does seem like an aweful lot. Does this sound about right?

For the summer, that sounds about right. During the school year or when coupled with a fulltime job, it's a formula for burnout and disaster. During the school year, twenty-five to thirty hours a week seems about right with hefty weeks during the breaks.
On the self-study schedule it says Physics Phase 3 to be released. Are those additional materials that will be available later or just part of the self-study schedule that will be added? thanks
On the self-study schedule it says Physics Phase 3 to be released. Are those additional materials that will be available later or just part of the self-study schedule that will be added? thanks

Right now it's in limbo. We are finetuning the passages that will make up Phase III. I'm not sure when they'll be in the books, but it should be wither the upcoming print run or the following.
Does TBR provide any diagnostic exams that we can use to assess our progress? I know there are the AAMC exams, but I was wondering if the TBR company has created any exams that would be available to students taking the prep course?
Does TBR provide any diagnostic exams that we can use to assess our progress? I know there are the AAMC exams, but I was wondering if the TBR company has created any exams that would be available to students taking the prep course?

In the course, there are nine full-length BR CBTs as well as several sectional exams and skill exams. The only ones that could be labeled as diagnostic in the truest sense of the word are the skills exam and a couple of the summary exams given at the end. We don't believe there really is such a thing as a diagnostic exam. It would take over a 1000 questions to be able to ask multiple questions on every pissble subject, so no test can be truly diagnostic.
How would you compare the study schedule in this thread to SN2ed's schedule that is available in the MSA Discussion forum??
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I think SN2ed's schedule is excellent. From what I've read, it seems people who have followed that route ended up with some very good scores. I think if I were to study again, I'd follow something pretty close to that. I'd probably put a few spacer days in there. These days would serve as catchup days if I had fallen behind or as a day off if I earned it by staying caught up. I think the motivation of earning a day off here or an afternoon off there is critical at various points in your process. Plus, a day off from tiem to time can help rejuvinate the soul and fire you up to get back into the routine.

Whether people use SN2ed's schedule or one of their own design, a schedule with things to check off everyday is essential.
For the summer, that sounds about right. During the school year or when coupled with a fulltime job, it's a formula for burnout and disaster. During the school year, twenty-five to thirty hours a week seems about right with hefty weeks during the breaks.

Is 20-30 hours a week for 100 days or so typically sufficient? I realize that's a hard question to answer, but I'm having a hard time looking at the SN2 study schedule and seeing why that takes 7 hours a day to complete.
Is 20-30 hours a week for 100 days or so typically sufficient? I realize that's a hard question to answer, but I'm having a hard time looking at the SN2 study schedule and seeing why that takes 7 hours a day to complete.

I'm going to bump this to see if BR can clarify a bit. Thanks.
so being an idiot, I lost the pdf file i had for the schedule for each passages to do for phase. I have the blue Physics and Red Biology book that do not give you a schedule, however some one FOR SURE has posted a file with the schedule somewhere on the forums. I tried searching but cant seem to find it. Do you by any chance have the file berkreviewtech? I would really appreciate it.
so being an idiot, I lost the pdf file i had for the schedule for each passages to do for phase. I have the blue Physics and Red Biology book that do not give you a schedule, however some one FOR SURE has posted a file with the schedule somewhere on the forums. I tried searching but cant seem to find it. Do you by any chance have the file berkreviewtech? I would really appreciate it.

I've looked and looked, but can't find them. All I can find are the ones I have posted. Why not modify those to fit the books you have? The physics is different, but the rest should be about the same.
Hey BRT,

Do you know when Physics Module Phase III will be released?
When I go to the website, will the newer versions be available? The website doesn't indicate which version I am ordering
I actually got the TBR books from my friend who bought the books in 2011 Dec. 2012 Jan. I was wondering what could have been updated in the 2013 version. I want to avoid buying the whole new TBR books again if 2012 version is very similar to 2013 version.
I actually got the TBR books from my friend who bought the books in 2011 Dec. 2012 Jan. I was wondering what could have been updated in the 2013 version. I want to avoid buying the whole new TBR books again if 2012 version is very similar to 2013 version.

No real need to update anything. As long as the passages are clean in the books you have, you're fine.
Hey BRT,

Do you know when Physics Module Phase III will be released?

speaking of phases ,and sections, the way the 16 week schedule is broken down is really confusing. Example, it ssays section 1: passages 1,2, 3, 6, 7, 8. but section 1 only has the 25 review questions that only has 3 passages, before the practice test. So I am very confused with the way the syllabus is set up.

And then it jumps to phase 3, where did phase 2 & 1 go:confused:
speaking of phases ,and sections, the way the 16 week schedule is broken down is really confusing. Example, it ssays section 1: passages 1,2, 3, 6, 7, 8. but section 1 only has the 25 review questions that only has 3 passages, before the practice test. So I am very confused with the way the syllabus is set up.

And then it jumps to phase 3, where did phase 2 & 1 go:confused:

and im using the 2012 organic chem book.
I wanted to know if there was an issue with General Chemistry Atomic Theory: Passage II, question 12 (copyright 2010) page 129. I thought the answer to the mass spec question should be vaporization as indicated in the passage, but the answer explains it is sublimation for what I believe to be a poor reason. Can you please advise me if this was an issue in this edition?
so i have kaplan books and exam krackers. i'm planning on taking the MCAT this May or June. Is there a schedule out there that I can use, with these 2 books?

Here is one for EK

And for Kaplan, if you go to their website and get to MCAT Advantage, click Enroll/View Schedule, put in your zip code, then click time and details, it will tell you what chapters to do on what days. You can then morph this into your own schedule (this would be for the five book set, not the one large book they sell).
This is so weird. The post above was from the Berkeley Review forum of Test Prep Week 2011. I'm not sure how it got moved to the main forum, but thanks to the Mod who did it. Please forgive the sales-pitch tone of the first paragraph, because that was meant to be reaad by people searching the BR forum.
I emailed SDN and they said that section has been deleted to get ready for the 2013 section

So is there any update to this study schedule? Cause it is what I am using w/ all 9 new BR books
I mean particularly about the "Physics Module 3 Coming Soon...." Part

Since that module has been released since this study Schedule was made

How should I correlate that into my study schedule?
This is so weird. The post above was from the Berkeley Review forum of Test Prep Week 2011. I'm not sure how it got moved to the main forum, but thanks to the Mod who did it. Please forgive the sales-pitch tone of the first paragraph, because that was meant to be reaad by people searching the BR forum.

Yes, this thread was moved into the MCAT forum from the old Test Prep Week forum because we were getting a lot of help desk tickets from people looking for it.
Can this be applied for the new MCAT as well?

Very much so. I think it starts with realizing that the new MCAT to some extent is built on hype. Granted, I'm writing this on the day that the ninth new MCAT was given, so that's only nine data points to survey in terms of how much is new. But if you read all of the SDN feedback (as well as other sites) about the MCAT as it is today, you'll notice many common themes.

The first is that Ph/Ch section sounds like they took the old exam (with 7 passages and 52 questions) and removed a couple questions from existing passages and then added in three passages (from either organic chemistry or biochemistry). So studying from older materials using an older schedule is working out pretty well. And the truth of the matter is that BR has been slowly evolving into the new exam, starting as far back as 2012 with some new passages in the physics and chemistry books that incorporated physiology and biochemistry (based on the preliminary MR5 material). So not only will they work in conjunction with this approach, it will work better than anything out there with a "2015" label on it (see rant below).

The Bio/BC section sounds like they took the old exam (also with 7 passages and 52 questions) and removed a couple questions from existing passages and then added in three passages (from biochemistry). They definitely made an effort to update the biology section more than any of the three pre-existing sections. While old materials may still help (albeit they could lack biochemistry), this is an area where the current books are better. That is the main reason why BR released their biology book (early June 2015) and organic chemistry (and biochemistry) book (late August 2015) before any others. It was important to get real test feedback before putting out a book for the new MCAT (see rant below).

The Psych/Soc section did not appear on the exam until April 2015, so there are no older materials. While they had experimental passages from 2012 through September 2014, nothing was formally released in terms of what exactly the exam would entail. The general list from the MCAT Guide has been changed a few times, and that may very well have been the result of what they were finding from the psych and sociology passages.

The CARS section is basically the verbal section, with some topics removed (mostly soft sciences) and a few new ones added in (pop culture, geography, and so on). Older materials and newer materials will work well together for years, as there is little for them to change in this section.

The Rant--- we at BR find it absolutely absurd that every other company put out books for the 2015 MCAT in 2014, months before AAMC had released a practice exam and a year before the real MCAT was given. Some even released material in 2013. How in the heck can you put out a valid book on preparing for the exam before you know what the exam actually contains? It was all based on information from the MR5 committee, and they are not the test writers.

When it comes to our materials, we are perfectionists, so we have a history of looking at things differently. We were bound to take a long time on this project. We are also the only maker of MCAT books that does nothing else but MCAT preparation, so we have more of a focus on getting it right. Our survival depends on it, where others in the business can fall back on other exams. But even considering all that, it would have seemed reasonable that at least one other company would have waited until 2015 to release materials for 2015.

But that's why if you look in the biochemistry section of our organic chemistry and biology books you'll see amino acids presented in a fashion that is EXACTLY what you need. They are drawn different ways (charged and uncharged; Fischer and three-D), have modifications in some cases (we go beyond the coded 20), and the questions are incredibly useful at building the thinking skills needed for anything you might see on the exam. Our students put in countless hours and stress about their future on a daily basis, so we owe it to them to do everything right. We take this duty very seriously. Granted, we updated our in-class course first and books second, so we did prioritize one group over the other, but now that the updated books are out (in a large part because of the feedback from our wonderful students from our course) it's all good again.
Last edited:
This is a 120-day study schedule designed for the new Berkeley Review books, some of which may not be out for home-study at the time this is being posted. It is designed based on both the topics the MCAT tests as well as 25 years of insights in to how most students learn best. It emphasizes review, applications, and most of all test questions. There are a few things to consider at first.
  • The schedule contains no days off. This is because we have found that when a student schedules a day off, it quickly turns into a catch-up day. With that type of day to fall back on, many students fall off pace. We believe in scheduling light days about once per week and then earning that day off by doing your work in advance.
  • The first full-length exam is schedule for when about 90% of your review and preparation is done. Too many students start too early and are unfamiliar with the some of the material. This wastes a practice exam. The main purpose of a practice exam is to work on test-taking skills, timing, and strategy. If you have material that is unfamiliar, then that purpose is undermined. This is why we are strong believers that diagnostic exams in the beginning are a complete waste and can actually be damaging. Most questions are missed because of (1) a careless error due to lack of focus, (2) a misinterpretation of the question, (3) a computational error, or (4) an error in reasoning. Few questions are missed from a complete lack of knowledge, and diagnostic exams claim to inform a student what they need to study. It can be misleading information based on test design and student focus. You don't want to review excessively in areas you already know.
  • Homework is laid out in phases. Phase I is designed for reviewing the concepts and re-familiarizing with the material. You are not meant to time yourself and should take time to write down notes as needed. Phase II is meant to train for timing and stress, as you get one minute per question and two minutes per passage. Some questions are intentionally long or ambiguous. This is a major part of your development. The last phase is meant to be done a few weeks after you reviewed the topic, so you can re-familiarize if you started to forget some of the information. These passages incorporate material from other sections and simulate the MCAT the best of all of the passages.
Week 1
Day 1
Read G Chem Chapter 1
GC Chapter 1 Phase I

Day 2
Read O Chem Chapter 1
OC Chapter 1 Phase I

Day 3
CARS set 1
GC Chapter 1 Phase II
OC Chapter 1 Phase II

Day 4
Read Biology Chapter 1
Biology Chapter 1 Phase I

Day 5
Read Physics Chapter 1
Physics Chapter 1 Phase I

Day 6
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 1
Psych/Soc Chapter 1 Passages and Questions

Day 7
Biology Chapter 1 Phase II
Physics Chapter 1 Phase II

Week 2
Day 8
Read G Chem Chapter 2
GC Chapter 2 Phase I

Day 9
Read O Chem Chapter 2
OC Chapter 2 Phase I

Day 10
CARS set 2
GC Chapter 2 Phase II
OC Chapter 2 Phase II

Day 11
Read Biology Chapter 6
Biology Chapter 6 Phase I

Day 12
Read Physics Chapter 2
Physics Chapter 2 Phase I

Day 13
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 2
Psych/Soc Chapter 2 Passages and Questions

Day 14
Biology Chapter 6 Phase II
Physics Chapter 2 Phase II

Week 3
Day 15
Read G Chem Chapter 3
GC Chapter 3 Phase I
GC Book 1 Practice Exam 1.1 (Phase III)

Day 16
Read O Chem Chapter 3
OC Chapter 3 Phase I
OC Chapter 1 Phase III

Day 17
CARS set 3
GC Chapter 3 Phase II
OC Chapter 3 Phase II

Day 18
Read Biology Chapter 2
Biology Chapter 2 Phase I
Biology Chapter 1 Phase III

Day 19
Read Physics Chapter 3
Physics Chapter 3 Phase I
Physics Book 1 Practice Exam 1.1 (Phase III)

Day 20
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 3
Psych/Soc Chapter 3 Passages and Questions

Day 21
Biology Chapter 2 Phase II
Physics Chapter 3 Phase II

Week 4
Day 22
Read G Chem Chapter 4
GC Chapter 4 Phase I
GC Book 1 Practice Exam 1.2 (Phase III)

Day 23
Read O Chem Chapter 4
OC Chapter 4 Phase I
OC Chapter 2 Phase III

Day 24
CARS set 4
GC Chapter 4 Phase II
OC Chapter 4 Phase II

Day 25
Read Biology Chapter 7
Biology Chapter 7 Phase I
Biology Chapter 6 Phase III

Day 26
Read Physics Chapter 4
Physics Chapter 4 Phase I
Physics Book 1 Practice Exam 1.2 (Phase III)

Day 27
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 4
Psych/Soc Chapter 4 Passages and Questions

Day 28
Biology Chapter 7 Phase II
Physics Chapter 4 Phase II

Week 5
Day 29
Read G Chem Chapter 5
GC Chapter 5 Phase I
GC Book 1 Practice Exam 1.3 (Phase III)

Day 30
OC Chapter 3 Phase III

Day 31
CARS set 5
GC Chapter 5 Phase II

Day 32
Read Biology Chapter 3
Biology Chapter 3 Phase I
Biology Chapter 2 Phase III

Day 33
Physics Book 1 Practice Exam 1.3 (Phase III)

Day 34
Khan Academy Bio/BCh Passages (Choose 10-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Make a list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 35
Biology Chapter 3 Phase II

Week 6
Day 36
Read G Chem Chapter 6
GC Chapter 6 Phase I
GC Book 1 Practice Exam 1.4 (Phase III)

Day 37
Read O Chem Chapter 5
OC Chapter 5 Phase I
OC Chapter 4 Phase III

Day 38
CARS set 6
GC Chapter 6 Phase II
OC Chapter 5 Phase II

Day 39
Read Biology Chapter 8
Biology Chapter 8 Phase I
Biology Chapter 7 Phase III

Day 40
Read Physics Chapter 5
Physics Chapter 5 Phase I
Physics Book 1 Practice Exam 1.4 (Phase III)

Day 41
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 5
Psych/Soc Chapter 5 Passages and Questions

Day 42
Biology Chapter 8 Phase II
Physics Chapter 5 Phase II

Week 7
Day 43
Read G Chem Chapter 7
GC Chapter 7 Phase I
GC Book 1 Practice Exam 1.5 (Phase III)

Day 44
Read O Chem Chapter 6
OC Chapter 6 Phase I

Day 45
CARS set 7
GC Chapter 7 Phase II
OC Chapter 6 Phase II

Day 46
Read Biology Chapter 4
Biology Chapter 4 Phase I
Biology Chapter 3 Phase III

Day 47
Read Physics Chapter 6
Physics Chapter 6 Phase I

Day 48
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 6
Psych/Soc Chapter 6 Passages and Questions

Day 49
Biology Chapter 4 Phase II
Physics Chapter 6 Phase II

Week 8
Day 50
Read G Chem Chapter 8
GC Chapter 8 Phase I
GC Book 1 Practice Exam 1.6 (Phase III)

Day 51
Read O Chem Chapter 7
OC Chapter 7 Phase I
OC Chapter 5 Phase III

Day 52
CARS set 8
GC Chapter 8 Phase II
OC Chapter 7 Phase II

Day 53
Read Biology Chapter 9
Biology Chapter 9 Phase I
Biology Chapter 8 Phase III

Day 54
Read Physics Chapter 7
Physics Chapter 7 Phase I
Physics Book 1 Practice Exam 1.5 (Phase III)

Day 55
Read Psych/Soc Chapter 7
Psych/Soc Chapter 7 Passages and Questions

Day 56
Biology Chapter 9 Phase II
Physics Chapter 7 Phase II

Week 9
Day 57
Read G Chem Chapter 9
GC Chapter 9 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2.1 (Phase III)

Day 58
Read O Chem Chapter 8
OC Chapter 8 Phase I
OC Chapter 6 Phase III

Day 59
CARS set 9
GC Chapter 9 Phase II
OC Chapter 8 Phase II

Day 60
Read Biology Chapter 5
Biology Chapter 5 Phase I
Biology Chapter 4 Phase III

Day 61
Read Physics Chapter 8
Physics Chapter 8 Phase I
Physics Book 2 Practice Exam 2.1 (Phase III)

Day 62
Khan Academy Phy/Che Passages (Choose 10-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Make a list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 63
Biology Chapter 5 Phase II
Physics Chapter 8 Phase II

Week 10
Day 64
Read G Chem Chapter 10
GC Chapter 10 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2.2 (Phase III)

Day 65
OC Chapter 7 Phase III

Day 66
CARS set 10
GC Chapter 10 Phase II

Day 67
Read Biology Chapter 10
Biology Chapter 10 Phase I
Biology Chapter 9 Phase III

Day 68
Read Physics Chapter 9
Physics Chapter 9 Phase I
Physics Book 2 Practice Exam 2.2 (Phase III)

Day 69
Khan Academy Psy/Soc Passages (Choose 10-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Make a list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 70
Biology Chapter 10 Phase II
Physics Chapter 9 Phase II

Week 11
Day 71
Read G Chem Chapter 11
GC Chapter 11 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2.3 (Phase III)

Day 72
OC Chapter 8 Phase III

Day 73
GC Chapter 11 Phase II

Day 74
Biology Chapter 5 Phase III

Day 75
Read Physics Chapter 10
Physics Chapter 10 Phase I
Physics Book 2 Practice Exam 2.3 (Phase III)

Day 76
Khan Academy Bio/BCh Passages (Choose 12-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 77
Physics Chapter 10 Phase II
Khan Academy Phy/Che Passages (Choose 12-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Week 12
Day 78
Read G Chem Chapter 12
GC Chapter 12 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2.4 (Phase III)

Day 79
Khan Academy Psy/Soc Passages (Choose 12-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 80
GC Chapter 12 Phase II
Biology Chapter 10 Phase III

Day 81
Physics Book 2 Practice Exam 2.4 (Phase III)

Day 82
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2.5 (Phase III)

Day 83
Khan Academy Bio/BCh Passages (Choose 15-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 84
Khan Academy Phy/Che Passages (Choose 15-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Week 13
Day 85
Physics Book 2 Practice Exam 2.5 (Phase III)

Day 86
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2.6 (Phase III)

Day 87
Khan Academy Psy/Soc Passages (Choose 15-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 88
Full Length Exam 1

Day 89
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 1, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 90
Khan Academy Bio/BCh Passages (Choose 18-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 91
Khan Academy Phy/Che Passages (Choose 18-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Week 14
Day 92
Full Length Exam 2

Day 93
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 2, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 94
Khan Academy Psy/Soc Passages (Choose 18-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 95
Full Length Exam 3

Day 96
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 3, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 97
Physiology Exam (from Biology Book 1)

Day 98
Molecular Bio/Biochem Exam (from Biology Book 2)

Week 15
Day 99
Full Length Exam 4

Day 100
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 4, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 101
Psychology/Sociology Overview: Review your notes and add any information that seems relevant. Try passages from multiple sources to make sure your techniques and strategies work on all possible passages. Khan Academy is a great free resource for this.

Day 102
Full Length Exam 5

Day 103
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 5, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 104
Biology Overview: Review your notes and add any information that seems relevant. Try passages from multiple sources to make sure your techniques and strategies work on all possible passages. Khan Academy is a great free resource for this.

Day 105
Biochemistry: Review your notes and add any information that seems relevant. Try passages from multiple sources to make sure your techniques and strategies work on all possible passages. Khan Academy is a great free resource for this.

Week 16
Day 106
Full Length Exam 6

Day 107
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 6, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 108
Physics Overview: Review your notes and add any information that seems relevant. Try passages from multiple sources to make sure your techniques and strategies work on all possible passages. Khan Academy is a great free resource for this.

Day 109
Full Length Exam 7

Day 110
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 7, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 111
General Chemistry Overview: Review your notes and add any information that seems relevant. Try passages from multiple sources to make sure your techniques and strategies work on all possible passages. Khan Academy is a great free resource for this.

Day 112
Organic Chemistry Overview: Review your notes and add any information that seems relevant. Try passages from multiple sources to make sure your techniques and strategies work on all possible passages. Khan Academy is a great free resource for this.

Week 17
Day 113
Full Length Exam 8

Day 114
Thoroughly review Full-Length Exam 8, going over every question a second time before reading the answer explanations

Day 115
Self-Quizzing and Review: Do a last minute psychology and sociology review by looking at the AAM Official Guide and off the top of your head generating review notes from their list. Think of possible questions and quiz yourself in small blocks of time.

Day 116
Self-Quizzing and Review: Do a last minute chemistry and physics review by looking at the AAM Official Guide and off the top of your head generating review notes from their list. Think of possible questions and quiz yourself in small blocks of time. Make a page or two of high-yield shortcuts, mnemonics, and tricks that you recall from the books.

Day 117
Self-Quizzing and Review: Do a last minute biology review by looking at the AAM Official Guide and off the top of your head generating review notes from their list. Think of possible questions and quiz yourself in small blocks of time. Make a page or two of high-yield shortcuts, mnemonics, and tricks that you recall from the books.

Day 118
Self-Quizzing and Review: Do a last minute biochemistry review by looking at the AAM Official Guide and off the top of your head generating review notes from their list. Think of possible questions and quiz yourself in small blocks of time. Make a page or two of high-yield shortcuts, mnemonics, and tricks that you recall from the books.

Day 119
Organize your Mind: Get all your thoughts in place and decide what notes you want to add to your scratch paper before the exam starts to use as a crib sheet. Get everything organized before you go to bed (ID, pencils, ticket, etc...) so you get a better night's sleep.

Week 18
Day 120
ACTUAL M C A T (yeah!!!)
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Can you please advise on similar schedule, but for a retaker? I took 9/23 exam and felt that I won't score 510+ (my goal). Do you have any schedule similar to that posted above, but for those who already know the basics? Maybe some advance prep or something. Thank you.
P.S. Also (since Bio section is my weakest) what Bio prep materials do you recommend most of all?
Can you please advise on similar schedule, but for a retaker? I took 9/23 exam and felt that I won't score 510+ (my goal). Do you have any schedule similar to that posted above, but for those who already know the basics? Maybe some advance prep or something. Thank you.
P.S. Also (since Bio section is my weakest) what Bio prep materials do you recommend most of all?
Interested in advice for a re-take as well.
Quick question regarding the Home Study books, for the Physics book on the website, it states that it is the 2012 edition. I just wanted to make sure that is correct and that it has not been updated since 2012?
Quick question regarding the Home Study books, for the Physics book on the website, it states that it is the 2012 edition. I just wanted to make sure that is correct and that it has not been updated since 2012?
I was wondering the same thing. I also read somewhere that new TBR books will be coming out around february, anyone able to confirm this?
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I purchased the TBR books and received them last week. When I inquired about the new GenChem and Physics books, this is the email I got back from Elliot:

Since the first three sections of the exam are almost identical in content to the current exam, we have decided to use the same materials we currently have for our lecture-based review program for the spring and summer of 2015 and for the current set of Home Study books. The content and the passages in the current books will be fine for the new exam.However, our projected updates for our materials are:
Biology Books I & II: THEY HAVE BEEN UPDATED for the NEW EXAM (2015)--

Organic Chemistry Books I & II: THEY HAVE BEEN UPDATED for the NEW EXAM (2015)--

Psychology Book: IT HAS BEEN UPDATED for the NEW EXAM (2015)--

Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Book: Scheduled to be updated and released during late February/March 2016

General Chemistry Books I & II: Scheduled to be updated and released during late January/February 2016

Physics Books I & II: Scheduled to be updated and released during late January/February 2016

Sociology Book: Currently in its beta stage. Possible release during late summer or fall of 2016.

CBTs: Three (3) mock exams will be available in mid-December. A fourth mock exams will be available late winter 2016.

From what he told me, TBR is using these books above (some 2013, some 2015) for their spring courses for those planning to take the MCAT in the late spring/summer. He reassured me that using these books (as opposed to the alternative of waiting till Feb) would be ample preparation for the new MCAT. I decided not to wait till Jan/Feb to get the GenChem and Physics since I'm taking it early May and want to get a head start on studying this month. But if you're planning on taking it next year after Aug 2016, it might be worth waiting! Hope that helps!
Read G Chem Chapter 10
GC Chapter 10 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 2 (Phase III)

Day 71
Read G Chem Chapter 11
GC Chapter 11 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 3 (Phase III)

Day 73
GC Chapter 11 Phase II

Day 74
Biology Chapter 5 Phase III

Day 75
Physics Chapter 8 Phase III

Day 76
Khan Academy Bio/BCh Passages (Choose 12-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Day 77
Khan Academy Phy/Che Passages (Choose 12-- always a good idea to see how well BR tricks work on other material) Add to your list of the BR strategies and shortcuts that helped on their passages.

Week 12
Day 78
Read G Chem Chapter 12
GC Chapter 12 Phase I
GC Book 2 Practice Exam 4 (Phase III)

Hey TBR,

There is no GChem Chapter 12 or Chapter 11. Where are you guys getting this?
Hey TBR,
There is no GChem Chapter 12 or Chapter 11. Where are you guys getting this?

The new books have twelve chapters for general chemistry. There are actually less pages of reading, so you can get through the text portion faster than before. But there are significantly more passages (from 68 and 63 respectively in the older books to 90 each in the new books).
The new books have twelve chapters for general chemistry. There are actually less pages of reading, so you can get through the text portion faster than before. But there are significantly more passages (from 68 and 63 respectively in the older books to 90 each in the new books).

I was wondering where you guys "got this" from because you released a schedule for GC in summer of 2015 according to a set of books that was released in Jan/Feb. of 2016.

I made my own schedule instead.
Yeah, we sort of overestimated exactly when the books would be finished. Releasing the schedule that early was based on a little wishful thinking. At long last, all of the new books are finally out for this summer, so that schedule becomes relevant.

in regards to the FLs, is it a one time buy and we keep the exams, or it is only for a period of time.
For the summer, that sounds about right. During the school year or when coupled with a fulltime job, it's a formula for burnout and disaster. During the school year, twenty-five to thirty hours a week seems about right with hefty weeks during the breaks.
How do you recommend study for the MCAT with a full time job and about 8-10months to prepare?

in regards to the FLs, is it a one time buy and we keep the exams, or it is only for a period of time.

It is a purchase unlimited access for a 45-day period plan. The idea is not to limit students but instead to force them to take exams as they get closer to their actual test date. Using them too early is a waste and doesn't help develop a student.
How do you recommend study for the MCAT with a full time job and about 8-10months to prepare?

I would split that study portion of the schedule in half, making Day 1 = to days 1 and 2, Day 2 = to days 3 and 4, and so on. When it comes time for FLs. fit them into your schedule anywhere you can.
Yeah, we sort of overestimated exactly when the books would be finished. Releasing the schedule that early was based on a little wishful thinking. At long last, all of the new books are finally out for this summer, so that schedule becomes relevant.

Should I use the schedule in the back of Physics Book I, or use the schedule you posted above on
August 16, 2015 that was last edited on March 17, 2016?
The one in the latest physics book is best. If you have the copyright 2017 book, then that was the last one we modified. I think there are more flexible time options as well.
Hello there, could you please post a new schedule for the current books out for TBR? Thank you.
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