Medical How would this be viewed ?

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Oct 14, 2011
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I am a FL resident and my mother passed away from heart failure this past August (the day I had been verified by AMCAS) and I would really like to go to school in Michigan to be close to her family. I was a bit of a non-trad and talked a lot about how my mom was what made me realize I wanted to go into medicine in my PS. She was still alive when I wrote it, and I had pre-written my secondaries before she died as well. In the chaos of funeral arrangements and grief, I only made minor tweaks to the essays and didn't tell the MI schools why I wanted to be in MI.

My question is this: Would submitting an update and letter to the committee explaining that her entire family is there and I have a home within driving distance of the schools be viewed poorly or favorably? One one hand, I feel like they will feel like I am trying to manipulate them. To be honest, I even feel like I am a little bit. Just with everything going, being near my family there would be really nice and having something good happen would be really nice right now. On the other, I feel like what I am doing is no different then sending a letter of intent pre-interview.

If you are someone who wants to know more about my unique situation for better advice, please message me and I can tell you more about my situation.

The rules for state residency are pretty well set, especially by legislators outside of the realm of higher education. At any rate, not all schools accept updates, including situations like yours. If anything it would make me question if you are really ready to go straight to medical school or if you should take an additional year off to adjust to life in Michigan. Suffice to say, it's different from Florida, and you have to like all parts of Michigan.

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Michigan schools really favor Michigan residents and you would be considered OOS. If you really want to go to a Michigan school, you would need to move there and live there for a set amount of time (which I don't know what it is), and then apply next year. I am not sure this is worth it to you or not. You can always apply to these schools and see if you get lucky, but your best shot would be with what I said above.
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