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Apr 10, 2021
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CA resident. Just got off the waitlist from MCW and would love some input. Thank you.

- teaching hospital
- anesthesiology rotation
- lots to do in Milwaukee, relatively safe location

- didn’t have the opportunity to visit
- potentially more competitive student body(?) not too sure

- relaxed/chill student body
- does not have that many exams

- no teaching hospital, would need to move to a different city in MI for 3rd and 4th year clinical rotations
- early clinical exposure seems like unnecessary work

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Hey! I'm not too familiar with MCW but I'm going to CHM in the fall so I know a lot about the school! I agree with your pros that there is a relaxed/chill student body and that there aren't many exams which allows us to focus on Step prep. In terms of your cons, we have several teaching hospitals. Depending on which campus you are at, Grand Rapids has Spectrum and East Lansing has Sparrow. While you might need to move to a different city in MI for 3rd and 4th year, I've heard that most people usually get their first choice of campus location. Recently, CHM just started a partnership with Henry Ford in Detroit which is one of the best institutions in the Midwest. I wouldn't be too concerned about the hospitals since CHM has so many great partnerships where students learn. I have heard that the early clinical exposure can be unnecessary since you are basically an MA but I've heard that there is still plenty of time to do other things like research, clubs, etc. because of how the curriculum is set up. CHM also has had impressive matches in Anesthesiology the past few years (NYU, Yale, Northwestern, UMich, Mayo, UCSF, etc.).
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Based on the limited information provided, it’s kinds of difficult to sway you either way. I don’t know a lot about MSU but I did get into MCW and had a good impression from them. It seems to me like your cons for MCW aren’t very strong, especially since I got the impression that MCW had a very collaborative student body. It seems like the pros you have for MCW are more conducive to your development imo but it just depends on what you’re looking for (curriculum, resources, research, access to different specialties, match results etc.) Since these schools are on a similar , you should just decide based on where you see yourself more.