~*~*~*~*~* Offical Letters of Evaluation Questions Thread 2024-2025 *~*~*~*~*~

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Disclaimer: This post was not written by me, it has been passed down through the ages over a campfire.

This thread is for 2024-2025 applicants (those who will be entering medical school in 2025) to ask questions about letters of recommendation.

Any separate threads in Pre-Allo dealing with this topic will be merged into this thread.

Before asking a question, PLEASE READ THE FAQ, both here in this thread AND on the AMCAS website! It is quite possible that your question will have already been answered. If you think that you have a different take on a question in the FAQ, acknowledge this in your question; everyone in pre-allo will be much more likely to help you out if they think you've done due diligence.


Also, each thread has a search function. Please use it before asking your question by clicking the "Search this Thread" button near the top of the page.

This thread is brought to you by the Pre-Allopathic Volunteer Staff. Ask away, and good luck!!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kinds of letters do I need to apply to medical school?

For most schools, you need a MINIMUM of two letters from science professors, and 1 letter from a non-science professor. If you have done research, a letter from your PI is also recommended, especially at research-intensive schools. (If you know of any exceptions to this rule, feel free to post in this thread with citations and I will add them). Other letters that may be helpful: a letter from an employer who knows your skills well, a letter from a physician you shadowed/worked with who knows your skills well, a letter from a volunteer coordinator who knows your skills well. The key is that the letters be exceptional. A detailed letter that can give clear examples of why you are an excellent candidate for medical school will generally trump a tepid letter from a famous person. Every school is different. Please check each school's individual letter requirements by visiting their website.A copy of an XLS spreadsheet from 2010 is attached to this post. The accuracy of this spreadsheet is unknown so be sure to check individual school websites! Keep in mind that a committee letter usually overrides any specific school requirements listed on the spreadsheet.

1a. But doesn't every school have different letter requirements?
Yes, they do. Do your homework, buy an MSAR (I hear from this thread that the way to go is to buy online access because the hard copy is not as useful:http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=811023), and look at the school websites. Also, AMCAS has a link to every school; use it and figure out what you need for the schools you're applying to. https://www.aamc.org/students/applyi...ating_schools/You can get a rough idea from the attached XLS spreadsheet but check school websites to confirm.
1b. But do I really really have to get X type of letter? (2 non-science, 1 science, a letter from my PI)
The short answer: yes. The long answer: Maybe...it depends on the school. No one on SDN can answer this for you. But the general rule in medical school admissions is do what you are told. Get the two science letters. If you can't...call the schools you're applying to and see if they will make an exception. But be aware that the answer may be no.

2. I am a non-traditional student and have been out of school for awhile. Can I get around the letter requirements?
The simple answer is probably no. If you are a non-traditional student, this doesn't mean that you have an easier time getting into medical school; the same hoops still need to be jumped through. Being out of school for awhile is likely a problem in itself; schools want to see recent evidence that you can handle the coursework necessary to get through medical school. Take some classes, form relationships, and get the letters you need to. If you must, you can contact each school individually to see if they would be ok with you submitting alternate letters, but be aware that the answer may be "no".

3. My school has a medical school admissions committee, and they produce a committee letter. But the letter won't be released until really LATE! (August, September, October). Can I just skip the committee and collect my own letters?
The general wisdom on this topic is that if your school has a committee, USE IT! If you don't, you will be asked why and will need a very good reason. You are circumventing the committee at your own risk.

4. How/when can I submit letters of req to AMCAS?
Once the application opens in May, you may begin submitting letters to AMCAS. Before you can mail a letter in, you must "create' the letter in your AMCAS application. This involves you telling AMCAS who the letter writer is and naming the letter in AMCAS. AMCAS will then give this letter an ID number. It is important for you to give your letter writer both your AMCAS ID number and the Letter ID number to avoid any snafus with lost letters. Your letter writer can then mail the letter into AMCAS with these two pieces of information, and the letter will be uploaded to your file and will be available to assign to any school you wish. I am told that while AMCAS will accept documents without your AMCAS ID on them, you MUST have the Letter ID or AMCAS will not accept it. I don't have firsthand knowledge of whether or not this is true.

You can create and submit letters at any time, including after you submit your application and after you are verified. This is one of the few parts of the application you can edit after submission.

5. Do I have to know which letters are going to which school when I first submit my AMCAS application?
NO! You can submit your application without assigning letters. Again, this is one of the few parts of the application that can be altered later. HOWEVER, once you assign a letter to a school, you CANNOT un-assign it. If the letter is present in AMCAS, and you assign it to a school, it WILL go to that school. However, if you "create" the letter in AMCAS, assign it to a school, but your letter writer never sends the letter in, you can notify AMCAS (and the school, through the AMCAS application) that the letter will no longer be sent.

6. Is it in my best interest to have my letter writers write different letters for each school?
Probably not. AMCAS can only hold a maximum of 10 letters for you. If you need a minimum of 3 letters for each school, these slots will be used up rather quickly.

7. What are letter services such as Interfolio, and why do people use them?
Interfolio and other companies provide secure online letter holding services. You can have your letters uploaded to these services at any time so that you're not scrambling at the last minute (or during the summer!) to get letters into your application. This can be especially beneficial when you are 9 months or so out from your planned application cycle, but know the professor you have NOW will write you a great letter. You can have them write the letter, upload it to a letter service, and then many months later have the letter sent to AMCAS once the application opens. When you do this, you have the ability to add on both your AMCAS ID and the Letter ID to the letter. All your letter writer needs to do is upload the letter (or mail it in) on letterhead and with a signature. These sites are secure and they do not allow you to read the letter beforehand.

8. What else about letters do I need to know?
Your letter must be SIGNED, and should be on OFFICIAL LETTERHEAD whenever possible. This is something that holds people up every year. Some schools will even hold up your application because of this. Also, AMCAS has a beautiful FAQ dealing with letters here: https://www.aamc.org/students/applyi...ding_page.html

9. How should I ask someone for a letter of req?
On this one, I will give my own experience. For each letter writer, I prepared a packet. In the packet I had:
A list of all of my science grades (or non-science grades for a non-science prof)
A copy of my resume
A rough draft of my personal statement
The AAMC Guidelines for letter writers, a reminder that the letter needed to be signed and on letterhead.

Before handing them this (because who wants all that before they even say yes!) I asked them point blank if they "would feel comfortable writing me a strong letter of recommendation for medical school". Always do this in person!!! If they hesitate...walk away. Seriously. You don't want this person writing your letter.

When they enthusiastically said yes, I pulled the packet out of my backpack and gave it to them.

Because I used Interfolio, I did not need to provide them with my AMCAS ID or Letter ID, but instead told them that they would get an email from Interfolio that evening with instructions on how to upload the letter. Give them a FIRM deadline (2-4 weeks seems to work best) for when you need the letter. Don't ask at the last minute. Don't ask when you think a billion other people will be asking. Do offer to provide them with any other supplementary information they would like. And do give them a thank-you note (and maybe a Starbucks card) when they submit the letter.

10. OMG! My letter writer has not written my letter!!! It has been minutes/hours/days/weeks/months and I'm freaking out!! What do I do!?
First, stop by or email and gently remind them that you need the letter by X date. If this doesn't work, I have given them a premature Thank-You note with a small token, and this seems to light a fire. I recommended this method to someone on SDN last year and it apparently worked like a charm.

If this isn't working....you do the same thing you do whenever something goes awry - find a plan B. Ask someone else...two other people even, just in case this person does not come through. You can't have too many letters. But you can have too few.

11. Do I have to waive my right to see the letters?
No. But if you don't schools might not see them as letters that carry much weight. Waive your right. If you know the person well enough, you should have a pretty good idea of what they are going to write.

12. If I apply this June, and I have given every school my 5 chosen LOR's with committee letter through AMCAS virtual evals upload by my prehealth office, and then I get anther LOR over the summer/fall and want to send it to all schools in December, do I have to have the prof mail it to all 25 schools or will AMCAS distribute it?

or, tl;dr: Can I submit my application without the letters?

You can add a letter at ANY time in AMCAS, have it sent to AMCAS, and AMCAS will distribute it.
You may want to shoot an email to each school letting them know to expect another letter just in case. They should be updating your file continuously (they will want your current contact info, and often people change their addresses mid cycle) but they may not always do it in a timely manner.

Please send me a PM if you know of additional questions suitable for the FAQ.

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Hello! I am about to graduate from college and am applying this upcoming cycle. I've asked two science professors and one non-science professors for LORs, but I've been told by a premed advisor that I should ask for another one and from someone who's not a professor. However, I don't know who to ask. I did some research in my freshman and sophomore year but didn't keep in contact with the PI I had for 6 months or the professor I did a summer research internship with 3 years ago. At the end of February this year, I started a part-time MA job at a small office. I've been there for almost 2 months, so I'm not sure if the office manager or physician know me well enough to write a letter. For my senior capstone, I volunteered at a food/clothing pantry, but I'm not sure if the director of the agency would write me a good letter or knows what a good letter would look like.

Should I ask for another letter if I don't have any good options? Is it too late to ask for another letter?
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No additional letters are needed with the rare exception of a MD school that will want a physician letter (most DO schools want a physician letter and prefer it come from a DO). Save yourself, and the adcoms, the time by not acquiring an additional letter.

It would be a different story if you had been employed f/t for a year and were applying at the start of a second gap year.
I am currently in the process of getting my letters of recommendation, and am a bit worried that they may hurt my application. For context, I go to a large state school where most classes are >200 people and I have not had any professors for multiple semesters. I currently have three LORs. The strongest is from my PI, who also taught me in a course. I have been leading my own project for the last 2 years, and have worked very closely with him so I am sure this will be a very strong LOR. My other 2 LORs come from professors who I had class with for one semester and got an A. Although they will be positive, they will likely be average and not stand out. Will the one great LOR be enough to compensate for the other two?
This is par for the course. The one thing you don't want is a bad letter -- and you aren't likely to get one of those from the writers you describe.

A bad letter might say that you slacked off after it was clear you would get an A in the course, that you didn't appear to have much interest in the material (or the research) but you were friendly to your fellow students and always brought cupcakes to the lab meetings (damning with faint praise).
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This is par for the course. The one thing you don't want is a bad letter -- and you aren't likely to get one of those from the writers you describe.

A bad letter might say that you slacked off after it was clear you would get an A in the course, that you didn't appear to have much interest in the material (or the research) but you were friendly to your fellow students and always brought cupcakes to the lab meetings (damning with faint praise).
I see, yeah I do not think the two letters will be negative at all, just not particularly strong. That makes me feel a lot better, thanks! By the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to this post as well as my other posts, it really helps make this process less nerve-racking :)

One related question, how do adcoms view submitting the minimum number of LORs. Would it be concerning if I submitted these 3 letters and a school's minimum was 3?
I see, yeah I do not think the two letters will be negative at all, just not particularly strong. That makes me feel a lot better, thanks! By the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to this post as well as my other posts, it really helps make this process less nerve-racking :)

One related question, how do adcoms view submitting the minimum number of LORs. Would it be concerning if I submitted these 3 letters and a school's minimum was 3?
Quality is better than quantity, and having more letters isn't always a plus to your application.

Deleted the circular link. :)
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I have a question about how meaningful letters of recommendation are from doctors affiliated with the medical school. For example, the chief medical officer of the teaching hospital or the dean of medical affairs for the medical school. I work with a doctor with a big title like that, and he’s very kind and agreed to write my letter. I’m very grateful and will submit this letter regardless, but I’m wondering does admissions really care about this or see this as special? Especially the admissions committee of that specific med school that the doctor is affiliated with? Thanks for any advice!

I have a question about how meaningful letters of recommendation are from doctors affiliated with the medical school. For example, the chief medical officer of the teaching hospital or the dean of medical affairs for the medical school. I work with a doctor with a big title like that, and he’s very kind and agreed to write my letter. I’m very grateful and will submit this letter regardless, but I’m wondering does admissions really care about this or see this as special? Especially the admissions committee of that specific med school that the doctor is affiliated with? Thanks for any advice!
How did he become acquainted with you, and does he know you well enough to write a letter detailing your personal strengths?
If you feel he does, take his offer of a letter.
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I'd imagine if it's a strong letter then that's great. I do personally know a couple individuals who sit on adcoms who told me how they recused themselves during review/discussion of applicant we knew so I wouldn't expect them to be able to shoehorn ya into an A if they're in that position.
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I see, yeah I do not think the two letters will be negative at all, just not particularly strong. That makes me feel a lot better, thanks! By the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to this post as well as my other posts, it really helps make this process less nerve-racking :)

One related question, how do adcoms view submitting the minimum number of LORs. Would it be concerning if I submitted these 3 letters and a school's minimum was 3?
Q: how do adcoms view submitting the minimum number of LORs?
A: with gratitude, that you did not overburden us.
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I am currently in the process of getting my letters of recommendation, and am a bit worried that they may hurt my application. For context, I go to a large state school where most classes are >200 people and I have not had any professors for multiple semesters. I currently have three LORs. The strongest is from my PI, who also taught me in a course. I have been leading my own project for the last 2 years, and have worked very closely with him so I am sure this will be a very strong LOR. My other 2 LORs come from professors who I had class with for one semester and got an A. Although they will be positive, they will likely be average and not stand out. Will the one great LOR be enough to compensate for the other two?

I have a question about how meaningful letters of recommendation are from doctors affiliated with the medical school. For example, the chief medical officer of the teaching hospital or the dean of medical affairs for the medical school. I work with a doctor with a big title like that, and he’s very kind and agreed to write my letter. I’m very grateful and will submit this letter regardless, but I’m wondering does admissions really care about this or see this as special? Especially the admissions committee of that specific med school that the doctor is affiliated with? Thanks for any advice!
I have moved your respective threads about letters of rec to the main thread for the 2024-2025 cycle.
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I have a question about Interfolio. I used it to store my letters that I asked for earlier in the year. When trying to add them to the app today it states “American Medical College Application Service 2024”. Is this for the cycle that started last may or the cycle that just started today? I asked their customer service and they said they didn’t know.
I have a question about Interfolio. I used it to store my letters that I asked for earlier in the year. When trying to add them to the app today it states “American Medical College Application Service 2024”. Is this for the cycle that started last may or the cycle that just started today? I asked their customer service and they said they didn’t know.

I was able to figure it out. If anyone has this question in the future the 2025 one is now up.
As a general PSA, since I'm getting flooded with requests right now:

You do not need your letters in before you submit your primary. I'm getting a lot of panic and students telling me I need to have my letter done and submitted by May 20th / May 28th / June 1st and having to reply to them and explain the timeline and that letters aren't a part of the primary application and will not delay submission.

But I also know some students are going to have letter writers that will decline an invitation on that timeline, because this is a crazy time of year to find time to write a letter. So before you send requests with hard deadlines, please ask an advisor / consider what the deadline needs to be!
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While I don't claim to know all 170+ schools' requirements, I've researched this closely in the past week. According to MSAR and the individual schools' web pages regarding their requirements, very few schools actually require 2 science professors as LORs. Several schools require 1, which can also be a TA for a science course, and a majority expressly do not require a minimum number of letter writers of one academic type. While I agree that LORs from 2 science professors probably places an applicant in a better position, a large majority of schools -- at least as they publicize it -- do not exclude or significantly diminish applicants if they don't have them. If there is an unwritten rule that 2 are required by most schools, then it is certainly good to know that; but I wonder what schools would have to gain by not being transparent about it.
Hi, I recently reached out to one of my letter writers because they didn’t use an official letterhead (recently retired) and interfolio flagged it as "No letterhead"

I asked her to use a personal letterhead instead and now interfolio lists it as “non official.” Has anyone dealt with this issue before and will medical schools see this as a problem?

Hi, I recently reached out to one of my letter writers because they didn’t use an official letterhead (recently retired) and interfolio flagged it as "No letterhead"

I asked her to use a personal letterhead instead and now interfolio lists it as “non official.” Has anyone dealt with this issue before and will medical schools see this as a problem?
I have moved your question to our main thread concerning letters.

It will be fine. It’s understandable that faculty or staff retire or move elsewhere and no longer have access to official letterhead.
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I reached out to an organization i’ve been volunteering at for a few months now and they said they won’t write a LOR until i’ve hit my 6 month mark. This won’t be until mid-July for me and they require an additional 4 weeks to write and submit the LOR. Is a late-July early-August LOR submission late and should I just not get the letter? I know it’s not part of the primary but I have other letters that I could use as well. Can I just send the ones I have and email the schools I select to see this volunteer LOR with an update once I get the letter? Will my application still be considered “complete” without this letter?
I reached out to an organization i’ve been volunteering at for a few months now and they said they won’t write a LOR until i’ve hit my 6 month mark. This won’t be until mid-July for me and they require an additional 4 weeks to write and submit the LOR. Is a late-July early-August LOR submission late and should I just not get the letter? I know it’s not part of the primary but I have other letters that I could use as well. Can I just send the ones I have and email the schools I select to see this volunteer LOR with an update once I get the letter? Will my application still be considered “complete” without this letter?
Your app will likely be complete without this volunteer letter. It would be fine to submit it in July or August, but it doesn't seem like it would add anything to your app. They tend to not even for applicants who have been volunteering for more than 6 months.
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Your app will likely be complete without this volunteer letter. It would be fine to submit it in July or August, but it doesn't seem like it would add anything to your app. They tend to not even for applicants who have been volunteering for more than 6 months.

Thank you! I’ve heard that some schools ask for a LOR from something you worked on during gap year(s) so I hoping to use this.
How important are the types of LORs you submit? I have very strong letters of rec but I’m now worried the sources are inadequate. My university does not offer a committee letter and many schools say “if no committee letter, please submit 2+ letters from faculty.” For example, Jefferson actually asks for FOUR faculty letters, from each Sci. dept. I only have 1 faculty letter and others from physicians and service members. Is this a big problem?

Should I just submit my letters and pray?

I graduated 2 years ago and I think trying to collect another would be tough at this point.
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How important are the types of LORs you submit? I have very strong letters of rec but I’m now worried the sources are inadequate. My university does not offer a committee letter and many schools say “if no committee letter, please submit 2+ letters from faculty.” For example, Jefferson actually asks for FOUR faculty letters, from each Sci. dept. I only have 1 faculty letter and others from physicians and service members. Is this a big problem?

Should I just submit my letters and pray?

I graduated 2 years ago and I think trying to collect another would be tough at this point.
I have moved your question to our main thread for LORs. It is traditionally expected to have 2 faculty letters. Physician letters tend to be fluff and do not speak to your academic abilities.

Might be a really stupid question, but I just made a really stupid mistake, so I have to ask:

I made the mistake of sending the same letter ID to all of my recommenders (I just assumed they would be the same number for every letter). Luckily, some of them actually looked at the Letter Request Form I sent them and figured out the correct Letter ID. My concern is, though, if multiple recommenders submit their letters using the same letter ID, would that "overwrite" one another's letter, or would it just give an error and prompt them to input a different letter ID?


Might be a really stupid question, but I just made a really stupid mistake, so I have to ask:

I made the mistake of sending the same letter ID to all of my recommenders (I just assumed they would be the same number for every letter). Luckily, some of them actually looked at the Letter Request Form I sent them and figured out the correct Letter ID. My concern is, though, if multiple recommenders submit their letters using the same letter ID, would that "overwrite" one another's letter, or would it just give an error and prompt them to input a different letter ID?

I have moved your question to the main letters thread. It may best to reach out and see if any of them have submitted yet and attempt to create a new letter slot instead if you did not request that many to begin with.
Hi, I am potentially reapplying unless I get off the waitlist. I plan on reusing 3 recommendation letters from the last cycle (have them in interfolio already), and I was wondering if I can just upload those same recommendation letters into AMCAS or if I still need to reach out to my recommenders to update the letter in some capacity.
Hi, I am potentially reapplying unless I get off the waitlist. I plan on reusing 3 recommendation letters from the last cycle (have them in interfolio already), and I was wondering if I can just upload those same recommendation letters into AMCAS or if I still need to reach out to my recommenders to update the letter in some capacity.
Updating the letters would be ideal. If they are only a year old and you can't get them updated (even just a date change and small modifications/addition), then it's fine to reuse them.
I was wondering if it's alright to get a LOR from an exchange professor for a non-science LOR? It was a very small class size and the professor knows me pretty well academically. However, I'm uncertain whether it's appropriate given that they're an exchange professor.

Also, is it fine to get a science rec from a psych/neuro prof? I took majority of my heavy science classes (chem/bio) during covid, so I wasn't able to make any connections with those profs.

I was wondering if it's alright to get a LOR from an exchange professor for a non-science LOR? It was a very small class size and the professor knows me pretty well academically. However, I'm uncertain whether it's appropriate given that they're an exchange professor.

Also, is it fine to get a science rec from a psych/neuro prof? I took majority of my heavy science classes (chem/bio) during covid, so I wasn't able to make any connections with those profs.

Neuroscience is fine. If they are within the psych department, that may not be accepted as a science LOR.

It would be better to obtain a letter from a more permanent faculty member at that university than an exchange one that was there for a short time.
What should we do for schools that seem to not directly request a letter from your PI? I've heard that your PI letter is important, but both NYU and Hopkins seem to not want them?

NYU: "Providing letters of evaluation is part of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine application process. We require a premedical committee appraisal letter (preferred) or two letters from professors who taught you in courses (at least one in science). Nontraditional applicants are encouraged to submit two letters of recommendation from colleagues with whom you’ve worked closely."

Hopkins: "We require a Committee Letter or, if your school does not have one, three (3) individual letters: Two (2) letters of recommendation from science faculty; One (1) letter from non-science faculty"
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After submitting the primary, can you add a letter that you already had delivered to AMCAS prior to submitting, to a school that you initially declined to send it to?
What should we do for schools that seem to not directly request a letter from your PI? I've heard that your PI letter is important, but both NYU and Hopkins seem to not want them?

NYU: "Providing letters of evaluation is part of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine application process. We require a premedical committee appraisal letter (preferred) or two letters from professors who taught you in courses (at least one in science). Nontraditional applicants are encouraged to submit two letters of recommendation from colleagues with whom you’ve worked closely."

Hopkins: "We require a Committee Letter or, if your school does not have one, three (3) individual letters: Two (2) letters of recommendation from science faculty; One (1) letter from non-science faculty"
Hopkins addressed this in the FAQ on the same page. You are free to include another letter to them (and likely NYU if they do not explicitly say do not send more) but no guarantee it will get read. 4 LORs in all is typically fine though.
I'm planning on applying to Indiana which requires you to have a letter from a science prof, non-science prof, and a personal one. Do I have to designate which letter is which on AMCAS? Is there a way to do that or do they just figure it out based on the letter itself?
I'm planning on applying to Indiana which requires you to have a letter from a science prof, non-science prof, and a personal one. Do I have to designate which letter is which on AMCAS? Is there a way to do that or do they just figure it out based on the letter itself?
I have moved your question to our main Letters thread. You can provide some info about the faculty’s title on AMCAS but it likely will be quite clear which letter is which to the school.
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Hi, I'm hoping for some clarification on LOR guidelines. My undergraduate committee letter contains 5 letters from different professors, clinical supervisors, etc. However, also have 3 additional letters coming in from my gap year. For schools that cap how many letters you can send, say, 5 letters max... does this mean I can only send the committee letter since it has 5 within it? Or would that count as 1 and if I were to send the others alongside it, that would make 4 total? Thanks!
Hi, I'm hoping for some clarification on LOR guidelines. My undergraduate committee letter contains 5 letters from different professors, clinical supervisors, etc. However, also have 3 additional letters coming in from my gap year. For schools that cap how many letters you can send, say, 5 letters max... does this mean I can only send the committee letter since it has 5 within it? Or would that count as 1 and if I were to send the others alongside it, that would make 4 total? Thanks!
Regardless if schools cap letters or not, going past 5 is excessive. Admissions readers will appreciate it if you do not send those additional 3 letters.
Hi I'm in a bit of a pickle regarding a letter of recommendation.

My professor wrote and sent me their letter of recommendation, but didn't submit it to interfolio and hasn't replied to my email to them asking them to submit it to interfolio for just about a month now. I sent them an email reminding them to submit it to interfolio and another email with the invite to submit to interfolio.

Should I just keep emailing them until they submit it? I don't want to annoy them but the days are going by and I'm getting a bit stressed out 💀

They also left their phone number on the letter. Would I be insane to try to text them there to try to get their attention? Again I'm feeling kinda desperate.
Hi I'm in a bit of a pickle regarding a letter of recommendation.

My professor wrote and sent me their letter of recommendation, but didn't submit it to interfolio and hasn't replied to my email to them asking them to submit it to interfolio for just about a month now. I sent them an email reminding them to submit it to interfolio and another email with the invite to submit to interfolio.

Should I just keep emailing them until they submit it? I don't want to annoy them but the days are going by and I'm getting a bit stressed out 💀

They also left their phone number on the letter. Would I be insane to try to text them there to try to get their attention? Again I'm feeling kinda desperate.
Don’t text them if they did not give you their phone number themselves. It is a little strange they sent you the letter directly instead of through either through Interfolio or the AMCAS letter service. E-mailing them more is not likely to help you get this letter in.