parents are funny in this process :)

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Yeah so when I started applying and interviewing, my dad was convinced that I wouldn't get in ANYWHERE. ...So he tried to convince me to join the army so that I could get into the military med school.

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***Conversation last night, at base***

Me: #$ volunteer Ambulance Corp, Dispatcher 5**.

Mom: Sweety you really shouldn't be so long winded on the phone, suppose I couldn't speak.

**One could only wish**

Me: Mother you called on the regular line, not the emergency line. What do you need mother.

Mom: Well, I was thinking, since you are on duty tonight, maybe you would like some company. I remember you told me once that dispatching could be boring. So maybe you would like someone to talk to. Someone who you have something in common with. What do you think love.

**Please don't come here please don't come here (soft fearful whimper)***

Me: Mother, I don't think it would be appropriate for you to come down here.


Mom: It's not me dear. I wouldn't feel comfortable.


Me: Oh okay, who is it then


Mom: Well, he works at the Hospital that Diane's husband works at. He's a third year resident in OBGYN and I told him all about you. I figure that since you don't want to go to medical school anymore then at least you can date someone who already finished. Maybe it could give you incentive. He's quite handsome too.

Me: AAARRRGGGGHHH!!! Bye Mother!!!!

Mom: Oh honey you'll like him. I'll send him right over....

Me: NO NO NO!!! I am dispatching mother don't...

Mom: Look out for him dear love you bye.

***At least he was cute***
So what happened between that resident and you? Are you guys going out on a date?

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BUMP! for the newbies and in hopes that someone (ahem! SIlvercholla!), has a good story or two! :)

I just read this entire thread, and it's amazing. I laughed my arse off.

Nothing to say, sort of a bump, and big props to everyone who's posted previously. You people are a riot. :D


(On train and coming back from work - 5PM) My mum rings me on my cellular:

Me: Hi mum.

Mum: I am at the post office. Meet me there.

Across the road from the post office:

Mum: Here's the key to the postbox :)

I go to the postbox, and find (among other things), a *large* envelope with Medical Programme on it. I start hyperventilating (and I have never, ever done that in my life before).

Mum: Open it up!

The rest is history...

I forgot to mention, among the crowd of onlookers, my mum gives me a big wet one. At first I resisted - then I thought, what the hell!
SC - does your mother not realize that you're dating DrKevin40? (OK, so his real name isn't "Kevin" and you're just sleepy, not depressed. Got it). Or is DrKevin40 the OB/GYN resident? I'm so confused!
Originally posted by Adcadet
SC - does your mother not realize that you're dating DrKevin40? (OK, so his real name isn't "Kevin" and you're just sleepy, not depressed. Got it). Or is DrKevin40 the OB/GYN resident? I'm so confused!

hahah! No, I think when silver said, " kevin" who is a ob/gyn resident that her mom wants her to meet; she just made up a name to talk about her date. I don't think she is dating 'DrKevin40' -another sdn member.
Originally posted by Adcadet
SC - does your mother not realize that you're dating DrKevin40? (OK, so his real name isn't "Kevin" and you're just sleepy, not depressed. Got it). Or is DrKevin40 the OB/GYN resident? I'm so confused!

She's definitely not dating DrKevin40. :)

(someone was just trying to start a rumor...successfully, apparently ;))
My mom faxed a copy of one of my LORs to her lawyer (she does a lot of business to him) and one of her private investors. Then she talked about how great I was to them for a while on the phone. I wonder what she'll do when the acceptances come in....

ROFLMAO :clap: :clap: :clap:

Too bad I can't add anything good to this thread. My mom is actually supportive-I told her I was going back to college for premed and her response:

How much money do you need? I can probably cover you for undergraduate but you're on your own for med school.

****Knock me over with a feather! She wouldn't give me a penny the first time I went to college and am still paying off loans from that!****
Originally posted by Adcadet
SC - does your mother not realize that you're dating DrKevin40? (OK, so his real name isn't "Kevin" and you're just sleepy, not depressed. Got it). Or is DrKevin40 the OB/GYN resident? I'm so confused!

OKAY!!!... I am NOT, repeat.. NOT dating DrKevin!!!! :laugh: :p AS for the cute obgyn... he was cute but he was a major major dork!!!! BORING!!!! :eek:

***Conversation, day after the cute obgyn incident***

Mom: Hello, ******* residence.

Me: Mother, NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER SET ME UP AGAIN!!!! I mean mother!!! That guy was a misogynistic jacka$$!!! Why would you think that I would be interested in someone like that???

Mom: Well dear if you're not going to be a doctor then you have to see what it might be like being a doctor's wife. Now, don't you want to resume your education!!!

***Double sinker!!***

Me: (defeated voice of frustration) Goodbye mother. :rolleyes:
My mom reads everything that is mailed to me but only understands half of it (english is her second language). That's why, a couple of months ago, she called me urgently to tell me that I should withdraw all my applications to the schools that I am applying to and only apply to Cornell since it is an all girls school. It must have taken me 25 minutes to convince her that it wasn't.
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me: i booked my flight to chicago, i'm sending you the information and the hotel stuff.
mom: are you sure you should be flying all over the US like this by yourself?
me: yes
mom: i think it would be better if i traveled along with you
mom: because it's not so safe you know, you haven't traveled all that much.
me: there was that 5 week stay in spain
mom: but how does that involve flying around?
me: blank stare
mom: returns blank stare

I remember my grandfather asking me everyday when i will be graduating from med school!! the thing is that in those days I wasnt in med school still. He knew i wanted to do Optha residency, but he kept telling me: "go into pediatrics, you only need a table, weight machine and a secretary, if you go into optha you will have to buy all those expensive machines!! "
I love him alot, now im in Med school but still im shooting for optha!!
My parents are completely clueless about the whole medical field so they didn't really understand how hard it was to get in (until i had proof with all my rejections). One school mailed a decision letter home, so when i called my mom and she said i had a letter i asked her to read it:

Mom: . . . blah blah . . . we regret to inform you you were rejected . . . blah blah blah

Me: Ok mom, you don't have to read any more

Mom: continues reading . . . do you hear this - they say you're very talented and will become a good doctor

Me: they tell everyone that, it makes the letter nicer

Mom: no they really believe it, they just didn't have enough spaces this year. Can you believe that!! - a medical school says you were talented, I'm going to put this in your scrapbook

Me: (realizing the argument is pointless) ok mom

that made the rejection even worse - not only was i upset, but i had to explain why i was upset - does anyone else have parents like this?
**Conversation, this morning, 7am**

Caveat: My sister is going to go to the French Culinary Institute. Now this has refueled my mother in her quest to see me in medical school ASAP

Mom: Sweety are you awake?

**Yes she still asks this question despite knowing what might come out of my mouth**

Me: No, Little gnomes are holding me captive in the world of feather and pillows.

Mom: Right, well, when you were applying for financial aid what materials did you gather to fill out your information?

Me: Mother I haven't done fianacial aid stuff in a while, why are you even asking me this in the middle of the night????

**It's the middle of the night until I have had a cup of coffee and a shower**

Mom: Well your sister has to fill out her information for cooking school and we don't want her to fail now do we. I mean at least she is doing something productive like going to school to fulfill her dream. We don't want her to get depressed and discouraged and give up, now do we.


Mom: You know dear, you really shouldn't yell like that. It shows a lack of self control and you need self control if you ever get into medical school.

***THUNK THUNK THUNK THUNK... Oh look the little gnomes are coming to take me awway***
gotta love parents- they poison siblings too!!

Monday afternoon- sitting around watching TV- my phone rings (with the customized "home" ring)

Me: Hello?

Me: Really? (gulp- expecting waitlist or rejection) What does it say?
Sister: YOU....GOT...IN!
Me: Really? (Heart pounding!)
Me: Shut up...which is it?
Me: Oh my gosh YES!! (start doing a little dance) Are you serious??
Sister: YEAH
Mom (in background): SHE'S SERIOUS!
Me: Oh, under the big sister clause huh? We'll both be doctors then...

I didn't know at first if she was kidding or not. I haven't talked to my sister in months- to hear her voice on the phone was surprising enough...I almost had two heart attacks.
Originally posted by abw
My parents are completely clueless about the whole medical field so they didn't really understand how hard it was to get in (until i had proof with all my rejections). One school mailed a decision letter home, so when i called my mom and she said i had a letter i asked her to read it:

Mom: . . . blah blah . . . we regret to inform you you were rejected . . . blah blah blah

Me: Ok mom, you don't have to read any more

Mom: continues reading . . . do you hear this - they say you're very talented and will become a good doctor

Me: they tell everyone that, it makes the letter nicer

Mom: no they really believe it, they just didn't have enough spaces this year. Can you believe that!! - a medical school says you were talented, I'm going to put this in your scrapbook

Me: (realizing the argument is pointless) ok mom

that made the rejection even worse - not only was i upset, but i had to explain why i was upset - does anyone else have parents like this?

this whole thread is soooo funny! When I read the part aout putting the rejection letter in a scrapbook--i couldn't stop laughing...>shake head<

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
**Conversation, this morning, 7am**
I will call myself (PIMP)-dont want to disclose real name
Mom: pimp do you have an internship today
Me: yes i do get away
mom: who is that lying next to you?
me: actually mom its two girls, cindy and mandy
mom: oh ok ask them if they want breakfast
me: go away pimp is busy!

***mom leaves and pimp goes to work***
Originally posted by Tejerina
**Conversation, this morning, 7am**
I will call myself (PIMP)-dont want to disclose real name
Mom: pimp do you have an internship today
Me: yes i do get away
mom: who is that lying next to you?
me: actually mom its two girls, cindy and mandy
mom: oh ok ask them if they want breakfast
me: go away pimp is busy!

***mom leaves and pimp goes to work***

true pimps don't live at home with mom;)
Originally posted by Sweet Tea
SILVER'S BACK!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

*sweet tea does her happy dance*


I was thinking...with the amount of stuff i deal with with my mother I think it makes me the perfect candidate for medical school someday.. What do you think:p
Dal, Pimpin' Aint Easy..thers a budget we must look after:p
Originally posted by silvercholla

I was thinking...with the amount of stuff i deal with with my mother I think it makes me the perfect candidate for medical school someday.. What do you think:p

silver- you could write a best selling novel about the stuff you go through with your mom... :)
My dad is crazy. He probably wants me to get into medical school more than I do.

Monday afternoon my brother calls my dad and leaves a message on his machine at work. (By the way I'm at college so of course no one calls me to let me know anything) My dad listens to his answering machine and it says....
"Dad I think your lovely daughter got into med school or something....Well anyway can I go out with the guys tonight?"

Thirty minutes later he's at home reading the letter for himself and goes back to work to go out for drinks to celebrate with his friends. Mind you that I only found out Tuesday morning.

my mom's the complete opposite...she calls me before she goes out to the mailbox, so i can "walk with her" and see what's in the mail ;) I'm afraid when I get a rejection letter that she's gonna call me when I'm at work or something & make me really sad :( :) :) :laugh:

i love these stories...i'd have killed my dad if he did what shake's dad did...

congrats on getting in shake well!!!:clap:
me: I got my first acceptance!! I got into Mizzou!
mom: that's nice dear
me: be excited mom, i got in!
mom: what, i dunno where the ice is? sorry, i was talking to your sister, what were you saying?
me: i got in! are you listening?
mom: i know that dear, I thought you said something else after that that was important.


Supposedly my dad and my bro have a deal that if I get any mail my bro calls my dad at work first....but when I confronted them about it they denied it.

Now that's shady....
Originally posted by shake well
My mom reads everything that is mailed to me but only understands half of it (english is her second language). That's why, a couple of months ago, she called me urgently to tell me that I should withdraw all my applications to the schools that I am applying to and only apply to Cornell since it is an all girls school. It must have taken me 25 minutes to convince her that it wasn't.

Some people's grandparents are still absurdly confused when they find out their grandson is going to Vassar. ;)

(at least according to a friend of mine who goes there)

I see it's been a while for a post here. I'd like to share something that's been happening for the past week or so, and it's not about being accepted to medical school, but about what I have to deal with as a pre-med with an overprotective mother. That really sucks :(

I'd like to say that I do not like the way my mom reacts to my volunteering. She'll say "go volunteer in this" and "don't volunteer in that" and she'll assume that just because only a few pre-meds volunteer in hospice, that I can still apply to medical school without a hospice volunteer experience. In fact, she thinks that I'll hate volunteering for hospice.

Situation 1:

Me: "Hey mom, I got assigned a patient today."
Mom: "Oh, really, dear? Well, why can't you go volunteer at the hospital instead? You'll see patients there, too."
Me: "I'm doing that too, mom, but I'd like to see this from different perspectives."
Mom: "Well, you can still volunteer to teach people to read, or to do community service, or-"
Me: "I'm also doing that and planning to do that when it fits into my schedule."
Mom: "Fine, do whatever you like, dear, I won't bother you."

Situation 2:

(after calling my patient's primary caregiver to see when a good time would be to come over and stop by to meet the patient and the caregiver)
Me: "Ah, darn. The primary caregiver doesn't seem to want me to come over."
Mom: "Well, that's good! Now you won't have to go over to that house."
Me: "Mom, it sounds like you don't want me to do this kind of stuff."
Mom: "Well, there are so many other things you can do. Like volunteer to do paperwork, clerical work, etc. in an office."
Me: "Mom, I won't have patient contact or clinical experience doing THAT stuff."
Mom: "Well, if you are so worried about that, then go volunteer at the hospital."
Me: "Mom! You don't understand how hard it is to get into medical school-"
Mom: "Well then you can go talk to your auntie Chao (not her real name). She's a nurse after all, she'll know just what you should do to get into medical school."
Me: "Mom, why are you against my volunteering in hospice?"
Mom: "I'm not against it. You misinterpret me. What I am trying to imply is that since your patient doesn't know you, you are a complete stranger, and to allow you into her house, well, of course she would be afraid. Besides, not many pre-meds do this kind of stuff."
Mom: "What I am trying to say is that it is very difficult for a volunteer in this area to find a patient. But, do what you want, I won't bother you, dear."
Me (mumbling to myself): "Sure you won't."

(So, how y'all feelin' here? Here's how I'm feeling :rolleyes: :mad: )

Today, Situation number 3:

Mom: "Biodude, you forgot to inform your boss (volunteer coordinator) about what happened when you tried to make contact with your patient."
Me: "I'll do it Wednesday, mom."
Mom: "You know what you should do, dear, is to volunteer at the hospital."
Me (feeling like this :mad: but showing this :( on my face): "Mom, I'm going to do that, ok? Besides, I'm going to see my boss on Wednesday."
Mom: "How long will this meeting be, then?"
Me: "From 2 to 5 p.m."
Mom: "What! Why so long?"
Me: "Well, if I have time, I can stay back and help doing office tasks."
Mom: "Well, then, can you ask your boss to give you only office tasks to do for volunteer work at the hospice?"
Me (very mad now): "Mom, you sound so much like you are against my volunteering at hospice. Why, mom?"
Mom: "You don't have any experience doing any work whatsoever, that's why. I think that you will go in and do something that you aren't supposed to."
Me: "Mom, the hospice volunteers (including myself) are trained in not only providing care, but also in what we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do in the eyes of the law, so don't get worried about my accidentally doing something illegal!"
Mom: "You will hate talking care of a sick person, you know that? That's why you should go volunteer in doing something else. Also, I haven't seen that many pre-meds volunteering here. They usually volunteer at the hospital."
Me: "Mom, why do you think I want to volunteer in a hospice for? I will hate taking care of sick people? Then I think I'll just stop studying to become a doctor then, if it will make you happy!"
Mom: "What! Why are you giving up so easily? I just make some suggestions and I don't even push you, and you quit! You don't have the strength to resist other people's pushing! I am only making suggestions, not pushing you."
Me: "Mom, you don't understand what it takes -"
Mom: "I understand that you need to do very well in your classes."
Me: "Medical schools don't just look for intelligent people. They look for well-rounded people, people with interests outside of science, not just nerds. They want people who can socialize-"
Mom: "You can socialize by volunteering at an office. Besides, you don't HAVE to volunteer at a hospice and see terminally ill patients, you know."
Me: "Mom, you don't understand. Medical schools look for people who stand out from the rest of the crowd. I mean, think about it, are they going to choose a biology major with 3.8 GPA 32 MCAT and only hospital volunteering and basic research? Or are they going to choose the guy with an english major, 3.6 GPA 30 MCAT and a whole host of volunteering in addition to clinical and research experience?"
Mom: "Dear, you can still be an individual by volunteering in other things. Since you don't believe me, I'll let you experience it yourself. You'll see that you will hate doing it."
Me: "And what if I like it?"
Mom: "I don't know."
Me: "It's because of your 'suggestions' that I'm mad about this."
Mom: "Then I won't bother you anymore, dear."

Yeah, right

I'm just mad at my mom for pushing me and claiming not to. I'm also mad at the fact that she thinks that I should follow every other pre-med. How can I be an individual then? How can I stand out from the crowd then? My mom just doesn't understand.

I'll be surprised if she can keep quiet about this matter and not bother me about it for a month.

You people who've moved out of your homes to go to college are lucky! It really sucks to be 18 and still have an overprotective mother who worries too much about her "little" boy in the same house as you. I mean, sure, that shows that she loves me very much, but I hate the fact that my mom is SSSOOOOO overprotective of me. I'm 18 for crying out loud!
18 and a hospice volunteer already? Way to go! That's exactly what I did, and it was the best thing I ever did as an undergrad.

after graduating with a 2.3 from HS, my parents were convinced my future was doomed. but then i put down the drugs and picked up the books. when i started getting into school mode, my parents were like, "it doesn't matter if you get into medschool, the point is that you are trying and have a goal. we're just so proud of you. we still can't believe you study on friday nights". i always respond with the, "thanks mom, thanks dad, glad to know you didn't write me off after all". besides, i was doing well at my jc, i transferred to cal, and i'm doing even better here. no pressure, right? WRONG! after my bro graduated from ucla, he decided that econ wasn't for him and he wants to go into directing. more power to him. however, this doesn't fly too well with the pops. nowadays, conversations are like this: "you know, since you're brother didn't go into business and since he's not making money but instead just playing on his computer(he actually writes plays and scripts all day long), let's just hope the medschool thing works". well, after getting an PS 8 VR 5 BS 8 on my first diag, things are looking so great. i just hope they can take rejections better than i can.
One thing that really irks me about this process is how my parents, specifically my mother, only get involved when it's most convenient for them. I just feel like they haven't earned the right to be celebrating with me now when they couldn't have cared less about my studies even up to a year ago. It's like the story about the little red hen....why should they get to bask in my accomplishments now just when it's starting to pay off?

An additional frustration is that my mom takes some sort of perverted pleasure in snooping in my medical school mail. Last week, shortly after I had learned of my Duke rejection via their website, I got a letter in the mail from them. Prior to me getting home, my mom succeeded in shining the bigest flashlight we have through the letter in order to read the result, and then began proudly showing off her feat to my little brother as if reading other peoples' mail was a lost art form she had discovered.

The kicker happened later as I came in the door and asked if I got any mail. Without even a moments hesitation, my mom pipes with a lilt in her voice and says, "You got a letter from's a rejection." Dumbfounded at the time as to why this would make my mom so happy, I ignored her for the rest of the night. The next day I confronted her about her being happy about my rejection. From that conversation I gained that she was just excited that she had "discovered" the news, not excited about the result. Still, it's making me doubt whether or not I'm going to want to share any information with my mother in the near future.

Personally, I think it would be sweet justice to forget to inform her of my next acceptance (Assuming she hasn't already read the letter with her damn flashlight).

Do you mind if I circulate this among my school's post-bacc mailing list. I think it is hilarious!


Originally posted by silvercholla
It seems that my mom likes 5:30 am.

Conversation this morning 5:30am

Mom: Hun...Sweety... are you sleeping

Me: No, I'm checking for defects in the pillow

Mom: Watch your mouth

Me: What do you need mother?

Mom: I don't think that you should go to far for medical school. I think it would be better if you stay in NY. You should go to Downstate. Maybe we can go down there and talk to the principal or something and get you enrolled.

**Roll over, stare at the ceiling because I can't believe she said principal**

Me: Mother, I have to apply and they have to decide whether or not I get in or not. Like college.

Mom: Oh (her favorite word) Well we never had problems getting you into school before. Why are they up and changing things now?!? Go back to sleep dear, things will work out. See you Saturday. Love you.

**roll over and continue to inspect my pillow. Alarm goes off 15mins later**

Do you mind if I circulate this among the post-bacc's in my school? We have a mailing list. I find this highly amusing!


Originally posted by TTT
My dad tried to convince me to go into optometry school instead, because I don't have to work as hard and still get to be called "dr.". Also "girls shouldn't have to work that hard".

I gave up on telling my parents not to open my letters by the time my secondaries came around. So, I got both news of my MCAT scores and my first medical school acceptance from my parents, over the phone of the lab where I was doing research. And, since they don't understand the whole admissions process, they tell me the news in the most uncertain way:

#1: MCAT news.
Dad: I think you got your MCAT scores today. I opened the letter.
Me: What did I get?
Dad: I don't know. There are several numbers on this form.
Me: Well, read them to me.
Dad: Why don't I wait til you get home.
Me: *screams of frustration and unanswered curiosity*

#2: Med school acceptance
Dad: U got a letter from school X.
Me: Really? What does it say?
Dad: I don't know. I think you are accepted.
Me: Are you sure? What makes you say that?
Dad: Well, I don't see the word "Sorry" or "reject" anywhere.
Me: *screams of frustration and unanswered curiosity*

*sigh* :rolleyes: :)
Originally posted by ashkan33
well, after getting an PS 8 VR 5 BS 8 on my first diag, things are looking so great. i just hope they can take rejections better than i can.

I wouldn't worry too much - on my first diag I did pretty poorly, but ended up doing pretty well on the MCAT. Just study and I'm sure you'll do fine - if you went from a 2.5 in HS to doing well in college, I'm sure you'll put in the work to get a good score.
yeah, a 21 on your first diag isnt bad at all man. I went up >10 points from my first diag

I guess my family's pretty normal, although when I started grad school 2 years ago, studying health economics at Duke, my grandparents COULD NOT get it straight that I was doing a master's degree and THEN going to medical school--they kept telling everyone I was starting Duke Medical School. :oops: Maybe I should tell Duke how important it is to let me in--after all, my grandparents will be so confused and disappointed otherwise! That's a good reason to let someone in, right? :p
Whenever I go back to Oklahoma and talk to my family out there, they're always asking "so you graduate from med school this year right, or is it next year? wait, we didn't miss your graduation did we?!?! are you going to buy us a new car, hyuck, hyuck." I want to grab them and scream at them and explain that I have to get INTO med school first before I can graduate. When I explain that I'm still in undergrad they get a confused look and ask me why I'm still doing that and not just in med school. It seems that people just think you can go to whatever school you want whenever you want.

My grandfather is another great example, he's a retired physician and he graduated in the 50's so I think the application cycle was a little different back then. He can't understand why I applied to any out of state schools or to more than 5. When he applied, he applied to Harvard and just in case to Northwestern as his safety. He keeps explaining that med schools don't care about anything else, they just want a decent GPA and you're in. Totally different world......
Originally posted by Moskeeto

My grandfather is another great example, he's a retired physician and he graduated in the 50's so I think the application cycle was a little different back then. When he applied, he applied to Harvard and just in case to Northwestern as his safety.

:laugh: That's great. I would have been so screwed if I'd done that--didn't get an interview at either school.
Here's an episode:

I found out yesterday that I got into Harvard, and so I called my mom to tell her the news.

Me: Hi, Mom? Hi, this is coffeespoon.
Mom: Oh, hi coffeespoon! How are you doing?
Me: Great, Mom. Guess what? I have some wonderful news!
Mom: Oh?
Me: I got into Harvard Med!

*Silence for about 5 seconds*

Me: Mom? Mom?? Hello, Mom?
Mom: Oh....coffeespoon <said concernedly and cajolingly>, wouldn't you rather go to U Mich?
Me: <taken aback> Um, uh,'d rather go to Harvard...why?!
Mom: Well, don't you think that things will be easier at a state school? Isn't a private school going to be too stressful?
Me: <shouting into the phone> Oh my gosh, Mom, no, it doesn't work that way! Med school is hard everywhere! There's no difference between private and public schools! It's stressful everywhere!
Mom: Really? Are you sure? Oh, well, in that case, congratulations!

Certainly not the response I was expecting!
Ever get blindsided by your parents on an issue that you Swore was dead....


**Conversation this morning 5am. (YES SHE STILL DOES THAT!!!)***

Mom: Sweety, are you sleeping

***I am convinced that once you hit 60yrs old you can never learn anything new again***

Me: No, I am actually trying to do a one and a half back twist into a half gainer.

Mom: That's good... well your father and I have a surprise for you. Guess what it is!

**Why do people have the urge to torture youwith that stupid statement.**

Me: You're pregnant!

Mom: Don't be ridiculous! We refinanced the house so you can afford to go to medical school!

Me: WHHHHAAATTT???:eek: Mother are you insane??? Why would you do that??? Ohmigod, I think I'm having a stroke

**I actually thought I was having a CVA at the time. Then I realized that I couldn't get out of this house that easily**

Mom: Oh stop being so melodramatic. At least this way i know you'll go. I have your best interests at heart and if you can't see how much I want you to succeed then I must have raised a very selfish daughter. Don't you want me to die happy. Anyway go back to sleep honey. Love you, bye.

***Oh my left side... my left side... Hey isn't vodka a blood thinner?***
Wow, Silvercholla, I certainly can't top that! :laugh:

Today when I came home from volunteering in the clerical duties in hospice, my mom came over to me and this conversation got started:

Mom: So, Biodude, how was the first day of doing hard work in the office?
Me: Ok. Pointless but ok.
Mom: Ok? You mean it wasn't bad?
Me: Nope
Mom: Well, then, you can now go on into doing this as your extracirricular activity.
Me: Mom, why'd you ask how I felt from doing clerical work?
Mom: Well, it's your first working experience. I thought that you may have hated it.

I think sarcastically: Sure think that I'm a lazy person because you think that I have no working experience whatsoever and that's why I hate working...

Me: Hated it? No. You know, mom, I still didn't get to see any patients yet, and I had to give up my own.
Mom: Good. Now you can focus on office duties to build your social skills.

Build my social skills? Please! I think that mine are excellent as is.

I can't believe that my mom thinks that I should do office work as "volunteering." On the plus side, it offered me a look into what secretaries and the like have to put up with, and I was only glad to help. I am certainly not going to be a snot-nosed, arrogant, jacka** physician to the medical assistants and clerical workers in my future office.

Of course, if my mom wants me to get mostly office work experience, I might as well major in business and go join one, right? I just do not understand the way my mom thinks...
Wow :clap: :clap: Silvercholla is back - I read all of your posts and they were hysterical. Where did you go?
I love Silver TOO!! :clap: :clap:

I've got 2 stories... since my parents know NOTHING about this process

When I found out MCAT scores I was bummed. I called my parents and told them, "I didn't do as well as I could have. I got a _ score." My dad then replies, "I'm sorry you didn't get an A on your MCAT honey."

Then the other day I get my acceptance to UCSF. I call my parents and when I have them both on the phone, I excitedly tell them my news. My dad starts cheering and then a minute later
he says, "What's UCSF?"

He told me he had been cheering b/c he figured I was happy. He didn't realize that not only is it the med school I wanted to go to, but also the place I go to work everyday.

Gotta love the parents :)
wow she's back, now this makes my day. keep on writing silver, you're the best.