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Anyone brave enough to show their list? What about on 2/27, after all ROLs are final? List them here! I'm in the mix this year, but am reluctant to start...

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Hey guys.

This waiting period must be pretty nerve racking. Just wondering since everything is locked in place now whether you guys could let us in on your thoughts of the programs you've seen. If you feel uncomfortable listing your exact rank lists, maybe just a few highlights and why you ranked them high or low. Might be useful for those of us applying for next year. Plus since all there is to do right now is to wait, I figure it might help pass the time to stir up some conversation.

do you have questions about any programs in particular? here are the places that i visited and can say something about:

University of Utah (Salt Lake City)
Mallinckrodt (Wash U)
Loyola (Maywood, Ill)
Emory (Atlanta, GA)
Vanderbilt (Nashville)
Ohio State (Columbus, OH)
UNC (North Carolina)
Georgetown (DC)
UC-Irvine (Orange, CA)

I didn't get interviews at MD Anderson, MSK, Stanford, UCSF, UCLA, U Chicago, U Washington

and I turned down a couple due to conflicts. Let me know what programs you're interested in. I've got nothing better to do until match day :)

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Good luck, gilbert! And kudos on having the cajones to be the first to post your list!!! Any thoughts you may have pertaining to my "Brutal Honesty Required" post would be wonderful - you can reply in there or here, if you feel like it. I won't be so garish as to ask your stats, but it looks like you did awesome to interview/apply to those programs! Congrats on soon graduating, and best of luck in two weeks!
hi gilbertfletcher,
thanks for offering! anything you can comment on irvine? i also had a couple related questions:
1) it seems that they were offering three PG2 spots this year...why the sudden increase? and do they expect to continue to offer 3 spots next year as well?
2) someone on this board mentioned that some california programs offered spots outside the match...was irvine one of them?

Hi ya,

I apologize if i'm repeating information you may already know--but here goes:
UCI medical center is located in Orange, CA. The clinical training is split between 4 facilities: 1. UCI Medical Center (located in the Chao Comprehensive Cancer Center 2. The Veterans Affairs Medical Center 3. Memorial Medical Center of Long Beach, and 4. City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte.

During the interview day, we drove all over socal to each of these sites and interviewed with faculty at each site. It was an exhausting day, but meeting the clinical faculty was great. All were very nice, approachable, and commited to teaching. Btwn the different facilities, I felt I would be prepared for anything. You'll definitely get tons of brachytherapy training working under Dr. Sayed at LBMC. The technology is upto date, and the radiobiology training is on the way up as well, with the addition of an MD/PhD faculty member. I believe the allotted research time is 6-8 months (can't remember exactly). It was the first place that I visited where the residents conducted semi-formal interviews with the applicants (a positive).
1) it seems that they were offering three PG2 spots this year...why the sudden increase? and do they expect to continue to offer 3 spots next year as well?

Yes, they are choosing three of us this year. I don't know why this is, but in general, many programs have years where they do not take residents (off years), who then compensate in following years. I think UCI maybe taking so many b/c there are so many facilities that need residents ? Unfortunately, I don't think they are taking anyone next year (i may be wrong, though).

2) someone on this board mentioned that some california programs offered spots outside the match...was irvine one of them?

No, not that I know of. Many Cali programs have quirky policies (e.g. UCLA only interviews MD/PhD's and rotaters?, UCSF discloses exactly where you are ranked), but as far as I know, UCI conducts the residency selection process very fairly and professionally.

Despite getting many interviews, the majority of the programs offer only 1-2 spots for which they'll interview upwards of 20-30 per position. I believe UCI's ratio was something like 40 interviewees for the 3 positions, which is very reasonable (as opposed to Ohio State's 40 for their 1 position!!). This may be offset by the
relatively homogenous interviewee pool.

Good luck, and I hope this helps! Peace.
Is Wash U as malignant as their reputed to be?
Please remember that this is my personal opinion, based on two days of interviewing. I know many students rotated through the dept., or otherwise have a more realistic picture of the training environment. As for Wash U's "malignant" reputation---based on my own personal experience, I really didn't sense a threatening atmosphere. But then again, I don't really know what it means to be "malignant." And I have a pretty high threshold for pain :)

The younger residents (pgy2's) were very friendly and approachable and very bright. Some of the senior residents did seem rather grumpy, but it seemed more of a personality thing. I dunno. I liked my visit. The dinner the night before was the best. The chairperson search is still underway (I think), but I dunno how much impact this has on residency training. The attendings I met were also young, very bright and interested in teaching. So, to answer your question, "No." But again, the reputation is pretty longstanding, so I ask others in the know to also comment.

BTW, could someone out there define what it means for a radonc program to be "malignant"? ttyl--
My take on "malignant" rad onc programs seems to mostly describe the way the residents are treated by the staff. Esp durring morning conferences. My impression is that even "malignant" rad onc programs are pretty tame compared to a lot of surgical programs. But im sure it is stressful to face intense grilling on a regular basis. All in all tho, I didn't see anywhere i interviewed that looked like there was a problem with this. And I agree with the WashU opinion. I think that things have probably improved there over the past 5 years. Altho my opinion is also based on a 24 hour experience.