Medical Remote Area Medical USA (RAMUSA) Volunteering

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I saw a post recently about health fairs and if they were/weren't clinical experience & was wondering what the experts thought of RAMUSA volunteering (general support + volunteer cna roles)? Would this be listed as clinical experience or nonclinical?

Link: Remote Area Medical

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It always comes down to what your role actually is and whether you are in a patient-facing clinical setting or not. If you're working with physicians who are actually seeing patients for actual medical problems then it's clinical. If you're doing screening BP/giving vaccines/handing out pamphlets to healthy people, then I would classify that as non-clinical.
I saw a post recently about health fairs and if they were/weren't clinical experience & was wondering what the experts thought of RAMUSA volunteering (general support + volunteer cna roles)? Would this be listed as clinical experience or nonclinical?

Link: Remote Area Medical
Not clinical
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