Ross Campus

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Mar 21, 2006
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I just had an interview with Ross and watched their movie and looked through their website and am yet to find many pictures of the island. I got a bad impression from them about the ammenities on the island and the amount of activities their. I understand you are in medical school and wont have a lot of time to do much than study but I would like to be able to go out to have a drink or something every once and a while to relax. Does anyone know about the island....activities, development, living conditions??

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Well :rolleyes: , Ross is on a 3rd world country. Therefore, you will have few ammenities. I have couple of friends at Ross and they do have stuff to do for the students (not as much as US schools). There are bars, clubs etc but again not as good as the US. Remeber its a 3rd world country :smuggrin: .
Have you seen the movie "Cast Away"? Well, prepare to play Tom Hanks for at least 16 months!

Seriously though, Dominica is a beautiful island, but "very natural":

-Housing is OK, some live close to campus (more expensive), some live along the "Banana Trail" (less expensive), and some on the "Lizard Trail" (Moderate). Very few live in Porstmuth (Least expensive).
Rent ranges from $300-$1000+.
Do not expect US standard Land-lord service. But, in general, The locals are very friendly, simple, down-to-earth, nice people.

-Phone and utilities are OK, but place you orders Early...Orders are processed VERY slowly. Again do not expect US standard Customer Service....And DO NOT DEMAND anything. If you do, and get mad/loose your temper on a Utility representative, you will not get any service!

-There are no "taxis"....there are "transports". Basically stand at the corner of the street and wave at the mini-vans that go by you...if the driver is interested in picking you up, then he will stop and pick you up for a fee. There are some seasoned "drivers" whom you will get to know pretty quickly (ex. "max", "alexis".....) can call them up to arrange a ride IN ADVACE.

-Grocery shopping is pretty much limited. You are limited to either "James store" or "Tina's". Off course, the prices are crazy because of the "monopoly" they have (they are siblings by the way). Some students go to the capital, Rosou, if they need anything special (a 45min - 1h drive).

-There are no malls/shopping centers. There are private merchantile stores. Most students go to Rouso if they need something. Do not expect US quality merchantile.

-No REAL bars, clubs, hotels. Dominica is not really a destination for the typical tourist/vacationeer. There are no real tourist level facilities. Dominica is for the "naturalists" (I do not mean nudists), not the typical tourists.

-The SGA sometimes schedules activies for the students such as:

The Indian River party

The party at Coconuts

The 3rd (or is it the 4th) semester trip to a REAL tourist island like St. Martin.

The Friday movie nights...where they pick a classroom on friday night and show "rented" ;) movies on the audio-visual classroom TVs. :laugh:

The Sulphur Springs hike

And other minor activies...

Again do not expect a US style campus and campus activies....There everything is "make-shift" and very very simple.

Good Luck.