General Should I be worried if I didn’t get to questions others were asked in interview?

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Oct 27, 2013
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I recently interviewed at school I really liked. I thought it went so well but I read questions others were asked and I didn’t get to those. I felt like it was more of conversation the whole time and I thought I made good impression. Will I be marked off for not making it to those questions.

Take a step back and stop worrying about what others are being asked.

1) you may have had different interviewers who thus interview differently. 2) you may have been more interesting to be able to have a conversation rather than needed to be asked questions. 3) the questions may have been inadvertently answered by said conversations.

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Do not look into other applicant's interviews. From first-hand experience, there can be a huge difference with the routes two applicant's interviews take. This could be due to your application (how much you listed, did you have things listed that were interesting to talk about, did you have things in common with interviewers that they were able to go on a tangent with leading to less time for these other questions).

Again, don't look into this.
Yeah. I had a lot to talk about and one of interviewers was anthropologist and I had a lot of stuff in app about my background in sociology.
Exactly. You probably just clicked well with them and that's where the conversation led. My interview for medical school was similar. We just spoke about sports really and I was accepted.
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