Medical Should I do this post-bacc?

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Sep 30, 2008
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I just wanted to hear some opinions about the program that I was recently interviewed for:

This program is post-bacc program so the classes I take counts towards undergrad GPA.
It'x expensive ($44,000) but I has linkage to their med school if I get gpa>3.7 in the program, uGPA>3.4, BCPM GPA>3.25, MCAT>90 percentile.

I barely qualifies for the requirement. I personally think that this is a good opportunity since my GPA is pretty low for MD schools. (after summer it will be around 3.4 for uGPA Sand 3.25 for BCPM).

I put the link just in case.

MD Admissions Linkage | Post-baccalaureate Readiness Instruction for bioMedical Education | School of Medicine | Case Western Reserve University

The Admissions Committee of Case Western Reserve School of Medicine is delighted to build synergies with our PRIME program, and agrees to offer guaran...
I suppose it makes as much sense as anything. It’s high stakes—everyone thinks they will crush these kinds of programs and crush the MCAT but not everyone does. Would feel more confident recommending if you already have a couple of semesters of 4.0 post bacc.

other obvious and cheaper plan is just continuing regular post bacc courses and also including more DO schools

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As SMPs go, this is really high stakes among high stakes. Are you confident that you can score a 90%+ MCAT?

The cost of tuition is also eye raising, as there are cheaper programs out there.

I think you're better off doing a DIY post-bac, or an SMP that is less expensive, like LECOM or EVMS
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