Dental Student in Japan wanting to pursue BS/DDS At Howard University - How do I get started?

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Oct 14, 2011
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Hi! I’m half Japanese and Black (non U.S citizen) , currently a sophomore at a small American high school in Japan. I’ve been interested in dentistry since elementary and wanting to pursue my dream as a General Dentist. I did some research and I was interested in Howard University’s 6 year BS/DDS Program but does anyone know what I can do from high school to get into Howard? Some people say this is a easy school to get into since the minimum SAT is 1380 but is it still easy to get into the combined program? Right now, my GPA is a 3.7 and I never took the SAT yet but studying for it since I’m still a sophomore. Is Howard University easy to get into as a international student? What should be my ideal SAT and GPA?

Sorry for asking a lot but I’m worried about my future because I don’t know if I can get into Howard as a international student.
This post may be better answered in the predental or HSDN subforums. You may want to look at BS/DDS programs in general. What attracts you to the 6-year track? You have to first be admitted by the undergraduate institution (Howard) before being admitted to the dental track, so you should ask the admissions recruiters at Howard about the process.

Howard is NOT an easy school because of its low SAT's. It is a historically black college/university (HBCU), and probably the most preeminent one, but in the US, there is a history of discrimination that has resulted in metric underachievement among disadvantaged populations including the domestic African-American community. I don't know if it's easy to get into as an international student, but you should be looking at a lot of universities in the United States, especially if you are aspiring to get into a reputable dental school and practice in the United States.

The American Dental Education Association has a general information website known as "GoDental" which you should search for and read up on. There might be some information there about BS/DDS tracks to help you with your decision.

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Do you know what should be my ideal SAT score and GPA? Or what other factors can boost my chances up to get into Howard?
The question isn't about how to get into Howard, but how to get into that 6-year track. You would need to ask that to admissions counselors there. The public numbers for GPA and SAT do not focus on what you want.
I’m sorry I’m still a sophomore and I have no idea what to start from. The admission requirements at Howard was relatively less demanding comparing it to other schools like UoP. The minimum SAT was 1380 and I need a 3.5 or above GPA but the question is, how do you get into any 6 year track by having those requirements? What can I do to stand myself out than the others?

Read the first reply again. You're way too focused on numbers. First of all - those are minimums. There are a lot of other factors these programs look at. Part of what they look at is included in the first response. The rest of what they look at is no different than any other program. These questions are better found in the forums mentioned in the first response to your initial post.
I think some of these threads may help you a bit:

Ideally, your SAT and GPA should be as high as humanly possible, even more so because you are an international student. There's no specific number- shoot for a 1600 and a 4.0. Outside of stats, focus on activities that show your interest in dentistry- shadow dentists, volunteer with dental mission trips or dental clinics for underserved populations, etc. But as was mentioned earlier, your best bet is to get into contact with the admission reps for the 6 year program and ask them what you can do to stand out.
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So I was looking for the admission reps but do you know how to get in contact with the reps of the 6 year accelerated program at Howard? How should I ask them?
On that same page, there's this:

Call them and ask if there's anyone that can give you more information on the 6 year accelerated BS/DDS program. They should be able to transfer you to the right person/people.
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