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Staff member
Dec 31, 1999
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The American Podiatric Medical Students' Association has partnered with SDN to bring you the Podiatry Students' Forum.

We encourage both current DPM students and future DPM students to post here.

APMSA's Web site is available at: http://www.apmsa.org

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Its nice to see the DPM students getting a forum that was long due and well deserved. Looking forward to your guys posts. ;)
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Cool!! I put in an app. to AZ.
This is awesome. Leaving for Des Moines in a week.
I am a student planning to begin my graduate studies at Scholl in the fall of this year. I am very excited about beginning school but hoping to meet some of my fellow classmates. If anyone reads this and is already enrolled at Scholl or plans to begin in the fall, please reply or feel free to email me at [email protected]

Good luck to all the new students.
Murray Butler
Heading to NYCPM in the fall. Glad to see DPM got its own section.
YES !!

We finally have a realm of our own.
Thank you SDN and APMSA !! Hats off... :thumbup:

Gearing up for Temple this fall and a few Phillies games as well.
Anyone started studying their anatomy book yet ?

Also, does anyone know if we have to pay for the bone box now or when we get to school ?


soleman :laugh:
dpmjeff77 said:
YES !!

We finally have a realm of our own.
Thank you SDN and APMSA !! Hats off... :thumbup:

Gearing up for Temple this fall and a few Phillies games as well.
Anyone started studying their anatomy book yet ?

Also, does anyone know if we have to pay for the bone box now or when we get to school ?


soleman :laugh:

Damn, I wasn't sure where all the posts were... I was starting to get bored.

Either way... make way for another Temple-er. As for studying Anatomy... not till I atleast find out where the bars in philly are.

And Jeff... I think the bone box is paid for when we get there and if I am not mistaken I think the deposit is split between you and your LAB partner.
(Could be wrong ... but that's how I read it)
Glad to see a DPM oriented forum back again. I hope it is used as intended.

As a resident I am as busy as possible. Sometimes it feels like I need to schedule time for bathroom breaks.

In any case I do check in from time to time and would be glad to affer whatever help I can.

I will also be at Scholl in August.

Glad to see we got our own forum back and also glad to see that the APMSA is involved :thumbup: :thumbup:
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efs said:
Glad to see a DPM oriented forum back again. I hope it is used as intended.

As a resident I am as busy as possible. Sometimes it feels like I need to schedule time for bathroom breaks.

In any case I do check in from time to time and would be glad to affer whatever help I can.


Where did you go to school and where are you doing your residency? What kind of schedule/work do you have/do now?
How are all of you doing?

As I read all the previous posts, I have seen several posts that stated they are glad that APMSA is involved with this forum. I am also happy to see that APMSA is involved. APMSA is an important organization that needs contributions from podiatry students to do its important work. Therefore, keep APMSA in mind as you prepare your budget. Put a quarter in the glass for ever beer you drink.

Good luck and have fun studying.
You are correct in that you put a deposit down for the bone box between you and the lab partner. As for Anatomy, the anatomy professor would usually mail some notes out to the students during the summer for them to review. I recommend you guys to read it or be familiar with it when the professor goes over it in class. The Gross Anatomy professor is excellent but he tends to be very fast in lecture. He is a great person in Gross Anatomy Lab as well, especially at the end of lab session. Sometimes, he would go over a bunch of stuff on the cadaver for students who ask questions at the end of lab and are willing to stay. You guys will also have access to noteservice for your classes. The purpose of noteservice is to provide a transcript of the lectures. I found them to be useful when I was a student. The professors in Biochemistry and Gross Anatomy will actually edit the transcripts. HOwever, professors of the remaining courses do not edit the transcript and you have to be aware that there are errors sometimes in the transcript. By the way, the noteservice is optional and you do have to pay an additional fee for it. Lastly, when you do get to meet your big siblings, don't forget to get some back tests from those siblings. The back test can sometimes give you an idea as what kind of questions they will ask. I hope that this wil help the new TUSPM students. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

dr2bjake said:
Damn, I wasn't sure where all the posts were... I was starting to get bored.

Either way... make way for another Temple-er. As for studying Anatomy... not till I atleast find out where the bars in philly are.

And Jeff... I think the bone box is paid for when we get there and if I am not mistaken I think the deposit is split between you and your LAB partner.
(Could be wrong ... but that's how I read it)
DPMrick said:
Where did you go to school and where are you doing your residency? What kind of schedule/work do you have/do now?

Graduated from DMU in 2003. Second year of residency at Womack Army Medical Center, Ft Bragg. Yes, I am on Active Duty in the Army.

Podiatry is a specialty clinic, which requires a referral, so we are primarily seeing surgical patients. Cover call for podiatry, usually hear from ER, sometimes outlying clinics concerning pts needing to be seen acutely. Primarily active duty, spouses, children though also a fair number of retirees. Our pt population tends to be skewed towards the younger end, with a fair amount of trauma and sports medicine injuries.

You probably don't really want to know what my schedule is like. You'll get to that at some later stage. As students, if you are interested in a particular residency program, make the effort to take some time to do a rotation there, or at least arrange a visit. This will give you a better appreciation for what the programs are like than just hearing about them.

efs said:
Graduated from DMU in 2003. Second year of residency at Womack Army Medical Center, Ft Bragg. Yes, I am on Active Duty in the Army.

Podiatry is a specialty clinic, which requires a referral, so we are primarily seeing surgical patients. Cover call for podiatry, usually hear from ER, sometimes outlying clinics concerning pts needing to be seen acutely. Primarily active duty, spouses, children though also a fair number of retirees. Our pt population tends to be skewed towards the younger end, with a fair amount of trauma and sports medicine injuries.

You probably don't really want to know what my schedule is like. You'll get to that at some later stage. As students, if you are interested in a particular residency program, make the effort to take some time to do a rotation there, or at least arrange a visit. This will give you a better appreciation for what the programs are like than just hearing about them.


Cool, thanks for the info. I am from Raleigh, NC so I live not far from where you are. Do you have to be in the service to be a resident there?
I guess my suggestion wasn't good enough, but the APMSA is? ;) LOL. I vaguely remembered debating that point a few months ago when we were tossed in the Allied Health section of this forum. I'm glad to finally see our proper place in the forum.
DPMrick said:
Cool, thanks for the info. I am from Raleigh, NC so I live not far from where you are. Do you have to be in the service to be a resident there?

Yes. This residency is unique. It involves 2 application processes. One through CASPR/CRIP with interviews for the residency position, and a concurrent application for direct commision into the Army. On acceptance for the residency position, you are also accepting a commitment for active duty with an additional service obligation in return for training.

It isn't for everyone, but it's a great opportunity for some.

DPMrick are yu in the prematric class this summer at NYCPM?

I am a 3 year t NYCPM. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
krabmas said:
DPMrick are yu in the prematric class this summer at NYCPM?

I am a 3 year t NYCPM. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

No I am not. I did have a question about PDA purchase....but it seems like they don't response to e-mails. What should I get and when should I get it? BTW, how do you like the school?
Either get a palm with IR technology and wireless or just wait until you get the letter in the mail that says what you need.

Some stores try to talk you out of the IR and just get bluetooth - don't do it.

You need IR - mostly that is what works. The wireless is new.

Most people get the palm tungsten with wireless, bluetooth and IR.

Anything else?

Oh - I am happy here.

if you want email me: [email protected]