General What is the legality of offering minor services?

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Feb 21, 2002
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Hi All,

I would genuinely like to do something helpful right now (and quite honestly because I am excited to start school and my job makes me want to gauge my eyes out and I need something fulfilling, but the hospitals near me still aren't allowing volunteers to return). I'm hoping people who have volunteered in similar ways can help shed light on the legality of certain things like:

-Offering free blood-pressure check-ups
-Giving rides to seniors to get vaccinated / tested / etc. (especially those who may not have access to transport services through their insurance)
-Offering free Zoom educational seminars on simple topics like nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc.
-Teaching people how to track their blood sugar

I am obviously not going to claim I am a physician, student doctor, or healthcare provider of any sort. However, I am unaware of the liability related to the things above. Thanks for any feedback!
-Offering free Zoom educational seminars on simple topics like nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc.
-Teaching people how to track their blood sugar

are specifically licensed activities in quite a number of states depending on context. Nutrition and weight loss is tricky, but smoking cessation is more black and white. I don't think your personal insurance is going to cover you if you get an unlicensed practitioner claim.

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There is just no good reason to open yourself to liability over the next 6 months on something like this when you'll have a whole career to do good.

There has to be something that you can do as a volunteer through an established channel, maybe even through your future school, that will appropriately pass the time over the next few months.
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