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What is your 2024 predictions?

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The winner of the presidential election this November will receive less than 70 million votes. Just for perspective, the loser of the 2020 election got 74 million votes.
4 years later and the loser still thinks he was a winner lol

He might get his wish for real this cycle.

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Houthis won’t be deterred. Saudi Arabia bombed it for 10 years.

Dont be surprised if Russia provides the Houthis with advanced missiles to sink US and UK warships. That is what they are doing to Russia in Ukraine.
The winner of the presidential election this November will receive less than 70 million votes. Just for perspective, the loser of the 2020 election got 74 million votes.
Due to people not liking either candidate or you think there will be a crackdown on voter fraud?
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The winner of the presidential election this November will receive less than 70 million votes. Just for perspective, the loser of the 2020 election got 74 million votes.

Does it even matter if the popular vote winner loses the election? That's why a lot of young people don't bother voting.
Was there massive fraud in 2020 election?

I hear people quote TJ all of the times but if that many people think Biden stole the election then why have they been so passive about it?

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Was there massive fraud in 2020 election?

I hear people quote TJ all of the times but if that many people think Biden stole the election then why have they been so passive about it?

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
I think there are a few answers to this. One is that some people say one thing but their actions say otherwise. Some people just like to grumble. There are almost certainly also people who think Biden stole the election but also feel powerless to do anything about it.

And then there are the people who were NOT "so passive about it". You may have heard about the very peaceful sightseeing groups that went to the capital about it.

But really the sane answer is that the election wasn't stolen of course and I suspect that most people know that deep down.
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I think there are a few answers to this. One is that some people say one thing but their actions say otherwise. Some people just like to grumble. There are almost certainly also people who think Biden stole the election but also feel powerless to do anything about it.

And then there are the people who were NOT "so passive about it". You may have heard about the very peaceful sightseeing groups that went to the capital about it.

But really the sane answer is that the election wasn't stolen of course and I suspect that most people know that deep down.
There’s only three very controversial ones:
Hayes 1876 (almost certainly corrupt), Kennedy (thank you Chicago, unlikely to have been decisive), and Bush Jr (thank you Florida, questionable).
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There’s only three very controversial ones:
Hayes 1876 (almost certainly corrupt), Kennedy (thank you Chicago, unlikely to have been decisive), and Bush Jr (thank you Florida, questionable).

I can’t speak for Haynes or Kennedy but one could argue Bush Jr’s outcome/legacy drastically altered the direction of this country. I would argue it was largely negative given where we’re at today.

Please feel free to delete this post if it’s too controversial or off color.
I can’t speak for Haynes or Kennedy but one could argue Bush Jr’s outcome/legacy drastically altered the direction of this country. I would argue it was largely negative given where we’re at today.

Please feel free to delete this post if it’s too controversial or off color.

W spent trillions to fight people who live in caves but hey, there is a lot of money to be made.

US overreacted big time. No one wanted to say it back then because “patriots” would have called you out big time. Remember how they tried to change “French fries” to “Freedom fries” because France didn’t agree to invade Iraq? Silly goose they are
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W spent trillions to fight people who live in caves but hey, there is a lot of money to be made.

US overreacted big time. No one wanted to say it back then because “patriots” would have called you out big time. Remember how they tried to change “French fries” to “Freedom fries” because France didn’t agree to invade Iraq? Silly goose they are
It’s very interesting to see the same group who was so pro Patriot Act now question it, and government overreach.
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Man, I would personally love to see a third major (keyword) political party with a primary focus on reducing government intervention/interference in everyones’ daily lives. Secondary goal being more economy focused, cutting spending, cutting debt
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Man, I would personally love to see a third major (keyword) political party with a primary focus on reducing government intervention/interference in everyones’ daily lives. Secondary goal being more economy focused, cutting spending, cutting debt

Having a third party wouldn’t matter because special interests and the donor class dictate policies
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I can’t speak for Haynes or Kennedy but one could argue Bush Jr’s outcome/legacy drastically altered the direction of this country. I would argue it was largely negative given where we’re at today.

Please feel free to delete this post if it’s too controversial or off color.
Hayes ended Reconstruction and locked in 100 years of the South being like it is. One of our country’s most dishonorable legacies after getting all those people killed in the Civil War.

Bush Jr.’s legacy is debatable, but I don’t disagree. A lot of the argument though is that it was a rerun of Reagan minus the President’s dementia (Bush Jr is not anywhere as stupid as he publicly portrayed himself and internally was considered as intelligent as Rumsfield) and with everyone knowing what they were doing as opposed to figuring it out in the Reagan/Bush senior’s administrations. Almost all the cabinet except Powell had previous experience and decided that as it would be their last time, they would give it their all for a legacy. And what a terrible it was.
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Hayes ended Reconstruction and locked in 100 years of the South being like it is. One of our country’s most dishonorable legacies after getting all those people killed in the Civil War.

Bush Jr.’s legacy is debatable, but I don’t disagree. A lot of the argument though is that it was a rerun of Reagan minus the President’s dementia (Bush Jr is not anywhere as stupid as he publicly portrayed himself and internally was considered as intelligent as Rumsfield) and with everyone knowing what they were doing as opposed to figuring it out in the Reagan/Bush senior’s administrations. Almost all the cabinet except Powell had previous experience and decided that as it would be their last time, they would give it their all for a legacy. And what a terrible it was.

W administration was marred by hubris. They thought they could literally do whatever they wanted and there will be no consequences. They wanted regime change..first in Iraq then Syria, Iran and even North Korea. Don’t they remember the Korean War?

Obviously those countries know of their plans so they did whatever they could to stop it at Iraq and it worked. Trillions wasted. Countless lives lost.
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W administration was marred by hubris. They thought they could literally do whatever they wanted and there will be no consequences. They wanted regime change..first in Iraq then Syria, Iran and even North Korea. Don’t they remember the Korean War?

Obviously those countries know of their plans so they did whatever they could to stop it at Iraq and it worked. Trillions wasted. Countless lives lost.
And they were right, of course. There were no consequences (to them).
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And they were right, of course. There were no consequences (to them).

There are special interest groups and think tanks that promote people like them into power. Their sole job is to promote wars and regardless of the result, they will be financially taken care of. A well paying position at a lobbying firm, military industrial complex, think tank or university is waiting for them.
First state to allow pharmacist-free final product verification in retail pharmacy.

Unless I’m out of the loop and this happened already.
I first heard, 30 years ago, that if this ever happens, you bet Walgreens will be first in line.

Has anyone here seen this new story about the Trump administration's own personal pill mill? Didn't even have a pharmacist on staff, it appears.

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I first heard, 30 years ago, that if this ever happens, you bet Walgreens will be first in line.

Has anyone here seen this new story about the Trump administration's own personal pill mill? Didn't even have a pharmacist on staff, it appears.

That’s not limited to Trump. That goes at least as far back as McCrum Snyder and both Kennedy and Nixon were insane users by modern standards.

And yes, they did have a pharmacist (three in fact), which should tell you all you want to know if you make an ethical stand.
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Wow, this thread took a dark turn. From comical, easy going 2024 predictions, to World War 3 and US elections and revolt!

That's how all of OP's threads go.
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You think it is easy being right?!?
Have you ever met anyone who admits when they are wrong? Anyone can be right as long as they don’t time bound their predictions and with a little help from confirmation bias.

Not saying any of that applies to you though.
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The world has changed. Before you need a powerful navy to do a naval blockade, not anymore

I can’t speak for Haynes or Kennedy but one could argue Bush Jr’s outcome/legacy drastically altered the direction of this country. I would argue it was largely negative given where we’re at today.

Please feel free to delete this post if it’s too controversial or off color.

Another W’s blunder is calling out North Korea an “axis of evil” during the State of Union. This enforces NK leadership and its people to make the necessary sacrifices and face down worldwide harsh sanctions to fully develop their nuclear program.

Twenty years later, NK now can strike the west coast with its nukes. It has 30-40 nukes. They just need 100-300 nukes to take out the whole country.
I have another prediction. We won't have the usual 3 presidential debates. Now that we know the election will be Biden vs Trump round 2, there's little incentive for these to happen. One of them will go on Joe Rogan and it either destroys his campaign or propels him to victory.

By the way, I should add that I don't really buy into the whole voter fraud thing. The electoral college protects against it pretty well. I think apathy and lack of mail in voting will tank turnout
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By the way, I should add that I don't really buy into the whole voter fraud thing. The electoral college protects against it pretty well. I think apathy and lack of mail in voting will tank turnout

W > Supreme Court cheated Gore

Obama > Birth certificate is fake

Trump > Russia got him elected

Biden > Voter fraud

I see a pattern here
After 10 years of being bombed by Saudi Arabia, the Houthis are battle hardened and won’t be stop. Troops need to be sent but that means thousands of U.S. troops will die as a result. Another option is a ceasefire in Gaza but that is not likely. Biden can’t look weak in an election year but does he want another forever war?

New, not so bold prediction… @libra08 will take over as #1 troll on SDN pharmacy forums. @PharmtoCS would be proud?

dude, like seriously give those of us who actively avoid main stream media news a break

@PharmtoCS is a troll? I love how some people resort to classifying someone as a “troll” because you don’t like his/her posts. That is like Larry Merlo calling you “negative” because you don’t like metrics. It is just a way to discredit you.

I was called a troll for saying Russia has changed its strategy to a war of attrition and it would slowly degrade Ukraine military. Ukraine has virtually no chance of winning. The proxy war has failed and equally important, it has shown to the world that the U.S. doesn’t have some miracle weapons. Didn’t the failure of the counteroffensive approve I was right? If the 2023 offensive failed, what makes you think 2024 offensive would succeed?

Attack on a British oil tanker is somehow main stream media news now? What is not MSM news then? Seriously

No one is stopping you from making “bold” predictions. Go ahead.
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The true troll was the billion trillion TC brooooo dude. Whatever his name was.
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As I predicted…what is Biden going to do now? Look weak in an election year or wage another forever war?

Iran is not Iraq and it is not 2003. Iran is 4x size of Iraq and it has advanced missiles and drones. I don’t see how Iran can be defeated without sending in troops but that will result in many American deaths. Russia will use Iran as a proxy war, just like how U.S. used Ukraine. China is also not going to let Iran fall. Russia is already providing Iran with jet fighters and probably anti aircraft missiles too.

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As I predicted…what is Biden going to do now? Look weak in an election year or wage another forever war?

The Dems will probably manufacture consent to engage in another forever war as they accused the Republicans of doing so with Iraq in 2003. People have short memories and will fall for everything their favorite MSM channel tells them.
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If you think Afghanistan is bad, just look at Iran topography. It is like a fortress. You can’t bomb Iran into submission. Iran population is 2x Iraq. If you are going to invade Iran, you will need a million troops. In the meantime, Iran will sit back and fire its missiles and drones

The Dems will probably manufacture consent to engage in another forever war as they accused the Republicans of doing so with Iraq in 2003. People have short memories and will fall for everything their favorite MSM channel tells them.

AIPAC/Israel have been pushing for US to go to war with Iran for a while now. The war drum is getting louder and louder. I have seen this movie too many times. Anyone who disagrees will be branded as “weak”, “Iran lover”. MSM will promote this war 24/7 but they never will tell you how Iran has the capability to respond. The results will be more US soldiers death. That is a certainty.

Can someone tell me what is the end game? What if the bombing doesn’t stop Iran then what? Iran can just fire their guided missiles and drones all day.
Americans are tire of wars. Nobody wants a 81 year old man to become a wartime president. This could end up very badly for Biden’s reelection
New, not so bold prediction… @libra08 will take over as #1 troll on SDN pharmacy forums. @PharmtoCS would be proud? 🤪

dude, like seriously give those of us who actively avoid main stream media news a break
I’m a troll because I promote computer science over pharmacy?

I have been doing that the last 10 years when it was a gold mine, before the recent layoffs. If anyone had listened had played their cards right they could have retired by now instead of slaving away like the rest of us paying off our student loans and risking our lives during a global pandemic.
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Biden is playing a losing hand. Air strikes in Syria and Iraq won’t stop them…they will continue to strike US bases and eventually, Biden would need to take stronger actions.

If Biden strike Iran then Iran can hit US bases and warships with their missiles and drones. Biden will then double down. Even if he wants to backdown, he can’t because he needs to look strong, domestically and internationally.

Russia and China won’t sit on their hands and let Iran fall.

Iran has demonstrated it can do a pin point attack

The world is changing fast. Precision guided missiles and drones have changed the game.

If a modern U.S. destroyer needs to use its last line of defense against a rag tag Houthi cruise missile, imagine what would happen if it was shot with a fast flying, more powerful ballistic missile? A dozen ballistic missiles?
Is U.S. going to launch an attack after the stock market has closed?
The Biden administration only monitors reddit for strategic military advice. Are you posting over there?

You were saying? See that 4 pm? US just launched an attack exactly at same time the stock market closed:

Iran has demonstrated it can do a pin point attackView attachment 381867

As expected, Biden avoided attacking Iran directly. Biden signaled his intention and gave them 5 days to move their assets. He obviously does not want to get into a shooting war with Iran but this would only embolden Iran. Like I previously stated, Biden is playing a losing hand here. Attacks on US bases and ships will not be abated but intensified
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