Medical What should I do if I'm struggling with scribe job?

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Mar 12, 2013
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So I just started working as a scribe. I finished 5 floor training shifts.
And I realized that I suck lol. First of all, English is not my first language, so there are lots of words that I don't know how to spell or write it down. Obviously I try to google them but sometimes I really don't understand what they say. (listening to physicians is way different from having a casual conversation with people.. if you're not a native English speaker and learned English after you turned 15 I think you can relate)

I tried to ask doctors about things I missed but some doctors seemed very annoyed.. I totally understand tho. Trainers keep pointing out about my awk HPI wording/phrasing. English isn't something that I can fix in a few weeks. I honestly think that I'm gonna get fired soon lol

I just feel like **** doing this job. I get very anxious and nervous all the time and I don't even get to see patients cuz of covid.

I have a EMT-B license so I was wondering if it is a good choice for me to quit this job or just hang on there until I get fired...
Keep working on it and do not give up. If you are trying to be a doctor and get into medical school you will have to conversate and write notes as well (especially as a resident). Might as well work on it now. Maybe keep a tab of words you don't understand so you can look them up at home and educate yourself. There are gonna be a lot of things you just don't understand purely because you are premed and have never been introduced to some diseases/terms before. This would be the same for any student. What specialty are you scribing for?

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Time to dump the scribe job and try something else.
That's interesting you say that. Why do you think they should quit? My thought is that if OP gets into medical school, they are going to have to start effectively communicating with patients and doctors. You don't think continuing with scribing would be beneficial?
That's interesting you say that. Why do you think they should quit? My thought is that if OP gets into medical school, they are going to have to start effectively communicating with patients and doctors. You don't think continuing with scribing would be beneficial?
OP has a job, and being a medical student or doctor is not it.

First of all, English is not my first language, so there are lots of words that I don't know how to spell or write it down. Obviously I try to google them but sometimes I really don't understand what they say. (listening to physicians is way different from having a casual conversation with people.. if you're not a native English speaker and learned English after you turned 15 I think you can relate)

I tried to ask doctors about things I missed but some doctors seemed very annoyed..
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That's interesting you say that. Why do you think they should quit? My thought is that if OP gets into medical school, they are going to have to start effectively communicating with patients and doctors. You don't think continuing with scribing would be beneficial?
I agree with this. Op, you could also benefit from taking the 1 or 2 credit "Medical Terminology" class that most community colleges offer for the allied health knowledge. This is something you do need to work at.
On this discussion to the OP, what training did you get before you started scribing after you were chosen and hired? Most scribe programs have an intense training experience where you learn medical terminology and get practice with the EMR. if you don't pass this, you are not allowed to scribe because you would be a risk.
Keep trying. If for some reason after a few months the scribe job is making your life miserable mentally and emotionally, nix it and do the emt job. But I will agree that sooner or later you’ll need to build that verbal acumen sooner or later if you want to go to Med school.
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