Medical Will background check show speeding ticket?

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SDN Chief Administrator
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15+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Forgive me if this was asked before. So I recently submitted my Certiphi background check. As I was talking to someone about it, it hit me that in my AMCAS application, I had completely forgotten to state that I had a speeding ticket some 10+ years ago ( I can't really remember the time). GOOGLE says that traffic violation in that state is considered a petty misdemeanor and will stay in the driving record for up to 5 years ( 10 for egregious and multiple instances, mine were neither of them). So my question is should I bring this up now and email all the schools or should I wait to see if the background check shows the violation then notify the school?
These questions almost always ask about offenses "other than minor traffic violations," so I would be shocked if the speeding ticket shows up in a background check. And if it did, nobody would care. Definitely don't go crazy emailing schools.

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