Student Doctor Network

Surviving Your First Year of Medical School

first year of medical school

Congratulations on getting accepted to medical school! Becoming a physician is a long and tough journey, and you may not be able to get by using the same methods that helped you succeed in undergrad. To maintain control while drinking from the “fire hose” of medical school, you’ll need to make sure you do these four things:

1. Work on your study skills—In medical school, how you study is just as important as what you study.

2. Create healthy habits—You will hit the ground running when the academic year begins, so plan ahead to stay healthy and performing at your best.

3. Manage your money—Costs will add up quickly, so be savvy about spending to minimize your debt.

4. Avoid option overload—With so many new opportunities available to you, it’s important to prioritize your time.

Watch the video for more detailed tips on each of these points. For more free videos from Open Osmosis or to subscribe click here.

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