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    • Trilt
      Meanwhile I got my first paid job in vet med the same week I got my vet school acceptance. And while I can't boast a 4.0, I had much...
    • Trilt
      Trilt reacted to VeggieTrex's post in the thread RANT HERE thread with Hmm Hmm.
      "Yes to CPR, no to stabilization" all day every day!
    • Trilt
      Trilt reacted to Angelo84's post in the thread Fun Cases! with Like Like.
      Fun case last week 360 degree GDV. Had intermittent signs for prior 18 hours. Looked like a bit funky GD on films but tachycardic...
    • Trilt
      Trilt replied to the thread Fun Cases!.
      I had one in a previously pexied dog last year! (a normal 180 GDV, not 360 - just a neat GDV case). On explore the pexy was still...
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    • Trilt
      Yup, my family absolutely would have been in a place where they'd euth my childhood dog if he needed an expensive surgery or had...
    • Trilt
      Trilt replied to the thread Fun Cases!.
      I have a dog hospitalized for bad cluster seizures. He's a young golden, and he has escalated through zonisamide, keppra and...
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    • Trilt
      Trilt reacted to MixedAnimals77's post in the thread Random Stuffs with Like Like.
      Fixed my bike tires last night so biked Lilly to work today to finish her workup after a brief suspected vestibular episode yesterday...
    • Trilt
      Trilt replied to the thread Random Stuffs.
      Gosh why don't you just treat the [usually poor prognosis] tamponade for free? They definitely deserve it more than every other...
    • Trilt
      Trilt replied to the thread New grad Interview advice.
      I agree, this is a kind of weird request and unless there's some really strong reason you're extremely interested in that particular...
    • Trilt
      Trilt replied to the thread RANT HERE thread.
      I've had some really, really brutal euths recently.
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