Partner Organizations and Associations

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology
    The American Academy of Ophthalmology is the largest national membership association of Eye M.D.s. Eye M.D.s are ophthalmologists, allopathic and osteopathic doctors who provide comprehensive eye care, including medical, surgical and optical care. The mission of the American Academy of Ophthalmology is to advance the lifelong learning and professional interests of ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.s) to ensure that the public can obtain the best possible eye care.
  • American Medical Association – Medical Student Section
    Medical students are represented in the AMA through their own democratic, policy-making body: the American Medical Association-Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS). The AMA-MSS is dedicated to representing medical students, improving medical education, developing leadership, and promoting activism for the health of America.
  • American Medical Association Alliance
    Since its inception in 1922, it has been the mission of the AMA Alliance to partner with physicians to promote the good health of America and support the family of medicine. The Alliance network of physicians and physicians’ spouses represents all stages of the medical lifestyle, from the training years to retirement.
  • American Podiatric Medical Association
    The American Podiatric Medical Association is the premier organization that advances and advocates for the profession of podiatry. Founded in 1912, the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, is the leading resource for foot and ankle health information.
  • American Podiatric Medical Students’ Association
    The American Podiatric Medical Students’ Association (APMSA) is the official national organization representing all students enrolled at the eight colleges of podiatric medicine across the U.S. APMSA functions to provide a forum to discuss problems, to further the profession of podiatry on a national level, and to establish the means for obtaining desired goals.
  • American Physician Scientist Association
    The American Physician Scientists Association is dedicated to career development and community building among physician-scientists in training. The APSA strives to be the student physician-scientists’ leading voice for improving educational opportunities, advancing patient-oriented research, and advocating for the future of translational medicine.
  • American Student Dental Association
    The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests and welfare of dental students. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy. There is an ASDA chapter at each U.S. dental school.
  • Association for Academic Psychiatry
    The Association for Academic Psychiatry focuses on education in psychiatry at every level from the beginning of medical school through lifelong learning for psychiatrists and other physicians. It seeks to help psychiatrists who are interested in careers in academic psychiatry develop the skills and knowledge in teaching, research and career development that they must have to succeed. AAP provides a forum for members to exchange ideas on teaching techniques, curriculum, and other issues and to work together to solve problems. It works with other professional organizations on mutual interests and objectives through committee liaison and collaborative programs.
  • The Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP)
    The Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP) was established in 1972 as an official council of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) to serve as the official national representative voting voice of osteopathic medical students. The Association is composed of Student Government Associations from every College / School of Osteopathic Medicine and an elected Executive Board.
  • Indian Health Service
    The mission of the Indian Health Service, part of the US Department of Health and Human Services, is to raise the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level.
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement
    The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is an independent not-for-profit organization helping to lead the improvement of health care throughout the world. Founded in 1991 and based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, IHI works to accelerate improvement by building the will for change, cultivating promising concepts for improving patient care, and helping health care systems put those ideas into action.
  • The International Neuromodulation Society
    The International Neuromodulation Society (INS) is a non-profit group of clinicians, scientists and engineers dedicated to the scientific development and awareness of neuromodulation – the alteration of nerve activity through the delivery of electrical stimulation or chemical agents to targeted sites of the body. Founded in 1989 and based in San Francisco, CA, the INS educates and promotes the field through meetings, its bimonthly, MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed journal Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, and chapter websites.
  • Jewish Alliance for Women in Science (JAWS)
    The Jewish Alliance for Women in Science (JAWS) is an organization which helps women enter the science and medical professions while maintaining their cultural beliefs. JAWS seeks to address issues that keep women from entering these fields, foster discussion and mentoring amongst women and to disseminate information about healthcare careers.
  • McGill Journal of Medicine
    The McGill Journal of Medicine (MJM), published biannually in print, is an international, peer-reviewed publication run entirely by the medical and science students of McGill University. MJM’s mandate to provide a forum for students across the world sets it apart from nearly all other medical journals in circulation.
  • National Community Pharmacists Association
    The NCPA is dedicated to the continuing growth and prosperity of independent community pharmacy in the United States. We are the national pharmacy association representing the professional and proprietary interests of independent community pharmacists and will vigorously promote and defend those interests.
  • National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
    The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology credentials licensed psychologists, promotes credentialed psychologists to consumers, provides distinction and value to its Registrants, guides psychology students toward credentialing, and enhances psychologists’ contributions to integrated health care.
  • National Society for Nontraditional Medical Students
    The National Society for Nontraditional Premedical & Medical Students, Inc., better known by our website name, or simply OPM, is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) professional/pre- professional society and educational conduit for non-traditional students who seek to become Physicians.
  • Pre-Medical Student Osteopathic Medical Association
    The Pre-Medical Student Osteopathic Medical Association is the undergraduate division of the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA), which is the student affiliate organization of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). Its purpose is to promote Osteopathic medicine, increase the number of applicants to Osteopathic medical schools, support aspiring Osteopathic physicians at all levels of education, and continue the proud legacy of Osteopathic medicine.