How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
3.22 | 188 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 168 |
Negatively | 7 |
No change | 14 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
3.48 | 189 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.49 | 122 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.83 | 107 |
No responses
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 0 |
20 minutes | 3 |
25 minutes | 7 |
30 minutes | 95 |
35 minutes | 23 |
40 minutes | 17 |
45 minutes | 17 |
50 minutes | 12 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 18 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 190 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 19 |
In a group | 164 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 62 |
Closed file | 119 |
Response Average | # Responders |
3.22 | 188 |
"Group Interview: Tell me about yourself. What do you think will be the greatest challenge your generation of physicians will have to face?"
"Other than academics, what do you like about Emory?"
"Tell me something about you that has nothing to do with academics."
"Tell us about your family, background, etc."
"When did you go from being a boy to a man?"
"Describe a time that you failed and how you improved"
"What's your favorite book?"
"Out of all of your experiences in your AMCAS which one was most important to you?"
"Tell us where you are from, and why you chose where you went to undergraduate."
"What was the defining moment when you decided you wanted to be a doctor?"
"Why do you want to become a doctor and why did you choose Emory?"
"Tell me about yourself?"
"In panel interview: Tell me about your family."
"tell us about yourself"
"Group: Tell me about your family; greatest accomplishment (non-medical); what you do to relax; go back in time, what'd you change or do differently; one thing/trait your friends would change about you; career you'd pursue if medicine were not an option."
"You do a one on one interview and then a group interview. The group interviewers dont have your mcat or gpa, only your amcas essay and some basic demographic information. Each interviewer asks each interviewee a question(you will be asked in different orders though)...and for me none of us got the same question, all specific to us. "
"Tell us about yourself and what has lead you to pursue medicine."
"Group: Tell me about yourself (hometown, school, current job, family) Individual: What qualities/characteristics should a good physician have? "
"Tell me about your family, why you chose your undergrad, and why Emory?"
"One-on-one: Why medicine? Group: Where are you from, how did you choose your undergrad/was it a good choice for you, why are you interested in Emory?"
"The interview questions people have previously posted here are excellent indicators of what they like to ask."
"Tell me about your family. (They are really big on this one, so be prepared to answer it energetically!)"
"With a million dollars?"
"What would you do if you had a 5 days worth of work to do in 3 days? (for example essays, tests, projects) How do you deal with stress?"
"Tell me about this experience in your personal statement and how it influenced your decision to become a doctor."
"Tell me about your parents."
"Describe a situation when you were under stress and how you responded."
"Why Emory?"
"What are some of the most important traits of a good physician?"
"Why Emroy?"
"Describe your background and what drove you to medicine?"
"Why did you go to your undergraduate school?"
"Question about Family"
"why emory? (they seemed kinda big on this one)"
"Tell me about yourself.. your research."
"Tell us about yourself (group)"
"If a career in medicine wasn't possible what would you do instead? (panel interview question)"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Tell me about yourself. "
"Tell us about yourself."
"Tell me about your background."
"why medicine"
"What would you bring to Emory?"
"Tell us about you, your family, and why you applied to Emory."
"Tell us about yourself, family, why medicine, why Emory? "
"(Group) Tell me about yourself (Individual) Stuff about my AMCAS essay - both interviewers only see your essays..nothing else on AMCAS...well not at the time of the interview"
"Tell me about family?"
"tell me about yourself, why you want to do medicine and why Emory?"
"Tell me about your family. "
"tell me about your research"
"Why Emory"
"Tell us about your family"
"If your friends could say 2 things negative or postive about you, what would they be?"
"How would your friends describe you? (group interview)"
"What did you do in India? How did you find out about this program?"
"Questions about personal statement. "
"How do you think being a non-traditional student will affect your experience as a physician?"
"see above."
"tell me about your family (in both the one-on-one and group interview)"
"Name a health care problem and how you would fix it (panel)?"
"Give one word that describes you."
"Tell us a little bit about yourself and relate your experiences to how you got interested in medicine."
"Tell us about your family. "
"Tell me about yourself/family/background, why Emory?"
"Relate a childhood story."
"tell me more about X on your AMCAS"
"Why medicine?"
"Tell me about your research."
"Where do you see yourself in a dozen years?"
"Faculty Interview: Tell me what I should be reading right now."
"what qualities are most important in a doctor / what do you look for in choosing your doctor?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"What did you want to know about Emory before making your decision?"
"What do you think are important characteristics of a doctor? Why?"
"Tell me about yourself, your desire to be a physician. Do you have any relatives in medicine? "
"What would you do if a patient doubted your judgment as a doctor and questioned your diagnosis?"
"question 1"
"How do your parents feel about your decision to pursue medicine?"
"Tell me about yourself, your family and your reasons for applying to Emory."
"Why Emory and Atlanta"
"How was your high school/college experience?"
"introduce yourself"
"tell me about you family"
"What do you do for fun? Why Emory? What have you done since graduation? Tell us about your background."
"Has your father passed away? (since I didn't mention him in the primary essay) :P He's very much alive and well!"
"Obligatory autobiographical schpeal."
"tell us about your family (what your parents did, where you're from, what you studied in college, etc...)"
"why do you want to come to emory? do you want to return home? (that's where i'm from)"
"Standard...tell me about yourself and family, why emory"
"Tell us about your family and why you are interested in medicine"
"expect to be asked about your essay...especially how your experiences affected your choice to enter medical field, what it taught you about medicine, etc"
"Why are you applying at this time?"
"Why do you want to become a physician?"
"What are you doing during your application year?"
"Describe your family"
"How do feel about not having your family around and not having the support system when you're in med school?"
"What have you learned through your experience as an EMT?"
"What is the process that you went through in deciding to pursue medicine."
"Who's your favorite jazz pianist?"
"Tell me about yourself? Why you picked your undergrad? Why you picked your major?"
"What does your family think about your decision to go into medicine?"
"why medicine, why emory?"
"All questions relate to your personal statement."
"What did you do over the summer?"
"tell me about your family"
"Was there a particular event in your life or moment that led you to become a doctor?"
"how do you handle stress?"
"Tell me about yourself and your family."
"Tell me about yourself/family/how you ended up in medicine (both interviews)."
"What do you do for fun?"
"Tell me a little about yourself, your family, and why you are interested in Emory."
"What do you do for fun"
"Tell me a little about yourself, why you are interested in medicine, and why you want to come to emory."
"Do you have hobbies?"
"What was the most difficult time in your life?"
"Tell me about your experience shadowing your mom to clinics in rural Florida?"
"see interesting/difficult questions above. "
"Tell me about yourself and why you want to come here"
"What is your family like?"
"what do your parents do? "
"Questions about my family; parents and siblings. "
"How is the idea of your being a physician received by your parents? What do your parents and siblings do for a living?"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Why is Emory appealing to you?"
"Why Emory School of Medicine?"
"If aliens came to Earth and you could only take them to one place to show them why they should spare the Earth from destruction, where would you take them?"
"Tell me about yourself?"
"What do you do to relax?"
"Why did you attend your undergrad institution?"
"Tell me about your family. Why Emory?"
"How would students at your undergraduate institution describe you?"
"Tell me your story"
"Tell me about a leadership position you held in college."
"What field apart from your specialty would you focus on in medicine i.e. research/teaching/global health/ community work"
"What is a book you've read recently?"
"Tell us about your family."
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Can you describe a non-science class that you have taken that you feel stood out from the rest of the classes that you have taken?"
"In panel interview: What do you do for fun?"
"Individual: General questions about the personal statement -- that's all the interviewers look at prior to your arrival."
"the hardest thing i was asked was when did you know you were an adult? The second hardest was what did I learn from the other people living and working in DC (meaning my friends and coworkers)"
"Which person in your life has influenced your decision to pursue medicine?"
"General questions about my AMCAS application and what I did over the summer."
"Group: How would your best friend describe you? Individual: What are your career goals?"
"How did your mom choose her specialty (she's a doc)? "
"One-on-one: Elaborate on this aspect of ______ experience. Group: What do you love?"
"If you were health policy czar and had no money issues, what would you do to alleviate the health disparities of the latino population? (appropriate given my essay)"
"What are some problems with the healthcare system, and how might we begin to fix them?"
"tell me about your research."
"What do you do to unwind?"
"What would you bring to the student body?"
"What do you think the most difficult part of medical school will be? "
"If you had $20 billion, what would you do to change the healthcare system?"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"What was one task that you worked hard at yet failed nonetheless? What did you learn from this?"
"PS Question"
"one problem in the world and how to solve it"
"Question about my volunteer experience."
"If had all the money in the world and medicine wasn't an option, what would you do?"
"Explain _____ from your PS (Group)"
"Tell me about a non pre-med class that you really liked. (Individual interview)"
"Tell me about your research"
"What do you do for fun?"
"Why Medicine at Emory?"
"what did you see on the tour today?"
"What activities have you done outside of academics?"
"Describe your legacy as you would like it to be 40 years from now."
"youve done a lot of work with children are you interested in peds...why? "
"(General questions about personal statement)"
"of all the countries you have been to which do you like best"
"What's your favorite TV show?"
"Why did you choose your major? Any regrets?"
"Why does your grandmother have anatomy and physiology books? (I got that question at both my one-on-one and group interview)"
"What is the biggest problem facing healthcare?"
"(Group) That media question (Individual) More about my essay"
"Describe your Eagle Scout project."
"What kind of books do you like to read?"
"What were some of the biggest challenges that you faced while working with mentally-challenged children?"
"What will you contribute to our upcoming class?"
"What did you do abroad? and, what did you learn from your experience?"
"What problem (non-medical) do you think is most globally important in 2006?"
"Why Medicine"
"Why Emory"
"What was your favorite part of the tour today? "
"Tell us about your extracurricular activities."
"Tell me about yourself"
"Why did you choose to go to the school you are at right now"
"Tell me about your family and why you want to go to Emory? (group interview)"
"Tell us about yourself and your family."
"What is your philosophy of teaching?"
"QUestions about US Healthcare vs foreign systems ( Canada, Britain, Germany, France)"
"Talk about a time when you had to make a difficult ethical decision."
"why medicine, why emory?"
"Tell me about a recent book you read (panel; it was on my amcas)"
"tell about your family and educational background."
"The question regarding my personal statement."
"What do you think will be the hardest adjustment when you go to medical school?"
"Tend to ask questions based off of your personal statement, because that's all they have to look at. "
"Tell me about X experience on your application?"
"Tell us something about yourself that we wouldnt know just reading your application."
"why medicine? why emory?"
"Rank these qualities intelligence, compassion, integrity"
"How would your friends describe you?"
"Group: What would you do if you didn't go into medicine? Would you be interesting in teaching medicine (I said yes before she even asked because I knew she was going to after I said teacing)?"
"give me a brief biography / how did you end up in that chair?"
"How do you think this coming election will change the healthcare system?"
"Why did you pick your undergrad?"
"What kind of leadership experiences do you have?"
"Tell me about your family. (These questions led into more personal, specific questions.)"
"Tell me alittle about your background."
"Tell me about your medical experience."
"As a volunteer (in a pediatric neurology unit), what is the hardest situation you encountered?"
"personal info. like my background (i grew up outside the U.S)"
"Tell me about yourself, family and the activities you like."
"Tell me about your research experience. If you had to choose another career besides medicine, what would it be?"
"Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your research. "
"What three qualities would you look for in a physician?"
"What do you do outside of school?"
"What was an interesting class you took?"
"what was your goal as an undergraduate? how did you choose your college?"
"why choose emory"
"Questions relating to my personal statement."
"Why Emory... why become a physician... tell me about your leadership experiences... what do you do for fun... tell me about a bad experience you had in college..."
"Specific questions about my activities."
"What are the future challenges of medicine?"
"elaborate on ...( a specific medicial experience from the application)...what did you learn from it?"
"Why do you want to stay at Emory? (Went here as an undergrad)"
"tell me about your family."
"Who is your best friend and what is one thing you did for them that made you feel like you really helped them."
"one interviewer asked lots of questions about family"
"What did you think of last weeks ER? Me: Don't watch it. Her: Yeah, your right. It's crap...."
"What would you want me to tell the Admissions Committee about you?"
"What can you do specifically to promote universal health care and health insurance to all Americans? Will we have to revert to a socialist system? Will the government have to get involved? How? (Have a thought-out response and they will be impressed)"
"Why Emory?"
"How did you think about California compared to the rest of the U.S.? Why do you wanna come to Emory?"
"Why are you interested in coming to Emory?"
"How do you believe your religion and medicine will interact in your career."
"How did your parents react to your decision to practice medicine?"
"How did you choose your activities?"
"see "Interesting Question""
"tell me about yourself."
"What would be the hardest thing for you as a doctor?"
"Why medicine?"
"what is the most pressing problem facing medicine today?"
"Tell me about your missions trip to Portugal."
"How do you balance studying and academics with your other interests?"
"In response to my comment that I like to travel, I was asked if I had an interest in international health."
"What did you enjoy the most about undergrad?"
"Everything else was related to my background (unique and non-traditional). Both interviews started with the open-ended question above."
"Tell me about your family"
"If a lifesaving medicine were available for a patient with an otherwise terminal cancer, and they refused treatment on religious grounds, what would you do?"
"What are your strengths/weaknesses?"
"What do you have to offer to fellow medical students?"
"What do you think the primary causes of renal disease are?"
"Tell me more about (XYZ) experience you wrote about in your personal statement."
"Why do you want to come to Atlanta?"
"whats your favorite class?"
"How did I end up at my particular undergrad school?"
"What do you do in your free time?"
"Tell us a little bit about yourself."
"Why are you interested in primary care medicine?"
"How would you friends describe you?"
"Did you get a chance to explore Atlanta at all?"
"What have you been doing in your gap year?"
"What do you do to de-stress?"
"How will you be culturally competent?"
"What do you do when you are overwhelmed?"
"Tell me about your research (MD/PhD candidate)."
"What do you believe the purpose of this interview is?"
"How did you handle X experience?"
"Tell me about your life"
"Why do you want to go into medicine?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?"
"In one-on-one: What is your take on healthcare reform?"
"Why did you decide to go to X University for undergrad?"
"are you considering an MPH"
"If I had one year and an unlimited amount of money, what would I do?"
"Group: What is your greatest accomplishment? Group: Would you be willing to devote 2 years to working for an organization such as Peace Corps or Americorps? "
"What makes you unique? What would you bring to the Emory campus?"
"One-on-one: What have you read recently? Group: What's on your nightstand, what are you reading?"
"What is your biggest strength, and how would it make you a better physician?"
"What did you learn from your shadowing experience, and when would you recommend other students begin a similar experience?"
"how would your friends describe you?"
"Who are your mentors?"
"Tell us about yourself, your parents, your siblings, where you were raised, where you went to undergrad, and why you chose Emory."
"Why do you want to practice medicine?"
"If you had a lot of money and you couldn't be a doctor, what would you do?"
"What strength would you contribute to the incoming class?"
"related to PS"
"What specialty in medicine are you currently interested in?"
"What do you do to relax?"
"Tell me about a clinical experience you had."
"What do you do in your free time?"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Question about what field I would choose if not the one I wanted."
"tell me about yourself"
"Strengths/weaknesses question."
"Why Emory? What kind of research do you do and will you continue it? (One-on-one) Oh. The one-on-one is closed file, but the group is open, just so you know."
"Tell me about your family. (both panel and individual interviewers asked me this)"
"Why medicine?"
"Lots of questions about research and statements in my personal statement."
"I'm just here to make sure you're not a're not, are you?"
"what will you do for recreation in atlanta?"
"Tell me about activity X."
"Who is your best friend, and why?"
"what do you like to do in your free time besides medically related/volunteer stuff"
"How did you wind up at (undergrad institution)?"
"what do you do for fun"
"how do you know you want to be a doctor"
"Fight that other interviewee. Winner gets an acceptance right now."
"How do you feel that health care is working in the United States?"
"What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?"
"(Group) What do you do to relax? (Individual) Any questions?"
"Questions from my personal statement"
"What will be the most difficult thing you will face in medical school?"
"Have you ever considered any careers outside of medicine? (all three from the group interview - see not that bad)"
"It was really more of a conversation than question based. Just smile and try to relax, they are super nice!"
"Tell me about your music."
"How do you deal with stress?"
"compare different cultures"
"What would you bring to a first year Emory class"
"What would you do to bring young people out of their bubble and get them more active in serving people?"
"A lot of questions off of personal statement. Know it well!"
"What will you contribute to the class"
"Where do you want to practice medicine?"
"Why Medicine"
"Why medicine and why emory"
"Tell me about your learning style (one-on-one)"
"What do you do for fun? What are your hobbies?"
"Are you a group leader?"
"How would your friends describe you? Your enemies?"
"What are some positive and negative qualities in physicians?"
"What do you think will be the most difficult part about Emory?"
"mostly questions about my personal statement and how what i wrote relates to my desired role in medicine. "
"Why Emory (panel)?"
"why do you want to be a doctor."
"The political implications of healthcare systems in Africa (another question regarding my personal statement)."
"What would you do if you did not go to medical school?"
"Tell us why ou picked your undergrad school and if it was a good choice or not. "
"What do you do to unwind?"
"Why do you want to come to Emory"
"name a book that you feel passionate about"
"Tell me about your family"
"What are your 2 best and worst qualities?"
"The individual interview was basically him pulling questions from my personal statement, so read your PS the night before!"
"can you confirm your address for the big envelope marked "acceptance notification"? ha! i wish."
"What do you like to do in your free time?"
"Describe your extra-curricular activities."
"Rank three qualities in a physician and explain why....compassion, integrity, knowledge."
"What is the sittuation of the health system in Eastern Europe and did living there inspire you to become a doctor? "
"Do you have any questions for me?"
"How did you get to be so darn cool? Nah, just kidding... What specialty of medicine are you looking to practice?"
"Is there anything else you would like for me to relay to the admissions committee?"
"Do you think research is something medical students should be required to do?"
"Do you have any personal ties to Atlanta!??"
"If you could not become a doctor, what would you do?"
"tell us about your research/personal statement (one-to-one)."
"what is your hometown like?"
"What do you think are important attributes of a physician? What would you do if you couldn't get into medical school? What is a common misconception people may have of you?"
"what do you think about the American Health Care System? (since I'm from Canada)"
"Why Emory."
"Tell us about family and standard questions."
"how will you help your classmates to deal with stress during medical school?"
"Just know your personal statement well and be a normal person. "
"tell me about your program"
"Tell about my high school pre-medical program"
"biggest problem facing medical profession nationally"
"Tell me the craziest thing you would do if I let you into this school today."
"My favorite: Would you like another cookie? "
"Questions based on AMCAS essay"
"Tell me about your family and background (Standard question to all interviewees in the group interview)."
"What did you do this past summer."
"What's the area of greatest public concern in your community?"
"Why emory?"
"What topic that's been in the news lately really fires you up?"
"most q's were based from amcas essay."
"How does your personality suit medicine? What will you contribute to the next years class?"
"What do you believe is your greatest weakness in communicating?"
"If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?"
"Why are you interested in Emory (both interviews)?"
"Tell us about yourself, your family, and why you like Emory."
"What is your opinion of fraternities?"
"Do you think your parents pushed you into medicine?"
"Give me a strong argument to give to the admissions committee in favor of your application."
"What are you most proud of?"
"When you experienced the death of a patient, is it something that you took home with you, or did you leave it at the hospital when you left?"
"what is a common misconception you think people have when they meet you or get to know you?"
"What do you do for fun?"
"How did you decide on medicine?"
"after being in the north for so long, why do you want to come down south?"
"Why do you want to be a doctor? What is the biggest issue in healthcare today?"
"What made you choose clinical medicine over research?"
"What do you see being a challenge for the next generation of physicians?"
"If aliens came to Earth and you could only take them to one place to show them why they should spare the Earth from destruction, where would you take them?"
"A specific question relating to a sentence in my personal statement."
"What belief have you strongly held that you no longer do?"
"What's the most sentimentally valuable item in your house?"
"Tell me about your family."
"Where do you see yourself in ten years? Which specialty are you interested in?"
"How would students at your undergraduate institution describe you?"
"So, I want to build a treehouse. How would I go about doing that? Explain the important steps, and how you would address key issues"
"What was the best book you've read recently?"
"What type of desert would you be?"
"What was your favorite class you took in college?"
"What technology will have the biggest impact on healthcare in the next 10 years?"
"In our group interview, each of us mentioned the importance of contributing to the community, so one of our interviewers asked us how we planned to build a sense of community with patients who did not share our background (racial/ethnic/socioeconomic/geographic)."
"Why do smart people do stupid things health-wise?"
"If a thoracic surgeon visited his patients prior to surgery and read from his bible to try and "save" them in case any troubles arose how would you respond?""
"What's your favorite movie?"
"Tell us about yourself?"
"what makes you laugh"
"One year, unlimited money, what would you do? I loved this question because it allowed me to talk about an interest of mine that I haven't been able to pursue."
"Group interview: What is your greatest accomplishment? Individual interview: Do you think health care is a human right? Explain. "
"If your mom was your attending, how would you react?"
"What do you love?"
"health policy czar one"
"What do you like to watch on television?"
"nothing too terribly interesting"
"Since you have a long history as a mentor, who are your mentors and how did they influence you?"
"About tolerance in the US."
"If you had a million dollars?"
"Other than medicine, what would you do with infinite money?"
"Why did you choose your undergraduate institution?"
"What attribute would you bring to a small group?"
"What do I think is a problem with healthcare today and who would I change it?"
"If you were given a million dollars, what would you do with it?"
"nothing really too exciting... mainly why emory/why med"
"What is one trait your friend (same sex) would use to describe you?"
"What would you do if not a career in medicine."
"What were my favorite books?"
"Something about my culture that got me on a tangent conversation about the role of women in non-Western countries (individual interview)"
"Pretty standard stuff"
"What kind of advice would a mother give to a graduate of medical school?"
"Tell us about a situation where you failed."
"What would you do outside of medicine if you had one year off?"
"Specific question about my personal statement that required thought."
"Give an example of something science/medicine can't undo. (Basically, I had questions pulled from my PS. I had to explain/defend sentences or themes in my PS, so read yours before you go!)"
"What is the biggest problem facing the world today?"
"pretty standard interview questions why medicine? why emory? why should we choose you?"
"if given a lot money and i didn't go to med school, what would i do?"
"How would you apply your research to helping a personal friend?"
"Tell me about your family. If you did not do medicine/any health related field, what would you do? Where do see youy self in 15 years?"
"What would you do with a free weekend at Emory (one where you had no work to do)?"
"A question pertaining to critical epidemiology. (Don't worry...I had read a book written by one of my interviewer's classmates.)"
"Money not an issue---and no healthcare career for you, what would you do?"
"something from my personal statement"
"What did you 'see' - really see - in the hospital today? "
"What is a goal you have set for yourself, 10 or 20 years in the future, that is not related to your career?"
"From my personal statement."
"what 3 books would i see on your coffee table"
"What would you do if you had a year off? (Asked by the MS4 in the 3-on-3 interview)"
"Discussed how it helped to know the history of a country/region in addressing healthcare issues"
"Would you want your doctor to have knowledge, compassion, or integrty"
"If a family event conflicted with patient care, how would you handle it? Excellent question, not sure if there's ever a good answer though..."
"Do you believe there is a monetary limit to the amount we can do for a patient? Do we need to ration medical services?"
"Tell us something that we would not know about you. "
"follow-up questions about books I'm reading"
"(Group)What do I think about the media and its portrayal (positive and negative) of physicians"
"If I had a lot of money and didn't want to become a doctor, what would I do?"
"None really"
"What do you hope medicine can do for you in ten years?"
"All were pretty striatforward."
"What classes are you currently taking?"
"If you were a medical student at Emory and you had to take the joint exam today, what would you plan in order to celebrate tonight?"
"Tell me something about you that I wouldn't find on the surface."
"How do you deal with stress?"
"How would you fix the disparities in healthcare?"
"Most questions were based on my personal statement -- not too much in the way of general questioning"
"What would you do if you didn't get into medical school?"
"What career would you choose if you absolutely could not be a physician?"
"Can there be redemption (not religious per se) for Tookie Williams, the founder of the Crips gang, who was executed this weekend?"
"If you were in charge of health care in the US, what would you do about the uninsured"
"of all the world changing events of the past 10 years, which one has been the most important?"
"You've pursued many different activities and had a wide variety of experiences. How can we be sure that you are committed medicine?"
"If you were an ER doctor, and you had a prison inmate (convicted of rape and murder) come in by an ambulance for a serious condition, how would you treat the prisoner?"
"If your friends could say 2 things negative and positive about you, what would they be"
"what is the biggest deifference between Atlanta and east africa?"
"How do you feel about entering this school while the curriculum is undergoing so many changes?"
"Did you notice a difference in Austin after the influx of Hurricane Katrina evacuees?"
"How would your enemies describe you?"
"favorite movie"
"what are your hopes and fears about becoming a physician?"
"Based on your interests and professional goals, why do you think pursuing a medical degree would be useful? "
"Name a health care problem and how you would fix it?(panel interview)"
"what relationships have been important in your decision to become a doctor?"
"Give one word that describes you."
"If I had one kidney and two patients, how would I go about deciding who gets it?"
"What is an accomplishment that you are most proud of?"
"What is one misconception people have of you?"
"What have learnt from your parents"
"Tell us a memorable story from your childhood. This one kinda caught me off guard."
"nothing really unique"
"Are you going to watch the debate tonight?"
"None, they were all generic questions"
"Tell me what I should be reading right now (I got to talk about Stephen Jay Gould, which is always a pleasure)."
"how would you want to be remembered when you're six feet under (not asked in those words, of course)"
"How are doctors protrayed in the media? What would you change?"
"What can you do for medical profession?"
"What there was to do in the city my undgrad is in"
"Describe an experience where you found your act to be questionable and how you coped from it?"
"How would you rank these qualities in a physician? Knowledge, compassion, and integrity"
"How would you rate the values: integrity, intelligence and compassion with respect to a physician?. Which is most important to you and why?"
"see the post directly above (it's me again... i forgot to say some things :)... We also had a one-on-one interview in addition to the group panel (see questions below)"
"The impact AIDS research in US has on the number of HIV/AIDS patients in Africa."
"They asked me how I thought my experience abroad related to practicing medicine. (It was part of my personal statement)"
"If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why?"
"How do you feel about needle-exchange programs?"
"What was my favorite food?"
"If you had a million dollars and wanted to get away for the weekend, where would you go?"
"Give the underlying cause of terrorism and what would you do to solve it..."
"Same as the "most difficult question.""
"Try to convince me to move to your hometown."
"if you were dean, and given a million dollars, how would you spend the money?"
"How do you feel her condition would affect her medical state? (related to someone I wrote about in my personal statement)"
"What have you gotten out of from living with 3 older sisters?"
"They asked me what type of students attend my undergrad. I had a good time answering this one."
"Most were standard (why emory? tell us about family?)"
"Nothing really. Emory is my undergrad institution so one of the interviewers in the panel interview asked to explan why the other applicants should go to Emory."
" did SARS affect your family at all?"
"What is the one thing people should remember about you"
"What characterisitics make your mentors good doctors/therapists?"
"So you took a class in weight lifting... Why?"
"How would your best friend describe you? What would he/she say were your worst and best qualities?"
"Are doctors actors? Do you think outside of the box?"
"How do you plan to take care of your emotional/personal needs during medical school and medical practice with such strenuous demands? (during individual interview)"
"Just an essay based off of my AMCAS essay"
"Did you vote in the California recall election? Would you vote for Arnold?"
"Most of the questions were derived from things I wrote in my essay."
"What do you see as your biggest challenge to being a doctor?"
"You worked with Habitat for Humanity in college. Explain to me why working for that organization isn't just the same as giving handouts to poor folks."
"No interesting question"
"If you could eat dinner with any two people, who would they be and why?"
"why do you want to come to the south?"
"What did you do over the summer?"
"Which recent book you've read reflects the direction medicine will be taking in the next 10+ years."
"after this interview, i'm going to speak to the admissions committee about your file. what is the one thing you'd like me to tell them?"
"Should we go to war with Iraq?"
"Was there a particular event in your life or moment that led you to become a doctor?"
"do you think you're gonna have this same idealism once you get into the thick of practice? esp. in light of all the changes in medicine that make it a big pain"
"If you could be anyone (living or dead) for a day, who would you choose to be and why?"
"nothing particularly surprising"
"How will you maintain a healthy lifestyle with the stress of a medical profession?"
"Other than a doctor, what professional is the most helpful to humanity?"
"nothing off the wall"
"nothing too interesting-- questions were mostly about my AMCAS"
"If a lifesaving medicine were available for a patient with an otherwise terminal cancer, and they refused treatment on religious grounds, what would you do?"
"If a medical school applicant only had five years to live, would you accept him to your medical school?"
"Do you think physicians have the ability to measure the human soul? (It was a question related to my statement... don't worry, probably nobody else will get this one)"
"why do you think some people perceive doctors as stressed out and unhappy? how will you try and prevent yourself from becoming like that?"
"What would my friends say about me? The doctor spoke for most of the time."
"What are some adjectives that friends use to describe you?"
"If there were an old, established family practice physician you joined in rural Georgia whose medical techniques were 20 years behind the times, how would you address the problem?"
"Do you think skills in the performing arts can apply to your role as a physician later on?"
"How were you affected by 911?"
"see below"
"What major adversity have you had to overcome during school?"
"How would you solve the problem of health-care delivery to the poor uninsured?"
"If aliens came to Earth and you could only take them to one place to show them why they should spare the Earth from destruction, where would you take them?"
"What are you most proud of?"
"What role do you have in your family?"
"What did you like about Grady?"
"Nothing, extremely straightforward. A few specific questions about my personal statement."
"Why is your undergraduate institution not selling you better in your committee letter? (wasn't prepared for this, as I had no idea what was in the committee letter)"
"Explain your most impactful shadowing experience. How long was it? What did you like/dislike? ... Why do you think I asked you about your shadowing experience? What information will it provide to the admission committee?"
"How do you think we can help the underserved and uninsured afford health insurance?"
"Why is X state better than Y state?"
"What technology will have the biggest impact on healthcare in the next 10 years?"
"A question about whether I would "burn out" in medical school (the question came from something I mentioned in my personal statement)."
"What was the defining moment when you decided you wanted to be a doctor?"
"Where are you from, where did you attend high school, describe your family and what they do, why you want to be a doctor, and why you think that Emory would be a good fit for you? (all one question in the group interview)"
"Person X is dying and in a lot of pain. You give him morphine but too much will kill him. What do you do? You've exhausted all your options. The patient is still in pain and wants you to end his life. What do you do? This was a group interview question and one of the hardest questions I've answered this year"
"when did you know you were an adult"
"Which person in your life has influenced your decision to pursue medicine?"
"what makes you laugh"
"How does and emergency doctor build a trusting relationship with patients? This was a fair question because I talked about the importance of the doctor-patient relationship in my AMCAS personal statement."
"What makes you unique? two pre-thought out responses were both taken by the two kids who answered before me in my group interview (guess I'm not so unique after all)."
"What do you love?"
"If you were in my shoes, what question would you ask yourself?"
"Was there one striking moment in particular when you knew you wanted to be a doctor? (I had thought of one experience, but not one particular instance)"
"nothing too terribly difficult"
"Tell me about your family."
"What makes you tick?"
"What do you do do unwind"
"Anyone in your family go to Emory? Anyone a doctor? (No, and no, and really, why ask that?)"
"What attribute would you bring to a small group?"
"There really weren't any difficult questions - most of the questions were personal."
"not really anything difficult"
"If you had $20 billion, what would you do to change the healthcare industry?"
"What made you apply to Emory?"
"What was an activity which you tried hard at yet failed nonetheless? What did you learn from this experience?"
"A question about my opinion on the health care system (group interview), the only reason it was difficult is because the two other applicants (and it seemed like the interviewers) had a different opinion than me."
"What is an unsolvable problem you have faced in life?"
"Nothing really. All basic. Again: they tended to pull all the questions from the PS. Oh, and ''Why Emory''"
"When you tour at Grady, you will notice that one race is overrepresented. These people are generally poor. Can poor people still be happy?"
"What are 3 most down-to-earth problems with the healthcare industry?"
"None were really that difficult, though my interviewer do really want to know about your research experience in depth."
"How will you balance quantity and quality of care in a rural medical practice?"
"Give me an example from your shadowing (or medical experience) that left an impression on you."
"nothing hard"
"Did you feel like a voyeur in the ER?"
"Do you think that people change themselves for other people?"
"None really."
"what did you do when you had a ''problem child'' (in reference to my old jobs)"
"A question about my personal statement...I hadn't read it since my last interview."
"Knowing you will have patients die or not respond to treatment, how will you deal with this?"
"If a family event conflicted with patient care, how would you handle it? "
"Do you see yourself as treating sick people or healthy people? Why?"
"How would you fix the healthcare problems we face today?"
"stuff about how to solve problems in healthcare"
"(Group) What do I think about the media and its portrayal (positive and negative) of physicians"
"none really"
"I was asked about how to teach people effectivly."
"(in response to my previous answer) If you aren't a compassionate person now at age 22, what makes you think you will develop that trait in the near future? (This sucked)"
"In your personal statement, you talk about "giving of yourself" as an important part of a medical career. Do you think that this could ever be a negative thing?"
"Do you believe it is more valuable to have your business education before medical school or an MBA during?"
"What did you learn from studying abroad?"
"Nothing too difficult - asked about greatest life achievement"
"Have you ever gotten frustrated when working with mentally retarded children? (this was related to one of my volunteer experiences)"
"What would you do if you didn't get into medical school?"
"Tell us about a situation where you had to be in an uncomfortable situation."
"Why do people your age vote less than anyone else?"
"Tell us about an ethically challenging situation you've faced."
"What would you do if you could not practice medicine?"
"see above, nothing too difficult"
"None really...all were pretty straightforward..and i didn't do any major prep for the me!"
"How do you feel about entering school while the curriculum is undergoing changes?"
"How do you plan to handle the administrative hassles facing physicians today?"
"none. Both the one-on-one and the group interview were very laid back and conversational. "
"see above, though it wasn't that hard :)"
"see above (amcas stuff besides that)"
"none--all were totally straighforward and expectable."
"Why do you think there are so many patients at Grady that are on gurneys in the halls of the ER? (the question refered to something in my personal statement)"
"Having observed your mother as a nurse, what was something that you learned from her patients?"
"Describe how you stay healthy. This was then followed up by "what if i was to tell you that isn't enough." Fun times."
"nothing too hard either"
"nothing was difficult"
"In the group interview, I had to pretend to be George Bush and convince the admissions officer (portrayed by another group member) to pick me for med school over Bill Clinton (portrayed by the 3rd group member)."
"Honestly, none were too difficult"
"None. Haven't had a difficult question yet. "
"questions off personal statement"
"See above."
"same as above"
"What can you bring to Emory?"
"Same as above!"
"What would you most like to be remembered by in the medical community? Research?"
"Apart from question 1 above, i got quesitons about my essay so I guess none of the questions were that difficult."
"Nothing really"
"What skills do you have to show that you are a leader?"
"None were particularly "difficult"- the interviewers just wanted you to explain how your experiences shaped your interest in medicine"
"I didnt get any!"
"Nothing really surprising"
"see above (however, it was asked in a very laid back way)"
"What did you read recently that either surprised you or stirred up some emotion?"
"Asked to make an observation about a group question we answered in the panel interview. Not difficult though."
"What do you think is the most challenging aspect of medicine, or is there ? This is almost too broad to respond to in 2 minutes."
"What would you like us to remember about you that may not appear or be obvious on your application? "
"how would you rank being compassionate and being intelligent as the most important traits of being a physician?"
"They asked me what type of students attend my undergrad. I had to bite my tongue really hard."
"Nothing tough, standard stuff about Family and so forth."
"How would you change your school?"
"what is your opinion on the current state of the US health care system?"
"what is the healthcare system like in your native country and how does it compare to the US"
"What is a common misconception about you "
"What is a newspaper article that you read recently that disturbed you? (one of those questions where your mind goes blank in the moment!) "
"What do you think are some differences between practicing medicine in the military and in a normal setting? (was in context)"
"What would you be willing to do to get into med school?"
"How will you, as a physician, help reform the health care in the United States?"
"None really, very free-flowing questions steming from our admissions essays in the group interviw; the one-on-one was extremelly relaxed and conversational."
"What can you do as a doctor to promote universal health care and insurance for all Americans? (during group interview)"
"(This was a question given to another interviewee) Since you dad was a Physician, what are some of the things he did that you'll follow, and what are some of the things you'll change?"
"How do you see your religion factoring in to your decisions in medicine?"
"Nothing too difficult. People get stressed about the panel format, but it's really not that bad. They direct questions to you individually, rather than throwing them out for the whole group (which is what I thought they did), so you don't have to worry about striking that happy medium between being assertive and not being dominating."
"No hard question. Every question was based on my amcas personal statement"
"(during the group interview): I had to act like Bill Clinton and convince another interviewee to accept me over George W. Bush (portrayed by another student) into medical school."
"not many hard questions"
"Why medicine? Completely expected and not all that bad."
"Who was the most important figure in the last decade (choose from any field)?"
"nothing too difficult."
"nothing very difficult. all they have is your PS, so they will ask you questions about that mainly."
"None really, my interviews were very low stress"
"We have many talented and gifted students here, and many gifted applicants for next year's class; what makes you special?"
"Elaborate on some specific experiences from your time volunteering at the hospital."
"None. Very conversationaly, really none of the questions were particularly interesting or difficult."
"Tell me about your toughest medical experience"
"First they asked about certain experiences on my AMCAS, then they asked what I learned about myself from those experiences. In the group interview, they were big on asking each of us what we learned about ourselves."
"Give me a strong argument to give to the admissions committee in favor of your application."
"If an older patient was found to have a terminal cancer and the family requested that the patient not be told, how would you deal with the situation?"
"see above"
"None were really that difficult"
"see above. also, can you give me an example of a role model in your life who is a good leader? what qualities in him/her do you respect most that would be useful in a good physician?"
"How do you think you will add to the diversity of the incoming class? (asked after we spent time talking up the current class)"
"What sets you apart from the other applicants (x2)."
"Do you have any hesitations about attending medical school? What are they?"
"What will you want your Emory classmates to remember you for in twenty years?"
"What is something that no one else knows about you? (This was asked in the group interview, in front of two other candidates)"
"SDN. Mock interviews."
"SDN, review app"
"Read through the website. Looked at and memorized research for which Emory is well-known."
"Reading over application and the school's curriculum"
"Online posting of Emory interview questions, Emory med student friends"
"Read over app"
"Read over application, SDN reviews, prepared a basic outline for the "why medicine" question."
"Reviewed questions on SDN; reviewed school website; researched all interviewers in advance of interview (was provided with a schedule 3 days before the interview)"
"SDN, website, friends in the med school"
"Looked at Emory's website, reread my application, SDN interview feedback"
"I researched the school extensively and really knew why Emory was a top chocie for me. I also looked through SDN interview feedback questinos and prepared answers for many of them."
"Read a few questions on SDN."
"SDN questions, reviewed AMCAS application and secondary"
"I read SDN feedback and Emory's website."
"I read through my primary / secondary and practiced general interview questions like strengths and weaknesses."
"Read the website"
"Looked over SDN's Interview feedback section, read EUSM's website, tried to think of any and all weaknesses in my application in order to anticipate tough questions, thought about answers to all typical questions (tell me about yourself; why medicine? etc.). I did not script answers because I wanted to be as natural as possible during my interviews. However, I did make a list of the things I wanted to convey about myself for the various questions I expected them to ask."
"SDN, interview feedback, list of possible interview questions"
"Researched healthcare reform, read the Emory website, printed out and read hundreds of questions from SDN, spoke with about 30 M1s prior to my interview, and looked over my primary and secondary applications."
"Primary, SDN, secondary, school website"
"Read up on SDN questions, mock interview with my PI, read up on school's website"
"Read over PS and Emory web site. Talked to overnight host."
"Read the website, looked over AMCAS and relaxed."
"looked up emory curriculum"
"SDN interview feedback, read my secondaries for all schools, reviewed AMCAS application, school website."
"I read "Understanding Health Policy," reviewed my AMCAS application (the interviewers only have access to your personal statement), and answered the interview questions in the book "Essays that will get you into Medical School." "
"SDN, Emory website, AMCAS, read my essays and publications"
"SDN interview feedback, glanced at secondary, spoke at length with current M2"
"Read Emory's website, reviewed application materials, SDN."
"Read website, though it was not necessary: they explained themselves so well!"
"Read up on health policy and news, gathered information from the school's website, prepared information with the help of AMCAS/secondary, slept well the night before."
"read website, SDN"
"Grilled my student host, looked over the website and got a good night's sleep."
"read AMCAS"
"Good night's sleep, read website"
"this site, read AMCAS and secondary, talked to doctors, read Emory facts (that part wasnt very useful)"
"Read up about the school, talked to students and physicians."
"1) SDN 2) Website 3) Emory Secondary Application"
"read through website, SDN, app"
"SDN, read secondary, read AMCAS, mock interview, kept up on current events"
"I looked over Emory's website, their online admissions brochure (really nice!) and looked over SDN"
"read over amcas, ps, secondary q's"
"a little sdn sums it up"
"Read their website, talked to a couple med students at lunch"
"SDN. Read Emory's website/viewbook and read over my own application."
"read this site, read my AMCAS, looked at school website"
"read school website but was horribly misguided because their website isn't up to date with the new curriculum"
"Didn't really prepare. Just know about yourself =)"
"Looked over school's website, wrote down questions, other interviews"
"Read the entire website, knew my AMCAS front and back"
"Read over application, surfed their site to prepare my ''why emory'' question."
"Read SDN, PS, secondary"
"read over amcas and emory viewbook (online)"
"Read the school's website"
"Read SDN, school website"
"Read this website, personal statement, Emory secondary application"
"Read AMCAS application, and read SDN."
"Reviewed Student Doctor Network, looked over viewbook, stayed with current student"
"Application, SDN, Website, Friends that are at Emory"
"read through essay"
"read this site talked to emory students"
"Read this forum, went over my AMCAS, talked with friends who had already been."
"SDN, thought about Q's, reread statement"
"sdn, schools website"
"Stayed overnight with an MS1 and spoke with him about the school."
"sdn, amcas, emory website"
"SDN, Emory website, student host"
"SDN, read AMCAS, Emory website"
"SDN, Emory website, talking to friends/current students, looking back at previous interviews"
"Read SDN, website, AMCAS application"
"(Group Interview was 3 on 3...2 faculty members and the student who toured us. Then there's also the 1 on 1 interview.) Read SDN, AMCAS, Emory website Brought sneakers (THEY REALLY MEAN IT AND THEY COME IN HANDY)"
"reread personal statement, AMCAS application. looked at emory's website"
"SDN, re-read PS"
"Re-read my aamc application"
"Talked to students at emory, looked over my file. "
"SDN, website"
"SDN, my essay"
"Emory's website, read up on current events, re-read my AMCAS and secondary application"
"This site, Emory site, personal statement"
"SDN, school website/catalog"
"SDN, student host, reviewed personal statement"
"reviewed PS, read SDN feedback, got a good night's sleep"
"Read Emory website. SDN. Review my app."
"Relaxed, spent time getting to know the other interviewees in my panel interview."
"Asked my student host questions about emory and the interview day"
"SDN, emory website"
"Deep breathing, talking incessantly about myself with friends and family."
"The interviewers have your name, your school, and your personal statement, but nothing else. I read over the Emory viewbook, amcas, emory secondary"
"SDN, emory viewbook online"
"Reviewed Amcas and secondary the night before, reviewed sdn interview feedback the night before, very briefly researched school's website...thats it...pretty much winged the interview."
"Read my AMCAS app, Got plenty of sleep"
"emory website, read my amcas and secondaries"
"Emory website, reviewed primary and secondary app stuff."
"SDN feedback, talked to people, thought about questions that might be asked and my answers for those questions."
"Emory website, reviewed my application."
"Good sleep the night before. "
"Read over AMCAS, Emory viewbook, other information on Emory website, SDN"
"I was actually very lucky. On the interview day the group is split in two. Half go on a tour for the first hafl of the day and interview in the afternoon, the other half does the opposite. I went on my tour first and had the chance to learn all about the school, what it has to offer, and ask all of my questions. This prepared me very well for how I formulated my responses and how I geared my experiences toward the goals of emory medical school. The night before I read my AMCAS and secondary and did a lot of research on the different programs at emory, their research, and different educational opportunities. "
"sdn feedback, looked over amcas"
"sdn, school website, read viewbook, reread my app"
"I go to Emory for undergrad, so I'm pretty familiar with the med school. looked at this website, read over personal statement (make sure you know this!), studentdoctor."
"SDN, read through their website (which is rather poor -- I would download their viewbook, it helps)."
"Read this site, read the school's site."
"Know your personal statement, know yourself. "
"Read over my AMCAS application, Emory viewbook and website and SDN. I stayed with a student host and asked tons of questions."
"Read over AMCAS, Apps, SDN etc. The usual."
"website, SND"
"Sdn, MSAR, read over my application, read current events"
"Looked over AMCAS app, Emory website, my secondary app, this website."
"Stayed with a student host, asked loads of questions. Read over my AMCAS and secondary applications, personal statement, and read interview feedback"
"I read over my essays, questions on SDN, and researched the school a little bit."
"bought a suit, brushed my teeth, and read over my amcas and 2ndary essays."
"Reviewed Emory's website, SDN"
"just sorta relaxed."
"Read SDN, relaxed"
"Read the history of the school and their goals."
"Read interview feedback, read about the school online, looked through my app"
"Had a good night of sleep. Should have eaten a breakfast."
"I talked to the student I stayed with the night before, I checked out this website, and I researched a little about Emory."
"AMCAS essay, sdn"
"Read this website, Emory's website, and my AMCAS"
"This website, read current events, and looked at Emory's website"
"Read Emory website, book about healthcare, this website -note that the AM tour is led by a student who will later be an interviewer in the group interview"
"Looked over secondary and SDN"
"SDN, read AMCAS"
"read SDN and primary and secondary"
"Read SDN, went over my personal statement, AMCAS application."
"Listened to Johnny Cash. He's a mighty fine singer"
"read app, talk to student host"
"reviewed amcas, looked at sdn"
"Reviewed Emory website, read reviews at sdn, reviewed my application and essays"
"reading Emory internet website, reading the interview feedback at SDN, reading about health care."
"I stayed with the best student host EVER."
"Reread my Personal Statement Talked to Friends at Emory"
"Read my application, read the website and info sent, talked to current students"
"looked over my application"
"Read AMCAS app and secondary app. It's sort of closed file: They have your essays, but not your grades or extra-curriculars. So be able to explaine anything you wrote in your essays."
"read sdn. "
"SDN, emory website, host program"
"read this website, talked with my mentor who did her residency at Emory"
"listened to Ludakris"
"read the web site, read my app. took a valium on the way to the admin office to take the edge off."
"Read info and relaxed."
"Read SDN, talked to student host and friends the night before"
"Reread the essays I wrote for all of the schools' secondaries, specific features of the school's location that attract me...Be ready to explain why this school is particularly desirable."
"read my amcas essay, and health care issues, researched Emory"
"Read my secondary, read SDN"
"Re-read my AMCAS essay, talked to my friends at Emory."
"Talked to people I knew who had interviewed at Emory; reread my AMCAS and secondaries."
"Read my application and this site"
"school's website and brochure"
"read website which is out of date. sdn. read my essays."
"reviewed my application"
"Interview Feedback, read secondary/AMCAS"
"Be yourself? Didn't really.."
"i have a friend who attends emory med, and a friend who has interviewed there this year."
"sdn feedback, reread my amcas"
"sdn, read over my app"
"Read everything on the Emory website, reviewed my AMCAS personal statement, reviewed current events (although they didn't ask me anything about current events)."
"reviewed AMCAS, Emory secondary, Emory website"
"Read this website, read up on healthcare issues and current events."
"Read interview feedback, emory's website, etc"
"read this site, thought about how I would answer questions "
"Interview feedback, reviewed AMCAS"
", emory website, reviewed my application."
"Emory webpage, personal application,"
"Read about Emory's curriculum, etc."
"Watched the news, read about recent medical advances on, went over practice questions"
"read my app, read the school's website. looked over sdn."
"Read their website, and looked over my application."
"website, current students, sdn"
"Read this poor substitute for interview feedback."
"emory website,, looked over amcas, looked over health care issues"
"good night's sleep, good breakfast. read interview feedback"
"reread my AMCAS, read this sight, reread my secondary"
"Read a book on health care issues, re-read applications, looked at feedback on this site."
"There is no way to prepare for the panel interview. Just be yourself, relax, breathe, and answer the questions with tact and brevity. As for the one-on-one interview, this was relaxed and conversational -- know your essays, etc. and read through the Emory website."
"The friendliness of the faculty and staff. How relaxed the interviews were. How organized and "put together" the interview was. The thoroughness of the programs and activities offered to get involved."
"The school itself is super nice, the new hospital looks really cool, and Grady Memorial is definitely a wild place to learn and you'd see a lot. The tour was super cool, we got to see a good portion of Grady, including the ED and we even foamed into the NICU which was kind of awkward but worth it to see all the cute babies. Everyone is super nice, and the interview is relatively laid back. They provide refreshments and cookies throughout the day, and lunch was delicious."
"Staff, the hospitals, the campus, the students. Grady is an amazing hospital."
"Everything; the facilities, the friendliness of the students and faculty, the curriculum, and the beautiful campus"
"The adcoms sense of humor & the super laidback environment"
"Grady, research opportunities, friendly students"
"How friendly the admissions staff was. They really make you feel welcome."
"The students (both current and prospective) were all super friendly. Location of the school was great and facilities were great."
"AMAZING clinical sites"
"Facilities are top-notch, and students are the friendliest and most open I've ever met."
"The whole day was impressive - everybody was very friendly and they put a lot of effort into ensuring you were comfortable and relaxed for the interview. The students were friendly, and the tour (although extensive) reeally provided me with a great impression."
"The campus and facilities, the friendliness of the class, the area, and almost everything else."
"The school was beautiful and it was in a great area. I liked that it was on the same campus as the undergrads so there was a lot to do. We got a great tour of the hospital and after the interview day you are left with a great perspective of how the rotations will be like."
"All of the students seemed very laid-back and happy, and they all raved about Emory. Pass/fail grading. Exams given on Friday. The new curriculum is very unique and the students seem to like it a lot. Beautiful, new medical school building. Students are exposed to a wide range of patients."
"The school itself is beautiful The research facilities at GATech are impressive The staff and faculty were all friendly The interview ambience was definitely laid back"
"Building, teaching style, Dean"
"Everything: the admissions staff, the deans, my interviewers, my fellow group interviewees, the current students, the campus, the facilities, the curriculum, Atlanta."
"beauty of the campus, admissions staff knew my name as soon as I walked in and they knew my resume too!, students seemed low-stress and genuinely praised their school, tests on friday vs. monday or tuesday, sim lab"
"Everything. The students, faculty, facilities, numerous hospital and clinics, patient demographics, curriculum, discovery phase, pass/fail system, student orgnizations, outpatient experiences, Grady, location, etc."
"Everyone was very friendly. The students seemed genuinely happy to be there. The dean was very enthusiastic and the admissions staff was incredibly nice."
"The new med school building is immaculate. PBL class that I sat in on was very dynamic. All the students I met were really enthusiastic and loved the school."
"the facilities are beautiful; going to Grady in the tour was great."
"Medical school building and facilities -- attitudes of current students."
"The ease with which the interviews were undertaken"
"the new curriculum!!!! it's AWESOME! GRADY!! ATLANTA!! the diversity of the patient population and student body. the school's location in foresty area with running trails but close to atlanta. really easy to get an MPH and you're encouraged to do research. the new building is gorgeous. this school is awesome! "
"Everything! I've been at Emory forever and was not really considering the school as a viable option because I want to move away for a while. My interview day (the longest but most enjoyable of all six so far) had me convinced that I NEED to go to Emory for medical school. Everything was great! The new building is gorgeous and there is a great variety of hospitals for gaining hands-on experience. The school also has great partnerships, especially for those of us interested in public health and global opportunities."
"I loved the group interview. I got along very, very well with the other 2 interviewees in my group, and having them around gave me more confidence. I liked how one of the interviewers was the student who gave us our tour of Grady, so I already felt comfortable around him, as well. "
"I loved how friendly the students were. Every time anyone walked by and noticed a suit (ie interviewee), they stopped to answer questions and tell you how much they loved the school. The incredible building, amazing curriculum, GRADY!"
"Grady! Student satisfaction."
"The new medical school building is breathtakingly gorgeous. The turtles in the admissions office are adorable. The tour was long but really comprehensive and pleasant. The students all seemed very happy and would wander over on their own to talk to us. I also really enjoyed my box lunch there :)"
"Its students, they were incredibly nice, incredibly approachable, and seemed incredibly happy to be where they were. oh... and Grady!"
"The location, the extremely positive attitude of the admissions staff and students, the level of support current students expressed for the school and their classmates, curriculum setup, the variety of hospitals for rotational experience, unbelievable facilities. The M4 who gave my tour was incredibly candid and helpful."
"the new building is awesome. Grady is great too."
"atlanta is a fun city, make sure you go out while you're there! there are a ton of opportunities to meet other grad students, so you don't have to end up marrying another doctor or having only med school friends - something super important to me! the campus is pretty, and the facilities are great. there are a ton of places to work out and nice places to run and do other outside fun. my student host was super nice. they offer a lot of financial aid available. basically the whole day was a positive experience."
"The students absolutely love being at Emory. The new facilities will be great. The new curriculum is in the works. I loved everything about the school."
"the facilities, Grady, CDC"
"Great building, clean, lots of money"
"The student life, availability of opportunities, and openness of administration. "
"Facilities, Grady hospital."
"Great facilities, gorgeous campus, friendly students who came up and introduced themselves all throughout the interview day."
"everyone was awesome. Erica and Dr. Schwartz were really cool. the student tour guide was awesome too! very passionate about the school, and very cute (look for the indian guy, i can't remember his name)"
"The facilities are really nice. The whole interview day was very organized, and the students and admissions staff were friendly. The new curriculum was impressive as well. "
"students are very open, helpful, and the admissions staff is amazing! :)"
"the facilities, the students (really enthusiastic, even though they had an exam coming up!), Grady (the hospital)"
"best facilities I have seen so far, the med school building is brand new "
"The few med students we talked to at lunch seemed pretty enthusiastic and also relaxed. They are a good-looking class, but it was weird that they said they LIKE studying late every week!?!"
"The new medical school building is absolutely gorgeous. The admissions staff (especially Erica and Dr. Schwartz) are so incredibly enthusiastic and helpful. Grady is absolutely huge, I can't even imagine the clinical opportunities available there."
"How happy everyone was. The students seemed like they genuinely cared, were outgoing, and just very lively. Also the staff was so friendly. And the new building is very pretty. It seemed like a great place overall."
"Almost everything. Phenomenal, clean facilities, enthusiastic students and staff. Seems like a great place."
"the staff and faculty seem genuinely interested in helping/teaching students. that is hands down the best way to insure a solid medical education."
"GREAT new facilities. Very enthusiastic about their new curriculum. Everything was wonderful."
"Beautiful new building for med school, great students who made an effort to welcome us and answer questions, admissions directors made the day as stress free as possible, new curriculum seems well put together and the first year students were very positive about it."
"How well prepared they were for the interview day. They were very well organized, and had everything down to the T. The tour was extremely informative, and gave a great picture of what Emory Med is all about - it's a great way for prospects to know that they will fit into the school."
"BEAUTIFUL new building. Gorgeous campus that's next to the undergrad campus, lovely neighborhood. Really excited and enthusiastic staff."
"You meet a bunch of great students, extensive hosptial tour (can be tiring), Erica is hilarious, New medical building is going to be amazing. Beautiful campus. New curriculum should be interesting. Emory did the best job of exposing me to all aspects of the school: faculty, studens, facilities, hospitals of any school I interviewed at."
"the facilities- a new building for 2007, the students-- so friendly and seem to love the school, my one-on-one interviewer, the info session,the weather!, the flexibility of the new med school curriculum, the admissions office people, the variety of hospitals to learn at, the new anatomy labs sound amazing, and Atlanta!"
"The students are fantastic, probably the highlight of the school. The student tour guide and interviewer was very enthusiastic and made all of us really want to come to Emory. Grady would be an awesome place to learn!"
"Everything. I can't get over how nice the students were, and I got the sense that Emory really cares about it's students. The presentation was actually pretty good, and the admissions staff is great! Grady Hospital was huge and seemed like a great place to learn. Students seemed very cooperative and happy to be there. The campus is beautful. There are just great opportunities here."
"the facilities, friendliness of everyone, beautiful campus"
"The Emory campus is AMAZING! It's a very beautiful campus with a lot of amenities and everyone seemed extremely nice. Also the info sessions were not only actually informative (unlike many of the other interviews I've been on), they were extremely entertaining."
"My host was amazing! She had so much to offer in advice about the school. The Grady cafeteria was actually decent, and all the admissions people were super nice."
"Everything; the staff, students, facilities, new curriculum and building."
"the school will be great next year with the new building. The third and fourth year students who came by to talk"
"grady hospital MD/MPH program "
"Almost everything. The students seem very happy and balanced. The facilities, definitely, and the (numerous) teaching hospitals are top-notch. A diversity of hospitals - public, private, different patient bases and specialties. "
"New building, laid back students, variety of experience you can get"
"all the new stuff they are going to have for the fall, the comraderie of the students, the administration"
"Happy students, positive remarks from a friend (MS1) about ABCDF grading, new facilities for Class of 2011, energetic Dean of Admissions, Grady Hospital (huge variety of cases, it's in a rough area of Atlanta)."
"Students seemed SO nice and laidback. Definitely a bright bunch but not a bunch of gunners. Erica Black, the admissions lady, is SUPER nice! She helped sell the school to me. There's going to be a brand new med school building and new curriculum (18 month basic sciences, 6 month break, 2 years of clinical studies). "
"Everything: students, faculty, facilities"
"Just about everything. Seriously. Particularly the people (students, staff, and faculty)."
"The facilities are AMAZING. They are BRAND NEW and awesome. The undergrad and medical school are on the same campus, so the gym, libraries, study spaces, etc. are state of the art! There is a brand new curriculum that sounds pretty cool."
"The atmosphere of the students; the admissions staff making you feel welcome and as if you are family; the new building that is currently being constructed."
"staff and an overall feeling of humanity"
"the students are awesome. also, the new building should be great when it is finished later this year. the tour was really long but it was a good intro to emory. the tour guide was really nice and really was enthusiastic about the school."
"The new facility they are building is outstanding. Plus, Grady is a great hospital to do rotations at."
"The whole interview process was very, very low stress - even the group interview! - and the people were very very nice."
"The STUDENTS!! all of them were so happy, relaxed, and friendly, they knew all of their classmates! It seemed that emory would be a really supportive environment. You do rotations in several local hospitals, where you have a large role in caring for patients. That even though they have grades you arn't in competition with eachother. The facilities are really nice."
"Facilities, the chance to do work at Grady, research opportunites, friendly staff (Erica & Dr. Shwartz), overall just a great school"
"the facilities are all amazing. Grady Hospital seems like a great hub for medical students and is quite a unique place to gain clinical experience."
"The availability of resources (hospitals, research, athletics, etc.) and the collaborative environment with the students. And Erica (you know you're reading) --Chris P.S. Let me in, it's cold outside."
"Both Grady and Univ. Hospital -- they're very different, and both great. The new building they're building should be great as well. The people could not have been any nicer and more friendly"
"the staff and students at emory are incredibly nice and genuine. the facilities are pretty good (they'r ebuilding some million dollar center for teaching too). lots of clinical experience - will learn a lot from working in grady."
"The students all seem to genuinely love the school, and everyone was very nice"
"The admissions staff is top notch. Erica is mad cool and Dr. Schwartz is very friendly. Cool student rec center. Cool students. Students see a TON of cases at Grady. Good reputation. Hotlanta."
"campus, friendliness of admissions staff, Grady"
"Everything. Seems like a no-nonsense school with the strongest M3-M4 clinical experience of any school I know of or applied to. The students were incredibly friendly, not just the young ones but also the older ones. The M1's we met had a joint-exam coming up and were still coming to hang out and talk to the peons :)."
"The facilities, the support system, the happy students, faculty, staff"
"The first-year students all seemed to be very enthusiastic; the administration was fun, down to earth and put all of us at ease; the Emory campus is gorgeous"
"Strength of the clinical training; Grady Memorial Hospital (enormous public facility serving indigent populations); Egleston Children's Hospital (beautiful tertiary care center); first- and second-year students were eager to talk to us, despite ongoing final exams; terrific athletic facilities and performing arts center with grand piano practice rooms"
"Very nice people, made me feel very comfortable. Campus is very nice and is in a nice area of Atlanta"
"The students are just amazing. They have to be the most friendly, down to earth people. They're certainly smart, but they just have an air of being nice. And you get to see like half of the first year class during the day -- they're very friendly and come and visit all day. "
"The school is so beautiful...the facilities are top notch, the students are laidback, the gym is nice and its just an overall nice place to go to school for 4 years...can't beat the weather neither"
"The student body. Everyone seems incredibly comfortable with each other. It seems like they all have an incredible balance between studying and their lives outside of medical school."
"The happiness and friendliness of the students, and the supportiveness of the admissions staff and faculty. They new all the students and applicants names, and interacted very informally with the students. Loved the atmosphere and student body, facilities were okay, Grady hospital is an amazing hotbed of clinical experience, and emory university hospital is just a real nice swanky hospital."
"Everyone was amazing. They were really enthusiastic and seemed to be really happy that we were there. All the students came by between classes to talk to us, and no one had anything bad to say."
"EVERYTHING: Beautiful campus and facilities, great community feel, genuine personal attention and concern from the staff, interviewers and students, long tour but we saw a lot. I thought Emory was fantastic and it's definitely one of my top choices."
"Location of school and clinical opportunities at Grady. I also loved my hotel!"
"Grady Hospital. Location of med school campus. "
"Grady really is a phenomenal place for clinical training. Also, the small group PBL sessions seemed really interesting. Erica Black and Dr. Schwartz seriously create a great interview experience."
"The school is really beautiful and the facilities are new and state of the art. The students seemed really laid back (my interview day was actually the day of the first year's joint exam but they all still came out to talk to us and say hello. they were all in pajama's but seemed pretty relaxed considering they were in the middle of an 8-hour exam!) Also, something really important to me, the medical school is fully integrated into the rest of the undergraduate and graduate campus. so you don't have to see brainy med students all day you can drift into a generalized academic community. "
"Nice area of Atlanta, medical school is near undergrad campus, CDC is right next to school which is good for public health types, good clinical experiences at diverse group of hospitals, nice weather."
"grady hospital was very impressive, the students were extremely friendly and interesting people, i liked the other applicants, the admissions staff were very kind & fun, the atmosphere was collegial, atlanta seems great, there is good access to student life and sports facilities, there are other health-related schools there (public health, nursing, dental)"
"Everything. Emory has it all, and the relaxing atmosphere of the interview day was a big bonus. Erica Black is definitely one of the coolest Directors of Admissions you will ever meet."
"everything! the students were great, the admin was amazing, it was just great. i really liked emory. grady is also pretty cool."
"The many hospitals that the students get a chance to do rotations in. The clinical experience is much better than other schools that I've seen."
"Grady hospital! The school just has great resources to enter research (whether or not you want to make a career of it), all of the students stopped by to answer any questions we had, the staff and faculty were extremely friendly and caring, Atlanta is a great city. "
"Everyone - students, stuff was very friendly and more than happy to answer any questions. Grady is a great place for clinical training."
"The biggest impression I got was how happy all the students all seemed. Everyone had nothing but positive things to say about their experience at Emory, and by the end of the day you really feel you would be happy there. Erica, the Assistant Director of Admissions, was amazingly friendly and helpful, providing cookies and coke to everyone there. She made sure you felt comfortable during the whole experience, and really did make the day "almost fun." Erica was also kind enough to bring out a space heater upon request. "
"The students at Emory were fabulous, so friendly, and they stopped by the area that we waited to chat throughout the day. the staff and the dean were also great. everyone i met was very positive and outgoing and genuinely wanted to convince you that emory was the place to be. I liked atlanta a lot too. it has more of a suburban feel than i had expected - rather than an overwhelming big city feel. they have amazing resources there too in terms of the CDC, Grady, and the american cancer society etc. emory also has a lot of money and they have a fair amount of scholarships. "
"students were friendly, faculty was down to earth"
"The facilities are great, students are super friendly, and the admissions staff is really nice."
"Very organized (erica black does a great job!). Grady is a great place to learn. Small class size (112) fosters closeness and cooperation. Amazing athletic/recreation center. "
"The school is unbelievable nice, even nicer than I expected. In fact, its the nicest campus I've ever been to. Grady is huge and anyone can be treated there whether they have insurance or not (I saw a prisoner walking down the hall like a penguin in his handcuffs and shackles). Can be automatically accepted to MPH if you want to do that, and its a great place to go for public health."
"how friendly the staff and students were. also, they seemed interested in feedback from students, which is a good sign. "
"Variety of clinical resources for medical education, friendliness of *everyone*, the fact that Emory was kind of in Atlanta but still had tons of greenry"
"The students and staff seem incredible. The first year students had a really important exam that monday - their "joint." But they still come to see us during their break and also after the exam. I would have thought that the students would have been out of there, but they still made us feel comfortable and even offered to drive us to the Marta station (The subway/train). Very friendly. The hospitals avail for clinical practice are quite diverse, as well."
"Faculty, Staff, and Student Enthusiasm - also Erica Black the Admissions coordinator is awesome. She goes out of her way to make you feel at home/relaxed."
"The friendliness of the Emory community and their ease in conducting the interviews. "
"I had FUN! It was a long day, but you learn a ton about the school and hospitals, and you get lots of time to speak with current students and fellow interviewees, which I think is the best part of interviews. Med students took every chance they got between classes to come speak to us and answer questions, and Erica Black--the admissions co-director who practically single-handedly steers the whole day--is easily the most amiable and outgoing admissions person I've met at any of my interviews (Emory was my first interview, and I say this in retrospect after 5 other interviews). She made things much less stressful and bounced around talking to us, making sure everything was going well."
"The extensive tour of the fascilities and the hospitals. We got to see the ER and even babies in the nursery. Also, the administration knew both the first and last name of all students that I saw them greeting that day!!!"
"The school actually did have a campus of sorts with a very nice gym just a short walk away. The students seemed to really like the school."
"the undergrad campus is not far from the med school and med students get to enjoy all the cool stuff the undergrads enjoy... like the gym, library, a new computer/technology center"
"My student host was fantastic! She made me dinner and breakfast, gave me her bed to sleep in and stayed up talking to me about Emory and Atlanta. The other med students seemed just as nice and helpful, although they had a big exam day. They were very honest with their answers. Elena Black was great too! She is so incredibly enthusiastic about the school and very friendly. Also, I enjoyed meeting the other applicants. They are definitely people I would want to go to school with. "
"Everyone was very friendly and was very willing to answer any questions"
"The students and faculty, curriculum, clinical opportunities, Grady Hospital, Atlanta"
"Students were taking their big exams, and they were still SUPER NICE....the previous postings about the competitivness seems like a very big misconception. I think there would be less competition at Emory than at a place where a percentage of students pass because at Emory standards are already set. Everyone can get an A!"
"Everyone was really friendly and helpful. Interviews were relatively stress free. Dr. Eley and Erica Black are awesome! People in Atlanta are very friendly."
"The students - all very friendly and willing to answer any questions. They didn't seem at all competitive, and were willing to work together. Also, I really liked the facilities and Grady was impressive. The admissions staff was very welcoming - they made every effort to make you feel comfortable. "
"Grady is HUGE and is a level 1 trauma (which is awesome!). The school is one of the nicest I've seen. The students were all very focus, semi-competitive, but overall nice personality. There is a notes service so you can have a transcript of all the lectures."
"Every student I talked to was friendly, seemed like they all liked Emory. Traditional curriculum has fewer lecture hours than most. Faculty is top-notch. Grady is a great place to train. Facilities are nice. Lots of research opportunities. "
"The undergrad part of campus we visited is beautiful and the schools are connected. The one-to-one interview was very personal and good as well."
"beautiful facilities, enthusiastic students, great curriculum."
"I had a really great time at Emory. The students, faculty, and admissions staff were awesome, and I even had a great time getting to know my fellow applicants. The facilities, campus, and teaching hospitals were really great as well. I really felt welcomed, and everyone was willing to answer questions at any time; they made sure you had all the information you needed about Emory. Everyone was open and honest about their experiences at Emory too. The curriculum and class structure appears to fit my learning style also and what I am looking for in a medical school."
"I was generally impressed by the tour of the Emory Hospital and the Grady Hospital. The admissions staff were friendly and the interviews were very low-key. I think Emory would be a great place to study medicine."
"Grady Hospital and my student guide. Nice hospitals and Campus. Great opportunity ot work with Indigent populations."
"The school and people are great."
"The tour was very organized and Erica Black and Dean Eley were VERY friendly."
"the (undergrad) campus was beautiful; the gym is awesome; Grady hospital is HUGE with good patient diversity"
"Facilities, opportunities, location."
"grady hospital. its the place to be if you really want to learn how to be a doctor."
"Everything...this school really tries to make a positive impression...they seem to be honestly interested in you. Don't be discouraged by the ABC grading and "joint" testing system. There is no curve and the joint seems to really prepare people for the boards...something like 30% of their students get 99%....the CDC and ACS"
"First and second year students were already on break but still took time to come and talk with us, everyone seemed very comfortable there and supportive. The dean of admissions is a really nice guy"
"pretty much everything, seems like there is a building for just about everything, lots of money, students seem close with administration/faculty, admissions people are very nice, one was contagiously enthusiastic and she even sang us a Coke cheer. most impressed by how students and faculty seemed genuinely nice. other applicants seemed like people i'd want to go to school with. two of my interviewers were associate Deans and both of them had carefully read all of our essays. lots of top specialists, you can get good hands on experience and see lots of stuff at Grady Memorial, then they have the other end of the spectrum with Emory Univ. Hospital. my student tour guide was very helpful."
"they have a nice campus. the people are freindly. some very freindly. if you visit tried and stay with an undergrad"
"The number and extent of hospitals, the students, the people. Emory is in an amazing location---by CDC, Grady Hospital, and numerous other opportunities."
"Everything--the students, the faculty, GRADY HOSPITAL, Atlanta, right next door to CDC. Someone told me he chose Emory b/c they choose people who won't only be great drs. but will also be leaders in medicine, this is hands-down true."
"The head of admissions, Dr. Eley, is an incredibly cool, down to earth person. He made everyone feel like a million dollars. "
"Grady Hospital is an excellent hosipital to train in during the 3rd and 4th years. Also, the facilities and students were really nice to talk to."
"The School EXTREMELY support MD/MPH. Very flexible MPH program with 50% tuition of that year paid for by the school. New and nice buildings with CDC and American Cancer Society nearby."
"The friendly staff and students, great clinical facilities, nice neighborhood. The student body is very diverse (ethnically, geographically, etc.)"
"The undergraduate campus is gorgeous and everything is new."
"Extensive clinical facilities. Working at Grady (the public hospital in downtown Atlanta) gives great clinical skills; Emory students score really well on Step 2 and match really well. The campus is beautiful, and the students seemed nice."
"The grady hospital is great. You can get lots of hands on experience there. Also having the undergrad campus near by is great since you can use their facilities also such as the rec and the new comp labs. 30% of Emory med students score in the top 2% on the boards! "
"the Emory campus is beautiful - they spend the Coke money on lots of neat toys and modern architecture; Erica, the admissions director, is wonderfully enthusiastic and helpful; ability to get an MD/MPH"
"the facilities, people, weather are amazing"
"You can switch your shoes for the tour, so you should DO that! The tour can be pretty long. I wore sneakers."
"Everything is ridiculously new and the school is so well funded and in a REALLY nice area of town. Grady is fantastic, and seems like a great place to learn. One of the nicest admissions staffs I have encountered. "
"Excellent clinical opportunities. Grady is great, plus you can also rotate through Emory University Hospital. Beautiful undergraduate campus, which is attached to the medical campus. Friendliness of the admissions people, particularly the assistant director of admissions. Great tour guide, who had a lot to say about Emory and Grady in particular."
"nearly everything. extremely laid back campus, beautiful area, opportunity for broad clinical exposure at grady. their friendliness was amazing: everyone was on a first-name basis. of all schools i've interviewed at, i really feel that emory made the most successful effort to put their best foot forward; moreover, it was obvious that they take a serious interest in the happiness and overall well-being of their medical students."
"I like Atlanta, the school is nice, and the facilities are pretty nice. Students were having a test that day, but they seemed like a very nice, outgoing group. "
"I went to emory undergrad, so I knew everything I wanted to know going in. The clinical experience at Grady is awesome, the campus is beautiful and all undergrad and grad facilities are joined. New med school classrooms are on the way in the next few years, and the school has mad research dollars and a great public health program. Damn near every worthwhile health advocacy group (CDC, Carter Center, American Cancer Society, etc) is stationed in Atlanta. They slam the boards and have an impressive matchlist. Atlanta is a great town for young people. and the indoor climbing wall at the gym rox :) The graduate community is awesome and throws lots of mixers between all the schools. I heard rumors of Emory financial problems before which I just have to laugh at. The school has some serious deep pockets and the campus has literally doubled in size the last 5 years."
"how beautiful and bright the campus was"
"The school is really fantastic, with great facilities and several affiliated hospitals or research clinics. The national headquarters for the CDC and the American Cancer Society are also a block away from the medical school. First, second, third, and fourth year students came by all day to meet us and answer any questions we had, and it was obvious that they all really love Emory; they also seem really well-rounded, no eggheadedness or pomposity. The curriculum seems like a healthy balance between traditional methods and problem-based learning. The interviews themselves were very low-key and focused mainly on my personal interests and background, not at all on academics. The admissions staff stressed that receiving an invitation to interview means they already want you, so the interviews are just a chance to get to know you better and strut their stuff for you. The whole day was actually pretty enjoyable."
"enthusiasm of current students, clinical facilities, organization and smooth running of the day"
"The Dean was very approachable and hung out with the interviewers during our breaks."
"The students are really happy. Even though it was exam week, they took the time to chill with us. The med school is on the undergraduate campus, so the students have full access to the gym, student center, freshman girls. Also, Emory recently (I think) built a grad student apartment complex with an olympic pool, gym, tennis courts, and fully wired apartments."
"The students, the resources, the warm welcome from the admissions committee."
"it was extensive. Also, all of the studets seemed to love it."
"The students and staff"
"The atmosphere and the recruitment efforts by the current students."
"The students, faculty, and administrators were all fantastic people. The group interview is nothing to be worried about. It was a great opportunity get to know the other applicants."
"The faculty/staff/students were so open and friendly, they did everything that they could to make sure that we relaxed and enjoyed the day."
"the buildings on campus are beautiful. grady hospital (the inner-city hospital in atlanta) would be a great place to learn hands-on clinical medicine. "
"Grady hospital and how nice the students were. I also stayed with a student the night before in this amazing new graduate housing."
"the students, the campus, Grady Hospital..."
"The students and the faculty."
"facilities and how awesome it would be to receive training at grady memorial hospital"
"The LONG tour."
"friendliness of students, faculty, and staff; facilities"
"the students were really nice and friendly and loved Emory, despite the grades, it didn't seem competitive, the campus is gorgeous, Atlanta is awesome, my interviewers were really nice, they are very receptive to students' suggestions and opinions"
"The campus and facilities."
"The admissions staff and medical school faculty were some of the warmest, friendliest people I have met. Also, the school is beautiful and they seem to have a lot of money for non-need-based scholarships and aid."
"The length. This was by far the longest interview day I've been on. In my head, I kept asking, "Can we go home now?" No, but, seriously."
"The same student who takes you on your tour is the one who interviews you in the group interview, so you definitely feel like you have to remain vigilantly professional while on your tour which is ironic because Emory has the most thorough tour out of any school I've been to. Speaking of which, the tour was so long, as was the interview day in general."
"Traffic is a little bad around Atlanta, but that was to be expected."
"I was disappointed that having a car is a necessity for students"
"No signs directing you toward the interview area"
"Clinical grades, lectures not recorded"
"Our student interviewer and tour guide didn't seem too excited to show us the school."
"Lectures aren't recorded"
"Nothing really."
"Mailing acceptance letters by snail mail is annoying and unnecessary. They could also send an e-mail so you don't have to anxiously check your mail for 2 weeks straight every month."
"My one-on-one interviewer talked for 80% of the interview."
"They said they had pass/fail but some of the students said they implement a curve that a certain number of students have to fail. They don't record lectures, instead there's a student run system of getting the audio and notes which you have to pay for. Also, the tour didn't focus very much on the facilities for the pre-clinical years, instead it was heavily focused on the hospitals. and the students all seemed to commute to campus which isn't something I'm particularly excited about."
"I had ~2 mistakes on my itinerary but nothing critical"
"Medical school is very expensive, and Emory is no exception. Also, Atlanta's public transportation system is less than satisfying (that said, Emory runs a number of free shuttles for its students to get to popular locations)."
"cost of the school but that's it"
"The sprawliness of Atlanta but i knew this before coming here."
"The long bus ride to Grady (although Grady itself was pretty cool)"
"I felt like the group interview was a waste of my time. I don't think anyone can convey any useful information in a 30 minutes interview w/ 3 interviewers and 3 interviewees. I would have much preferred another one on one interview."
"Missing the bus to Grady."
"the whole parking seems like you basically have to have a car in atlanta but there's no parking/it's expensive. "
"The hospitals are a little spread out, but (little known fact), there are shuttles from the university to every one of them. One student was a little off-putting but he has nothing to do with the interview day."
"Nothing! "
"Commute to Grady, few rotations in 3 and 4th years at Emory hospital"
"The buses don't run on schedule and the drivers will stop at random corners and get out of the bus and say they'll "be right back.""
"It was really hard to get around without a car. I shelled out a lot of cash for taxi rides."
"1) You need a car to get around Atlanta. 2) One of the interviewers was somewhat inappropriate to one of the kids in my interview group who mentioned his favorite historical character was Aaron Burr. "
"Grady's technology and information systems seem a bit outdated, but supposedly this issue is being addressed."
"Students insisted on how they did very few rotations at the main Emory hospital. That's a little sad. I mean, I know Emory has Grady, but not to be allowed in the main university hospital?"
"nothing really, i don't wanna be in a red state, but fulton county was blue, so i think i'd get over it."
"You pretty much need a car to be there, but that is not too bad. "
"east-west MARTA"
"Most of the students at lunch seemed like tools, but the students who came around for cookies were not. Mixed feelings about the student body."
"not much at all great expreiencfe"
"More of a focus on specialist care than primary healthcare."
"Curriculum still needs to get organized. "
"how far apart the hospitals are."
"The ONLY thing is that after this year there won't be any on-campus graduate housing."
"nothing really..."
"the classroom was rather shabby. "
"with new curriculum change, first two years of basic sciences are condensed down into 1.5 years"
"Nothing really, it would have been nice to have something to do besides go to a lecture or walk around while we were waiting for interviews."
"Pretty much nothing (aside from it being hot in Atlanta the day I went)."
"Not much, just that the shuttle ride to the Grady hospital/tour seemed a little boring."
"the students are really into cheesy social activities (karaoke) and i don't think southern food is very healthy. but hey - at least they socialize."
"n/a...I really had a great experience!"
"Apparently the traffic in Atlanta is pretty bad."
"The lack of specific information about the new curriculum."
"The group interview was stressful... but other than that, my visit was amazing! "
"new curriculum next year"
"New medical school building won't be completed until Fall 2006, but it should be great once it's done. The panel interview was intimidating for me."
"I think the conditions in Grady are pretty bad. While I would love to practice medicine there, the disparity between their inner city hospital (Grady) and the one servicing the upper class part of town (University Hospital) is ridiculous."
"The tour was actually pretty short. We didn't have a chance to see a lot of the Emory campus. Also, the tour guide mentioned that you don't get many clinical opportunities outside of Grady and Emory Hospitals."
"Nothing, I loved it. "
"The first year students that never went to class. It seems as if Emory students skip out on class on a daily basis. If you're a hard studier, it may not be the place for you."
"Very little. The school is instituting a new curriculum next year, but it sounds like an improvement and similar to many other schools' curriculums (UPenn, Tufts, etc.)"
"they have letter grades and the students dont seem to have much of a social life, a bit skeptical about being a guinea pig for a completely new curriculum"
"If I attend, I'll be a guinea pig in a new curriculum (it looks promising, but still...)"
"Not much... "
"I didn't like that the medical students are all spread out. I think living together increases class cohesiveness. No summer after the first year, and school starts in July :(."
"Nothing that I can think of at the moment. "
"nothing much"
"grading scale "
"Nothing really...only thing is they are starting a brand-new curiculum next year which usually involoves a few bumps in the road so to speak."
"I was a bit worried about being the first to try the new curriculum, but it sounds exciting nonetheless."
"Nothing really, everything was great."
"Not Much. Though my 3 0n 3 interview wasn't great. I was nervous and stumbled through my first question. Then was asked a combative question. I had kind of a sick feeling after that, like I had blown a great opportunity. Also I think the student environment is one of the most competitive."
"The rain (but it's not normal, I'm a native)"
"Curriculum changes for next year seem sort of undefined and hazy"
"the tour was kinda long, but i felt like most of it was useful. maybe they can cut out the tour to the undergrad campus."
"The current facilities set-up -- lots of construction"
"Nothing much except I had to be there at 7:45AM."
"Not all the students were as outgoing as I expected, but then again, it was two days before their final joint exam, so it's understandable."
"Emory's curriculum is on the verge of changing and my class would be most likely straddling the sides of the change. Given Emory's strength with board scores and residency matches, I am honestly unconcerned about this, but I see how others could be troubled by it."
"The tour of Grady wasnt great. It was pretty standard."
"There is some major construction on the medical school buildings that won't be completed until 2007. I don't seem to understand the purpose of the group interview - while it's interesting to hear about other candidate's lives, you wind up doing that anyway from talking to everyone throughout the day. "
"Few good restaurants/bars within walking distance of campus; limited public transportation"
"not much, atlanta traffic is pretty rough."
"ummmm...its been 3 days since my interview and i'm still tryin to think of something negative...i'll get back to you on that one."
"you have to pay for parking..."
"Nothing. I loved everything about it."
"Costs a lot."
"Not shown several facilities including anatomy lab...led me to question if they were "hiding" them"
"Not much."
"the school is pretty far from the center of the city. i was expecting to be right in the middle of atlanta. in retrospect though, its probably better that the surrounding community is centered around emory - less distractions that way. everyone says you'll need a car if you go there, which may be a problem for me. "
"A,B,C... grading system. Need to take a shuttle to get to Grady (main teaching hospital), Grady seemed like a factory (good or bad for different people's tastes), panel interview was akward and I don't think it's a good way to look at candidates. "
"many of the labs & classrooms for the next few years will be borrowed from other programs and/or temporary because they are about to demolish & reconstruct a building, i wasn't sure how i felt about the extremely traditional curriculum (subjects taught separately, grades, little emphasis on pbl)"
"Nothing really. I love the school."
"traffic, ugh. i rented a car and had driven. i didn't know that it would take me so long!"
"The school's first two years of curriculum is not yet up to date with other schools. But, this doesn't seem to affect their pass rates on the boards. The tour was really long."
"I wasn't a fan of the group interview."
"Cost of living and tuition is high. I am not a big fun of the "old school" ABC grading interval - I think it makes students more competitive than cooperative."
"Weather wasn't great, otherwise it was a great visit."
"I really liked it a lot. If I had to pick something, I would say that their curriculum did not really wow me. I don't have any major complaints about it, but it did not strike me as being particulaly unique/innovative. "
"not much"
"The tour was pretty long. It seemed like they were just trying to have us kill time while the other half of the students were interviewing. Traffic in Atlanta is really bad."
"The day was too long. They could have condensed it down a little bit. I'm a little apprehensive about their "joint" exams, but supposedly they prepare you better for the boards."
"Nothing really. The day was pretty long, yet "almost fun". It's hard to find a pepsi one in coca cola country, and erica might not let you bring it in even if you found one (she is very nice though). "
"i've seen better lecture halls. i've seen worse too, but so much of the rest of the campus is immaculate, except those rooms. also, emory is a little behind in technology. i know of other schools that have lectures on streaming video, give students laptops and pda's, etc"
"lack of broad student research experience"
"not much really. maybe the traffic?"
"Nothing!!! It was a great experience."
"NOTHING. Day was very well-planned and structured, and overall just went smoothly....and this was the first day of Emory's interview season!"
"Emory is a very traditional school in the sense that there is a strong separation between the two years of sciences and the two years of medicine. They are slowly starting to integrate more patient contact, but at this point students don't even begin learning how to interview patients until the second semester of their second year."
"nothing really"
"I felt that the interviewers were going through the formality of giving the interviews. They were very nice, though they were distracted at times, which bothered me obviously. Also the diversity of the student body was lacking. "
"the classroom facilities- lecture rooms are small and cramped, although they do have plans to renovate."
"Sorry can't think of any!"
"Nothing really....the tour was a little too long but that's the only thing that I can really think of"
"The A-F grading system seems strenuous. Also, the Joints seem unnecessarily difficult. And it was a wet day - the interviewing day began very early (when it was still rather dark) and ended around 4:30, but since it was raining there wasn't much visibility, so I didn't really get a feel for the campus outside."
"It was raining and cold all day. But the day before and after the interview day was sunny. Weird. The tuition is higher than I thought (average = 51,000 per year). Time to get a summer job. lol"
"I tried and tried, but found nothing negative. Except that the rec center looked a little run down. "
"the school is FULL OF IT. the interviewers were very DISINTERESTED in the students interviewing on the panel. they seemed arrogant and rude, and it shows that the relationship between faculty and students must be less than pleasant mostly. also, students who stopped by were not very impressed and happy at the school. They seemed tired and one even bragged about how he wasted his senior year of college ... The student who led the tour was aloof and full of himself. Made it seem a little bit anti-social and competitive overall."
"grady hospital was pretty shitty, and the tour guide was also an interviewer, so it was like the entire day was an interview."
"Nothing really. Just had a couple hours to wait between lunch and my interviews in the afternoon, but Erica and current students kept us entertained while we waited."
"Everything seemed rushed and a bit disorganized. Some of the people (at least my fellow applicants) reminded me of the pretentious pre-meds at my school. Like the poster before me, I also felt that the admissions folk were actively recruiting the tokens amongst the candidates. I did not like the fact that our student tour guide was also our interviewer, and said person had already formed an impression of us by the time we actually interviewed, whereas the other interview group (the morning group) did not have this experience. Basically the group interview is crap... there's little to no group "interaction"... I felt like I wasn't being as candid as I am used to. Their propoganda about the Woodruff Scholarships was incorrect... Coca-Cola did not provide the largest donation ever to an educational institution... that tax write-off belongs to Wal-Mart and its $300 million dollar donation to the University of Arkansas. So again, I sort of have to agree with the previous poster about Emory's unwarranted elitism. But hey, I will take their money if they offer it."
"Emory seems to be very full of themselves. I got news for them; Emory Ain't all that. You would think the fith largest endowment for Universities, They would be ranked higher than they are. "
"The interviews were terrible. The faculty interviewer didn't appear to be paying attention to answers and was very distant. The group interview, while not stressful, was useless. The school didn't learn anything new about me over the two interviews nor seemed to want to learn anything further... they should have just read my application."
"The group interviewers were NOT friendly. The format was very rigid, and the interviewees were asked questions as if they were there alone (one-to-one). It was an awkward, stressful, and competitive setting. Furthermore, the faculty did not respond to interviewees so it felt very stressful. The school definitely gave off an aura of trying to seem "competitive" and such."
"Atlanta is VERY humid...couldn't imagine how bad it must be in the summer you can't order Dr. Pepper in most places :-("
"Grady (the public teaching hospital) is not very close to campus."
"students in the first and second year weren't exactly very impressed with the curriculum. almost all of them said that the best years were during the third and fourth when you really learn. "emory's strength is in the last two years" direct quote from tourguide"
"not much except that Grady, the main teaching hospital, isn't close to is like a 15-30 min drive"
"I wish we could have seen more of the hospitals on campus instead of spending so much time at Grady in the city"
"They did not care to impress me at at. Which I like. This school believes that it should be us to impress them not the other way around. I felt they were more honest (some times brutily) compare to Maryland where they are kissing your rear as soon as you get there. (i mean, do they just let anyone it?)"
"The group interview---I disliked this aspect of the interview."
"My individual interviewer scolded me for loving distance running because of wear and tear on the joints. His scolding lasted about 5 minutes..."
"Some students said that some teachers are not very compasionate"
"I'm still skeptical even the dean assured that the A-F grading system and block exam schedules are not that bad."
"The hospitals are spread out. This is an extremely liberal school. Questions were pointed in the three on three interview."
"The curriculum for years 1 and 2 is pretty traditional and possibly too difficult. I know several students at Emory who barely made it through their first two years, not because it was too hard for them, but because the school packs so much stuff in that it becomes psychologically draining. The M1s and 2s that I talked to didn't do much to dispel that impression--they seemed sane, but only barely so. Also, I grew up in Atlanta right down the street from Emory so going there would be tough--I'm ready to move on. Also, to people considering the school: if you're going to be happy in Atlanta, you really need to have a car. There are things to do, but they are geographically really spread out. "
"The traditional curriculum. Lots of hours in the classroom. No technology integrated into the curriculum. "
"the "traditionalism" of the school - they are very set in their ways and don't look to change any time soon. curriculum is traditional, as is the A-F grading; joint exams seem like they'd be very stressful; lack of ambulatory care education; students didn't strike me as terribly enthusiastic"
"There are a lot of down time, but you can go to classes."
"Grady is really far away from Emory, and the shuttle service between the two isnt that good."
"Nothing in particular."
"nothing that i can think of."
"The admissions staff flaunting how much money Emory has due to Coke. It became very annoying after a while. "
"The big downer about Emory is their pre clinical curriculum is pretty traditional. They dont have a ton of lecture time but they have block testing and straight letter grading, and I know my friends there are hyper stressed come exam time. You must have a car to live in Atlanta, no matter what anyone tells you."
"how far Grady, their main teaching hospital was from the med school and other parts of campus; joint exams on top of rough traditional curriculum --> seems to create a stressful atmosphere"
"The idea of a group interview was horrifying and had me nervous for days, but it was actually not as bad as I had feared. The cost of tuition is pretty high, even higher than many Ivy League schools. Real estate in downtown Atlanta is also pretty steep."
"older classroom facilities, cost"
"My one-on-one interviewer was incredibly cocky and kept talking about himself."
"The tour was a little long, but the lunch at Grady was good."
"Nothing really. I wonder why they stick to such a traditional curriculum, but it seems to work fine."
"Students did not seem to have as much free time as I am looking for in a program."
"The facilities, although they are in the process of being renovated, which is good."
"The panel was uncomfortable."
"grading policy (A through F)."
"old lecture hall. They're building a new one, though, and I heard a rumor that it's slated for completion for next year."
"the very traditional curriculum. the sort of run-down lecture halls and labs. "
"The joint test system, and letter grades."
"the lecture halls(no left handed desks, at least that I saw) and they have 5-6 people per anatomy tank"
"The 1st and 2nd-year lecturing/classroom facilities sorely need renovation. Grady Memorial Hospital looks like it would be an adventure."
"A,B,C,D,F grading system"
"Everything was amazing"
"the 3 hour tour of Grady and Emory University hospitals...we've all seen a hospital, they pretty much look the same. Also, the facilities were slightly outdated."
"Nothing really. The hospital food wasn't very good."
"The rigidity of the some of the faculty and the traditional curriculum. The curriculum is heavily lecture based, letter-graded, and the exams are all compressed into a single day each month. Also, the students appeared to be tired and not particularly enthusiastic about the school."
"How relaxed and un-stressful the questions were. My mock interviewer(s) drilled me compared to Emory's walk in the park questions. If you're not long-winded and a goo coversationlist, you'll love these interviews."
"It's a very long interview day, so be prepared for that. The group interview is two faculty and one med student vs three interviewees. It is very non-competitive and they basically just ask a question and go down the line and each person has a chance to answer."
"I wish we had been given a general itinerary of the day"
"The correct room number for interviewing, residents are also interviewing in the building"
"They only notify students by mail."
"Relax more. They want you to be there and to succeed."
"That the group interview would be so low stress"
"How long the tour would be. Wear comfortable shoes!"
"How much the length of the day would affect me. I had interviews in the morning so by the time that I got to the tour in the afternoon, I was so tired/sleepy that I didn't really get to enjoy it as much as with other schools. Also, in the group interview if your answer's too long the interviewer will tell you to skip ahead and get to the point. Also, make sure to have something ready for the random fact about yourself that they do at the beginning of interview day."
"My student host was late getting me to the interview because she under-estimated how long it would take to get to the school, park, and walk over to the admissions office."
"Nothing, it went fine"
"I should've eaten a more substantial breakfast. The unlimited supply of cookies and Coca-cola products was nice, but not particularly filling."
"The group interview is nothing to fear. It's the one-on-one that is more in-depth."
"How much I would love Emory and the AMAZINGNESS of the students. (I thought everyone would be geeky and anti-social)"
"When they say bring confortable shoes they're serious. The campus is HUGE and you get a comprehensive tour. Ladies bring flats or sneakers! Seriously no one will look at you funny."
"To have scripted answers for the questions asked in the group interview. It's really all about being perfectly composed."
"Length of the day -- it's a doozy."
"That I would love the school so much."
"that I would crash during my second a HUGE breakfast and bring snacks. "
"That the day would complicate my decision even further. It was amazing! And I got to see Grady from a completely different perspective."
"That I didn't really need a change of shoes for the tour and that my suit trousers were suddenly too big for me."
"Both the group and the one-on-one interviews were closed file, though all 4 interviewers did have the personal statement. "
"Public Transportation in Atlanta blows!"
"The interview day is as relaxed as you could imagine, given the circumstances."
"how long the bus ride to grady would be."
"they feed you a million times, so you do not need to eat anything beforehand or bring any food, even if you're a crazy eater like me! everyone is super nice and helpful, so don't worry about not being able to find anything or not knowing how to get back to the aiport or really anything... they totally take care of you!"
"I didn't need to stress at all. They don't grill you during the interview, they just want to make sure you aren't a weirdo. "
"Atlanta is underrated as a town"
"Grady Hospital ie, the opportunities and the need for funds and help"
"How friendly everyone would be."
"You need a car to get around Atlanta. "
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?