Chronicles of a Med Student: Enjoy Every Moment of Med School

Chronicles of a Med Student

One of the things I enjoy most about writing this med school column is that I get to tell a unique story from a unique point of view. No two people will have the same set of experiences in med school, and I’m so glad I get to share mine. It helps me in two ways: I get to keep track of all of my crazy happenings, and I get to pause for a moment and reflect on all of them. Medical school, I’ve found, progresses so fast. Honestly, the nervous excitement I felt on my first day still lingers as though it happened yesterday. It has really flown by, and to quote some users on the forums section of the site, “residency will be here after what seems like the blink of an eye”. I’m not to residency yet obviously, but at the rate things are going, I have no evidence against this statement. It will probably be the fastest four years of my life (actually, only 3.5 now! See how quickly that went?). I’m still so used to replying to the question “So how many more years do you have left?” with 4. But it’s zipping by.

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Chronicles of a Med Student: Time for a Reality Check

Chronicles of a Med Student

I was about to burst with excitement the minute I started medical school. I’m pretty sure I was actually giddy: like so many other pre-meds, I had dreamt of the day when I would finally put my pretty white coat on and actually start learning about things I cared about (that’s not to say everything I’d learned previously was useless—it absolutely wasn’t, but it wasn’t what I wanted). It felt like the longest road just to get to this point and I couldn’t even begin to fathom what was to come. It really was like the journey had ended…instead of just begun.

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Chronicles of a Med Student: We’re All In This Together

Chronicles of a Med Student

Walking into my first day of medical school was a little like walking into my first day of kindergarten (if my memory does not fail me). Everything was brand new: I was being exposed to a new way of learning in a new environment, where people had new expectations of me, and where I was going to start from square one and build up a new circle of friends. I had carried the same set of friends in grade school and though I thought initially that college would’ve felt like this on my first day, it didn’t. I had a lot of friends from high school go to the same college as me, so it just felt like we were hanging out in a new place. And again college is very different from medical school in more ways than I can put into a coherent list. Starting medical school was unlike any other start in my life (besides kindergarten, of course). What if I had forgotten how to make new friends from scratch?!

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Chronicles of a Med Student: And So It Begins!

Chronicles of a Med Student

The minute the tasseled hat flew off of my head after “Pomp and Circumstance”, I knew I was no longer a kid. What a startling realization–one I’m sure many of you have experienced–for someone who has led a fairly sheltered life! Let me confess one little thing: I was scared. Not just an ordinary level of scared. The kind of scared that catches you by surprise to the point where you start bawling on your graduation day with your bedazzled cap and a brand new bachelor’s degree in your hand. I was taking a gap year and had no idea which direction my life was going to go next. I knew what I had been working for my entire life: medical school. But this was not the feeling I had anticipated when I completed my undergraduate career. I had practically planned my life out since I was in middle school: I was going to go straight from high school to college to medical school to a career. But things had changed; I had grown a little tired of the academic life and wanted to experience something new. I wanted to live a little! But figuring out what to do next and how to do it was intimidating.

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