Pharmacy Advice before starting per diem pharmacist job

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I am a May 2019 graduate and have been having a very hard time finding a job. Just this past week I was able to secure a Per Diem Pharmacist position at an outpatient/retail pharmacy. I’ll be only working for one 8 hr shift this Friday, but I’m worried because I’m not going to get any training for the position so I don’t know how the software works beforehand and this will be my first time working as a pharmacist. It’ll just be me as the pharmacist and some technicians, but I’m still pretty nervous because I have no idea what to expect. Is there anything I should keep in mind before I start or is there anything I should contact the PIC about prior to starting?
It depends on what the function is. Is this a chain or an independent? If it is a chain, you do get some training. If an independent, you might have to go in for free.

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Thanks for the reply! It’s for a chain pharmacy, but I don’t think the pharmacy itself is very large. I got the job through a staffing agency because the company has a national meeting and needs coverage for just this Friday. The agency even told me that they actually had to find coverage for this chain in different parts of the country (US). I talked to the PIC that I’m covering for and he gave me his number to contact him if I need anything, but I have to admit I’m still a bit nervous :/
Don't worry about it then, just stand there and verify if you're a per diem contractor.
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