AMCAS ESSAY HELP...Feel free to PM to me

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Feb 4, 2002
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Essay Readers:

bebe2 (computer problems, no longer accepting)
Blitzkrieg (PM or Email)
CalBear (no longer accepting)
Crazy Carl (no longer accepting)
Jalbrekt (not currently accepting)
Jedi In Training
jmejia1 (email)
Laura JC (email)
oldman (email)
praying4MD (not currently accepting)
relatively prime (no more until July 7th)
vyc (email)

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•••quote:•••Originally posted by oldman:
•I keep seeing lots of people asking for help on their Personal Statement. If you want I am willing to read them over and critique them. I'm sure some other members would be willing to do so as well.•••••:) that is so nice of you!! :)
•••quote:•••Originally posted by oldman:
•I keep seeing lots of people asking for help on their Personal Statement. If you want I am willing to read them over and critique them. I'm sure some other members would be willing to do so as well.•••••How can I PM you ? I agree this is nice of you !!!
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See this icon:

<img src="" alt=" - " />

there should be one like that above. click on that!
hi oldman
I sent you a PM - thanks so much!
Hmm...anyone else want to help read essays? Some of those people in the current application cycle are shy and not sure who they can ask for help. :)
don't bother asking how to send me the essay

just PM the essay! :)

btw, just think of me as another opinion. everyone will have different opinions. the final say on your personal statement is you!

my advice is to get as many sets of opinions as fresh eyes can sometimes give fresh insight.

plz czech PMs.

tenks :-D
Since oldman appears to be inundated with essays, I'll make the same offer. If you guys want some opinions on your essays, send em over.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Blitzkrieg:

plz czech PMs.

tenks :-D•••••the reply will soon be in your pm box :)
•••quote:•••Originally posted by rxfudd:
•Since oldman appears to be inundated with essays, I'll make the same offer. If you guys want some opinions on your essays, send em over.•••••rxfudd. didn't want to continue to inundate oldman. thanks for the offer. i sent you a pm.
Well I just read through all the essays in my PM box.

Some general comments

1. I choose to write about why I want to do medicine in my essay. I don't think it's required, but it might be an underlying theme you place in your essay.

2. Show! don't tell. I think anecdotes and great imagery help make an essay interesting and memorable.

3. This essay is a short one. About a page in length. Thus it has to have a clear thesis that gets to the point. Say one thing in this essay and say it well.
OK, OK, I'll do it too. Geez, what am I getting myself into? Please only send 3rd or 4th drafts!! :D
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•••quote:•••Originally posted by SMW:
•Please only send 3rd or 4th drafts!! :D •••••Damn, I should've thought of that...
•••quote:•••Originally posted by SMW:
•OK, OK, I'll do it too. Geez, what am I getting myself into? Please only send 3rd or 4th drafts!! :D •••••SMW,

I just sent you a PM
aww what the hell.....all I do is anus around all day waiting for med school to I'd be happy to join in on the readings....PM me your essays if you want a 23945th opinion (one shy of enough)
I like to say "DAMN, YOU GUYS ARE DOING A GREAT JOB HELPING THOSE BELOW YOU IN THE GAME!!!", you guys are showing that not all premeds are grade-hungry, no-life, shallow-type geeks. You know, I could be seeing myself next year offering my services of reading AMCAS ESSAY at this same site to newbie premeds. Till then I'll just keep on writing up these AMCAS ESSAY.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Sm00th13:
•I like to say "DAMN, YOU GUYS ARE DOING A GREAT JOB HELPING THOSE BELOW YOU IN THE GAME!!!", you guys are showing that not all premeds are grade-hungry, no-life, shallow-type geeks. You know, I could be seeing myself next year offering my services of reading AMCAS ESSAY at this same site to newbie premeds. Till then I'll just keep on writing up these AMCAS ESSAY.•••••if you feel like you need another set of eyes. there are many volunteers here. :)
Another volunteer here. PM me if you want me to read over your personal statement. I guess we liberal arts majors should be good for something... although I haven't quite figured out what yet. :D
i've already read a few essays but i'm more than happy to read more.

it would be nicest if you could email me a copy of it at [email protected]

i have a minor in english and was a peer premed adviser at my school this year.

i won't have access to email from June 1st through June 14th but feel free to bombard me anyway. i have time this week and will definitely catch up once i'm back online.
you go girl! :)

•••quote:•••Originally posted by vyc:
•i've already read a few essays but i'm more than happy to read more.

it would be nicest if you could email me a copy of it at [email protected]

i have a minor in english and was a peer premed adviser at my school this year.

i won't have access to email from June 1st through June 14th but feel free to bombard me anyway. i have time this week and will definitely catch up once i'm back online.•••••
wow, you guys are so nice :) thanks!
•••quote:•••Originally posted by SMW:
•OK, OK, I'll do it too. Geez, what am I getting myself into? Please only send 3rd or 4th drafts!! :D •••••I'm glad you said that! I think the most work comes after the first draft. Anyone turning in a first, rough draft is being kind of lazy. I have a friend who did that to me. There were so many corrections to make!

You guys are so cool to do this! I will definitely take you guys up on it when the time comes.

Hopefully I'll get going soon. :)
I just wanted to say, please give me a little time to get back to you. I have gotten back within a day or so for most of you, but the inbox is just filling up now. I like to take a lot of time with these and make comments within the essay and also general comments after reading over it twice, which will explain any delays in getting back to you.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by praying4MD:
•I just wanted to say, please give me a little time to get back to you. I have gotten back within a day or so for most of you, but the inbox is just filling up now. I like to take a lot of time with these and make comments within the essay and also general comments after reading over it twice, which will explain any delays in getting back to you.•••••I'll second this - it may take a day or two. You guys are pretty quick on the draw...
I'll join in. As long as you guys read this:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
i'm really sorry i posted the wrong email address earlier. careless me!

i've since edited my post.
here's the right email address:
[email protected]

i like reading the essays in word processor format (preferably Word) bc then i can print it out, write all over it, and transfer those comments using the Comments function in Word, which i think is really helpful. plus, give general feedback.

that's why i ask that you email me the essay instead of PM-ing it.
I'll join the senior SDNers and offer to give feedback on Personal statements. I think the more advice or feedback you get, the better you'll be able to mold a very strong PS.

At my interviews, several times I was told my PS was very good and enjoyable to read, so I feel I can be of some service.

Lastly, please EMAIL me the PS instead of PMing it.
I'll help too if someone wants me to read theirs and make suggestions. Getting numerous perspectives would definitely help (it did me...but I relied mainly on family).

As SMW suggested, PLEASE proofread first, so I won't have to correct blatant grammatical errors :D
I'll offer my services as well. :D
you guys are all great, thanks!
I just noticed this thread. I can also help you with your essay - I received many compliments on mine so I may be able to give advice. Just PM me.
I'd be more than glad to read personal statements and offer feedback as well. By no means am I an English wiz but I've read plenty of personal statements in the past.

Also, I think it is a matter of personal preference but "the more, the better" doesn't necessarily apply when you are having your personal statement evaluated. That is, don't feel as though you have to have EVERY single person you come across read your essay. Choose wisely in order to get balanced perspectives. Good luck!
How long will you guys be offering this service? :D
If you are PMing someone on this thread your essay, could you please include your e-mail address so that we can contact you more easily? That said, would the two people who PMed me please send me their e-mail addresses as well. I've read your essays and have some comments I'd like to share with you.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Lavndrrose:
•How long will you guys be offering this service? :D •••••i'll keep offering it until i start school :) by then it ought to be too late! j/k!
i'm going to be out of town next week, so if you want faster results PM someone else near the end of the week. :)

i have 4 qeued up now.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Lavndrrose:
•How long will you guys be offering this service? :D •••••i said in a previous post but i'll repeat it here.
i have some time today and tomorrow (Wednesday) but after that i'll be without internet until June 14th or so. i should have time throughout the summer though so keep the essays coming and i'll catch up when i can.
You guys are AWESOME!!!!!
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I have two more essays to go and I cannot be taking anymore after Wednesday of this week. Sorry, but I will be able to take others later on-- perhaps sometime in mid-June.

Good luck everyone and if you want me to read yours, then I need it before wednesday! :)
•••quote:•••Originally posted by praying4MD:
•I have two more essays to go•••••Make that three more essays to go. :p
lol, this reminds me of a "bidding game..."...

One..going for one...I got two...who's got two... <img border="0" alt="[Laughy]" title="" src="graemlins/laughy.gif" /> You're all wonderful. God bless you.

I am willing to read and critique essays, but only e-mail them to me if you REALLY WANT THE TRUTH AND SUGGESTIONS! :)
And by the way, here is a link to my own personal statement:
<a href="" target="_blank">My Medical School Personal Statement</a>
As of noon tomorrow, I will no longer be accepting essays. Sorry guys. :( Maybe sometime in the summer again, but I am going out of town soon.

{Cool, I feel like a prof right about now with all these deadlines and criticisms.} :D
Do you want to know one thing that really pisses me off. People who don't say thank you when you do them a favor.