Any UMass news?

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Hey Fellas!

It took me about five weeks to figure out how to activate my account :confused: so even though this is my first post I've been following this thread since February. Just wanted to let you know that I was also accepted off the wait list on Saturday, 5/16. To those of you still waiting, if it helps any, I wrote a page letter to Paraskos stating my reasons for wanting to go to UMMS. I also mentioned a couple articles that I am in the process of publishing. I'm not sure how much this helped me, but I would recommend doing it if you haven't already. I know how agonizing the wait list can be, so hang in there!

Congratulations to ErinT, linguo1, and tedstriker! :clap: I'm looking forward to having you as classmates.

Also, JumboFool you better get in man! Not only do you seem like a great guy, but I need a colleague in med school who understands the intricacies of fantasy baseball. :D I'm an addict as well, won my league the past two years but I'm sucking it up this year with Buerhle (5th round), Konerko (9th round), and Beckett (10th). Thank god for Arod and Mark Prior!

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Thanks for the positive vibes Alabama. :cool: I'm hoping I get to be one of the few representatives at this August orientation you all seem to be skipping ;) For now, I can play the waiting game as long as they need me to.

Switching to Fantasy baseball news, Bama, I hope you didn't start Buerhle last night (10H, 5ER, 4BB in 6 innings). Youch. He's been a bust this year, but he did win 19 last year, so stay with him. I have Lowe, so I'm in a similar situation. They'll sort things out. I also had the good fortune of drafting Robb Nen, so now my closer situation is shaky. I snagged Lyon when it looked like he would get the job, but there doesn't seem to be much security there. On the plus side, I did get Soriano with my first pick (don't worry guys, I'm still a sox fan :laugh: ).
bumping this thread...

any new info out there fellow wait-listers???
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Still no word from UMass for me, but I'm keepin hope alive.

If it's ok with everyone, I want to deviate a little bit from the original intent of this thread (pure UMass news), though this issue is germane to UMass and potentially all of our situations. Just wanted to open this up to public debate and see what ppl. think, because I value all your opinions and could certainly use your advice.

Also, as a disclaimer, please don't take this the wrong way. You guys *know* how much I would love to get in and go to UMass. But my situation is such that I am forced to wonder what I would do if I did get into UMass, and had to choose between UMass and Einstein.

I've been wondering a lot recently about the whole public vs. private school question. AECOM is one of my top choices, and somewhere I'm sure many of us would be very happy to end up for Med School. I really loved the school when I visited. They have brand new everything - from classrooms and facilities to a Children's Hospital. It's P/F for the first year (perhaps 2?), it's in NYC, they have sweet housing, students are so happy, it has a great rep. and a very strong matchlist in many different specialty areas. I remember feeling like the medical world might lie at my fingertips were I to go there.

Here's the honesty: I wasn't as "enamored" with UMass overall. While they provide eveything you need to get a solid education, and the students were really cool and extremely bright, I just wasn't as...impressed, I suppose, in comparison to some of the other schools I visited. The school is kinda tacked onto the hospital, the lab is your standard basement, and there isn't any student housing so 99/100 students live out in Worcester and need a car (I don't have one).

I dunno. Simply put, I guess I feel like I might feel like I might get more opportunity in New York. And here's the crucial part. *Since I don't know what I want to go into, it's very important that my school give me every opportunity to place into a great residency in whatever I decide to practice.* That's one of the reasons why we all want to go to good schools, isn't it? Now, these are both fantastic schools, but truthfully I feel like Einstein might have my back more were I to pick a competative specialty.

I sorta view going to a private school as a $200,000 insurance policy. If I knew I wanted to do primary care, I would go to UMass in an instant (if I could!). Hell, it's their mission statement to train PC docs for our commonwealth. But I do want to cover all my bases. If I fall in love with some type of specialty during my rotations, I want to know that my school, by virutue of being what it is, will help me secure a great job in that field.

sigh. This is all a bit inarticulate, but I just want to know how some of you feel. What kinds of things would you think about in a similar situation? Have any of you withdrawn from one of your top private choices to go to UMass?

Thanks guys, I look forward to your responses.

I think I kind of understand what you are fact, I think I went through the same situation, just in reverse. I had gotten an acceptance to UMass, but was still waiting to hear from a private school with a "bigger name" (sorry, don't quite know how to phrase that - perhaps just a private school that doesn't specifically emphasize primary care??) - and what was keeping me up at night was that I really didn't know what I would do if I got into both. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of UMass - I went there for undergrad and am psyched that I will get to spend the next four years in the UMass system, but like you I am undecided about what aspect of medicine I am truely interested in. At first, I wasn't worried about this regarding UMass, but then I had one of my interviewers tell me that if I wanted to go into a specialty that was diffult to match in, then I shouldn't come to UMass - I was blown away. Don't get me wrong, he did tell me that it was possible to match to any specialty coming from anywhere, but he said that it would be much more difficult coming from that made me wary. Anyway, I luckily (??) didn't have to make the choice as I didn't get into my other school, but I honestly don't know what I would have done.

So, I dont envy you having to make that choice (I am confident you will be given the choice and be pulled off the waitlist). I guess my advice is to go with your gut. Deep down you know which school you really want to go to. The price tag on the other school is big and tough to swallow, but if you LOVE Einstein and know you would be happier there the money will be worth it.

Sorry to ramble for so long - just my $0.02 - I am sure there are many other opinions out there...Good Luck JumboFool, both with the waitlist and your decision. Either way you will get a great education!
Nothing wrong in my opinion choosing Einstein over UMass. Did you write a letter of intent to UMass though? If so, and if you prefer Einstein, I would withdraw from UMass ASAP, because you don't want UMass to accept you and then reneg on your promise. If you didn't write any intent letter, you got a while to decide still.

I've played the same debate in my head choosing between UMass and Jefferson- but in my case, UMass gets the nudge.

Good luck!
Thanks for the responses guys. JlazyMD, I didn't write a letter of intent to UMass...I was never certain enough that I wanted to go *anywhere* to write one, which is probably why I'm torn in this hypothetical UMass/Einstein comparison. I didn't apply to Jefferson, so I haven't seen the school, but I have read some stong reviews. In picking UMass, do you feel that you are giving up on something that Jefferson could offer you that UMass won't equal? Obviously, there's the UMass financial benefit, but in your mind, are you sacrificing anything?

AEG, I'm a bit shocked that your interviewer told you that about specializing. I had two specialists for my interviewers, both of whom went to UMass. I definitely felt like UMass was trying to not-so-subtly tell me something with that. However, one of my interviewers, even though he was exaggerating, did make a similar point to yours. He told me that if I knew I wanted to be, say, a pediatric neurosurgeon, I should go to my other acceptance at the time. Obviously, he meant "any competitive speciality," and not just ped. neuro. in saying what he did. But he said that if I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, then I could rest assured that UMass could give me a solid medical education. There's a lot to read between those lines, I think, but the face value is also important.

I'll list points in each schools favor between Jefferson and UMass (you could probably substitute Einstein for Jeff in most cases, though Einstein is if anything a bit better that Jeff in each respect).


1) Match to competative residencies
2) Well funded, private school slightly pampered feel.
3) Very nice city center campus
4) Most students live on campus in nice apartments, giving a nice sense of community
5) Excellent choice of clinical training hospitals
6) Faculty- the ones I met there were most excellent.


1) money
2) for me, practical as my wife is currently a boston student
3) state school, unpretentious feel
4) Students. I liked the students I met at UMass a lot. Less competative than at Jefferson

For me, the money and practicality of UMass outweigh the advantages of Jefferson. In truth though, I'm pretty stoked to attend either one- and I'm sure you feel the same way.
Just to let you know there will be another spot opening up.
Hey Jumbo, I had been thinking some similar things before I got into UMass. I'm happy as a clam going to UMass, but I would say that if you liked AECOM better you shouldn't feel bad about turning down UMass. Write Einstein a letter of intent asap (I hear they like those) and don't give it a second thought. Think about it this way: if you should happen not to get into Einstein and do get into UMass, you'll feel as though you'd given it your best at what you thought to be your first-choice school. The last thing you want--especially at this stage of the process--is to have regrets! Good luck though, we're all pullin fer ya :clap:
Originally posted by tedstriker
Hey Jumbo, I had been thinking some similar things before I got into UMass. I'm happy as a clam going to UMass, but I would say that if you liked AECOM better you shouldn't feel bad about turning down UMass. Write Einstein a letter of intent asap (I hear they like those) and don't give it a second thought. Think about it this way: if you should happen not to get into Einstein and do get into UMass, you'll feel as though you'd given it your best at what you thought to be your first-choice school. The last thing you want--especially at this stage of the process--is to have regrets! Good luck though, we're all pullin fer ya :clap:

I think you got it backwards... he's into Einstein and WLed at UMass.
Oh whoops. I'll lay off the crack now :cool:

Maybe you should visit UMass again, and talk with folks there? Tell them your situation and make the most informed decision you can. I'd stay on the WL until I was absolutely certain I wanted Einstein...

But then again, I'm biased :laugh:
I'd stay on the WL until I was absolutely certain I wanted Einstein...

You can rest assured I'll be doing that. My mind isn't made up at all.

Yeah, for a sec there Teddy, I thought you were doin' the crack again. But another visit to UMass is a good idea. I know a couple of students there, so maybe talking to them will help me sort through things.

Einstein has something called the "Uncle Albert" club which just puts you in touch with a current student who may have come from a similar situation (undergrad, state of residence, etc) as you. I'm gonna call this guy tonight and ask him if or why he chose Einstein over UMass. Hopefully he'lll have made the decision.
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Originally posted by AEG

I think I kind of understand what you are fact, I think I went through the same situation, just in reverse. I had gotten an acceptance to UMass, but was still waiting to hear from a private school with a "bigger name" (sorry, don't quite know how to phrase that - perhaps just a private school that doesn't specifically emphasize primary care??) - and what was keeping me up at night was that I really didn't know what I would do if I got into both. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of UMass - I went there for undergrad and am psyched that I will get to spend the next four years in the UMass system, but like you I am undecided about what aspect of medicine I am truely interested in. At first, I wasn't worried about this regarding UMass, but then I had one of my interviewers tell me that if I wanted to go into a specialty that was diffult to match in, then I shouldn't come to UMass - I was blown away. Don't get me wrong, he did tell me that it was possible to match to any specialty coming from anywhere, but he said that it would be much more difficult coming from that made me wary. Anyway, I luckily (??) didn't have to make the choice as I didn't get into my other school, but I honestly don't know what I would have done.

So, I dont envy you having to make that choice (I am confident you will be given the choice and be pulled off the waitlist). I guess my advice is to go with your gut. Deep down you know which school you really want to go to. The price tag on the other school is big and tough to swallow, but if you LOVE Einstein and know you would be happier there the money will be worth it.

Sorry to ramble for so long - just my $0.02 - I am sure there are many other opinions out there...Good Luck JumboFool, both with the waitlist and your decision. Either way you will get a great education!

who was your interviewer? i had an interviewer who told me not to come to umass if i wanted to match to a really competitive residency. everyone else i talked to, though - others who were much better informed - told me that this was not true and that umass students frequently matched to top programs.
Honestly, I don't remember his name, but I do agree with you. Others told me that UMass has a great rep and it is possible to match to top programs. I was just so shocked - everyone tries to portray their schools in the best light and he was basically saying difficult specialty=no UMass. Everything I have heard from doctor's I know now have told me that UMass is a great place to be...

It's probably difficult to match to a difficult residency program no matter where you go to school...

has anyone on the umass waitlist heard anything lately? anything, anything at all? i hope some spots will still open up!
just checking now that the search function is enabled again.
any waitlist news? i got up the courage to call the admissions office a couple of weeks ago but was told to keep waiting. still keep my fingers crossed! :)
I got an email saying they were making their last few decisions and wanted to know if I was still interested. The email said they would let me know one way or another promptly. We will see, I guess.
Some waitlist movement at last! I'm excited to be joining the UMMS class of 2007! Wow, I'd nearly decided to withdraw last week just to be settled at the school I was holding, but I guess good things come to those who wait. Good luck to those still waiting, there is still hope!
Big congrats to you! That's awesome and you'll love the school.

And definitely go on M.O.E. -- if you don't, you'll regret it. Maybe I'll see ya' around school. Again, congrats.

What is MOE and how do I sign up? I hope its not too late! I havn't gotten any mail yet from UMass
MOE is the UMass OUtdoor Experience, which is a 4-day hiking/camping/drinking (mostly) trip right before school starts. It's a blast and a great way to meet your classmates! You should have gotten something about it in your acceptance package. If not, I'd call the Admissions Office. Check into it. YOu don't want to miss out.

congratulations jlazymd!!!! oh my goodness, i nearly fell off my chair when i saw there's been waitlist movement at umass. do you have any advice? have you been sending regular letters or emails? so happy to hear your good news! :)
kat7- Thanks! Around May 15th I wrote them an update letter/letter of intent. And that is pretty much it. I didn't write or call after that, except one call to make sure they had recieved my acceptance to the waitlist. I'm not sure how important this frequent letters/calls thing really is, as I had good luck on waitlists without really doing much. Best of Luck to You!
jlazy, i couldn't be more psyched for you! see you on MOE in a couple of weeks...i too have heard it's a blast.
Wow, it's good to see that there are several people going to UMass on SDN. Last year, there were only like 2 of us. Anyway, best of luck to you guys next year (or in 2 weeks, rather -- ugh!). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
