Anybody from UCLA med?

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Jul 10, 2001
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I was wondering if anybody on this thing goes to UCLA med. I'm really interested in the school and wanted to get a med student's opinion on it. I'm new to this site so hi to everyone else too.

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Sorry Popoy. Sorry Electra. Beat you both! Heh heh...


TrustinGod, Welcome to!!! UCLA's a great school being I live in the area currently. I'm not a med student there, but I'm sure someone can help you out! Good luck.
ahem :D

don't go to the medical school. Undergrad....

here is the insider's tough getting into the school....last time I checked is ranked 10th. They are building a new hospital facility is planned to be completed 2004. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR THAT EVERYBODY LOVES....IT IS SUPPOSEDLY ONE OF THE EASIEST MEDICAL SCHOOLS IN TERMS OF CURRICULUM. I've heard from my friends who go there that the curriculum is far easier than undergrad :mad:

undergrad is tough....

It is a pass/fail system, and most of the pple I talk to are extremely happy. I don't think I have ever seen a medical student that is stressed out....of course it could be because they are all smart.....


I HATE LA.....thank u...sick of this place...sorry Los angelinos, but a NEW YORKER IS NEW's in my blood.... :D
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I like the LA area, I went to school in the Bay area for four years. I am mostly curious about the Drew/UCLA program. Anybody know? Oh and thanks for the welcome ya'll :)
I go to UCLA Undergrad. Rumor has it that the med school is easier than the undergrad. Go figure? Every med student loves the place, and they all get great board scores, residencies, etc. Amazing research too. Plus, can't beat the sunshine, the beaches, Westwood, and the L.A. night life.

Then you wonder why it's so hard to get in? :confused:

Good luck!
Add to that cheap tuition, very cheap compared to most "private schools"...

I think most of the top ten schools excluding UCSF are private....hence it is sought after :D

personally, I think new york is better...more culture to it....Take away the sunshine, beaches, and westwood, and ur left with pollution, population, and don't forget the traffic, GOSH the traffic....

honestly, I think the best place to live in the whole world is in Long Island New york. A combination of nice suburban life, and yet 1 hour away form the capital of the world? :D

Gosh, u know if UCLA were in LI = long island instead of would have been my number 1 choice.....
Hi TrustinGod,

HOw are you? This is the info I have on Drew/UCLA.

1) the first two years of the program you actually take classes in UCLA with ucla students. Then the last two years of medical school you do it in King Drew University aka Martin Luther King Hospital... :D

2) This school is mostly reserved for minority students. Since it caters to the minority community...

3) However, non-minority students, have a slim chance of getting into the program. However, you must show evidence of volunteer work in an underepresented community or a history of volunteering in the minority community.

It is a very good program, and personally no one should get the idea that this is an "easy program" since the first two years you are taking the exact curriculum of UCLA students. The program has the UCLA affliation and the name which makes it prestigious I think. However, it is mostly for pple who have or wish to have strong ties with the minority community....

hope that sheds some light....and I hope I haven't misinformed anyone....all the best :D
Thanks Moe. I think I'll definitely be applying there.
The MD degree that you will get, I think, do not bear name of UCLA, but only of Drew University. I know this does not matter at all, but like to point out for future applicant.
Originally posted by Ryu:
•The MD degree that you will get, I think, do not bear name of UCLA, but only of Drew University. I know this does not matter at all, but like to point out for future applicant.•

It's true. You will be a graduate from Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. Another point to add is that the Drew/UCLA program consists of only 24 people. I think they usually have about a thousand or so applicants and offer acceptances to 48 people with 24 people eventually matriculating.

An applicant does not necessarily have to minority or disadvantage, but he/she must show a strong interest in helping the underserved communities such as the community the Drew Univ. is situated in.

King/Drew Hospital is also a county hospital, which might be of interest to some people.
